2763 search results for:

The anatomy of anisotropic diffusion filters

Xinxiang Li

…Summary This paper provides a detailed analysis of how anisotropic diffusion filters work on seismic data. The conventional trace mixing filter is shown to be an implementation of a specific diffusion process. Diffusion filters have different forms, ranging from the simplest linear isotropic (L-I) diffusion to the most complex nonlinear…

Article | May 2005

Ashley Francis

An Interview with Ashley Francis

…Can you begin by telling us something about your early education and your work experience? Okay, well I started with a joint honours degree in Oceanography and Soil Science from the University of Wales in 1984. I really went there to spend three years enjoying rock climbing but at the…

Interview | May 2005

Executive Message

…I celebrated my fifth year with the CSEG on March 1st. The changes have been several in those five years. From the many different individuals that I have been associated with, either on the executive or from the many committees that have served the CSEG. The different levels of expertise…

Board Message | May 2005

CAGC Column

…“The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things…” In the vein of Lewis Carroll’s popular work, Through the Looking Glass, this is one of my favourite quotes. In any case it leads me into a call for someone with a little time and too much to…

CAGC Column | May 2005

Expert Answers

…Question Fluid substitution essentially refers to prediction of seismic velocities in rocks saturated with one fluid from dry rocks or rocks saturated with another fluid. Gassmann’s equation has been frequently used for such prediction of effects of fluid saturation on seismic properties. What are the assumptions on which Gassman’s equation…

Expert Answers | May 2005

Seismic Gourmet

…Antonio’s Garlic Clove (Garlic Anyone?) Well, it’s a Monday night, the article is late, and the Hitmen are still playing! Since the culinary choices at “The Dome” are somewhat limited, we decided to pop into a little restaurant on 4th Street that has been highly recommended by several people. To…

Seismic Gourmet | May 2005

Tracing the Industry

…Light up the World and Reduce your Income Tax I have decided to use the Tracing the Industry column this month to do a bit of shameless fund raising. The CSEG convention has chosen Light up the World (www.lutw.org) as the charity that will benefit from our charity auction. They…

Tracing the Industry | May 2005


…Young Geophysicists Forum The Young Geophysicist Forum (YGF) is a networking opportunity for geophysicists who are new to the industry (five years of experience and under) to establish relationships with members of the geophysical community, particularly the members of the Chief Geophysicists Forum (CGF) and senior interpreters. Students are also…

Grapevine | May 2005

Ken Larner

An Interview with Ken Larner

…Ken, you are a well known name in the geophysical industry and have made enormous contributions to the discipline. I would like to begin by asking you about your educational background and experience, and all that. Okay. I first became interested in geophysics in my junior year of high school.…

Interview | April 2005

Executive Message

…At the end of my three year tenure, I am struck by the achievements of the CSEG as a relatively small society compared to the SEG or EAGE. We have an enviable balance sheet and continue to generate surplus funds from events such as the Doodletrain and the Annual Convention.…

Board Message | April 2005

CAGC Column

…In early December, a small group from the Line Width Steering Committee within CAGC, CAPP GEO and SEPAC met to consider approaches to establishing a response to the Alberta Government’s request to initiate action on reducing seismic line widths. A decision was made to retain a consultant to develop an…

CAGC Column | April 2005

Expert Answers

…Question A common form of anisotropy observed in many geological settings is Transverse Isotropy (TI) where the reference axis or axis of symmetry is normal to the bedding surfaces. For simple layer-cake type models the symmetry axis is vertical and the anisotropy is known as Vertical Transverse Isotropy (VTI). Grain…

Expert Answers | April 2005

Seismic Gourmet

…The Verve (Familia il Ristorante) Thank heavens it’s spring finally and NHL playoff hockey is again among us! Okay, so in reality it’s –10, has been snowing for a week and the NHL is long gone. Fear not however as the Hitmen are in and I’m here to tell you…

Seismic Gourmet | April 2005

Tracing the Industry

…How I got into Geophysics... Ron Larson, Apache Canada Ltd. Carmen has been relentless with her requests for me to provide a narrative of how I decided to become a geophysicist. Given that the idea for this part of the column was partly mine, I have relented. I went to…

Tracing the Industry | April 2005


…Annual Survey of Surveying and Mapping Services 2003 The surveying and mapping industry is composed primarily of two different activities, namely geophysical surveying, which provides services to the mineral, oil and gas industry, and land surveying. This industry generated $ 1.87 billion in operating revenues in 2003, up 1.8% over…

Grapevine | April 2005

Spectral Decomposition

Greg Partyka

…Limited signal bandwidth and abundant thin layering interact to produce tuned seismic reflections with peaks, troughs and zero-crossings that rarely follow true geologic boundaries. Such interference plagues traditional seismic methods and hinders the extraction and characterization of subsurface information. While conventional interpretation techniques require constant attention to the source wavelet…

Luncheon | April 2005

2-D Resistivity Surveying for Hydrocarbons – A Primer

Paul Bauman

…Abstract 2-D resistivity surveying is a technique that has taken advantage of solid state relays and modern inversion techniques to make an evolutionary leap from 1-D resistivity soundings, a survey method that has changed little after almost 90 years of practice. 2-D resistivity exploration has been used extensively for exploration…

Focus Article | April 2005

New developments in conventional hydrocarbon exploration with electromagnetic methods

Martyn Unsworth

…Introduction Over recent decades, electromagnetic methods have been viewed with considerable suspicion by many in the hydrocarbon exploration industry. While highly effective in mineral and environmental geophysics, electromagnetic methods have played a minor role in hydrocarbon exploration. Since electromagnetic (EM) methods use signals that diffuse in the Earth, they cannot…

Focus Article | April 2005

Stratigraphic Detail From Wavelet Based Spectral Imaging

Adam Gersztenkorn and John Smythe, Barbara Radovich

…Introduction Seismic interpretation has been based traditionally on seismic reflectivity strengths measured by amplitude. Modern workstations and interpretation software calculate a wide variety of attributes based on seismic amplitudes. Historically, analyses based solely on amplitude have posed a number of significant problems for the interpreter. Reflection amplitudes in seismic data…

Focus Article | April 2005

Light Up The World Foundation

…Light Up The World Foundation (LUTW) is an international humanitarian organization affiliated with the University of Calgary dedicated to illuminating the lives of the world’s poor. There are over two billion people in the world without access to electricity. When night falls, their only source of light is usually a…

Article | April 2005