2763 search results for:

The AIRGrav airborne gravity system

S. Sander, M. Argyle, S. Elieff, S. Ferguson, V. Lavoie and L. Sander

…Introduction Sander Geophysics’ AIRGrav airborne gravity project started in 1992 with the purpose of designing an airborne gravimeter that would be well suited to the dynamic environment of an aircraft. The five year research and development project resulted in the AIRGrav system, which has been used for airborne surveying since…

Article | October 2005

A guide to effective geophysical writing and presentation

Robert Stewart, James Brown, Don Lawton, and Laurence Lines

…Abstract Much of the value of our geophysical work follows from conveying it to others, either orally or in writing. Geophysical studies are often communicated, both in print and presentation, in a general structure that includes an overview and introduction, a section on methods and results, some discussion with a…

Article | October 2005

How I discovered the true value of Geophysics

Art Barnes

…Two and a half years ago I was invited to write a report for The RECORDER on the state of geophysics in sunny Denver, Colorado. I immediately set to work. After prodigious and diligent labor, I have completed my report, which I now humbly submit. It is a curious history…

Article | October 2005

Proceedings of the 2005 CSEG Convention Workshops

…Deconvolution Workshop Contributed by Jason Noble Introduction by Session Chair Mauricio Sacchi and Mike Perz The Present State of Deconvolution of Land Seismic Data Peter Cary Cosmetic Enhancement of Seismic Data By Loop Reconvolution Paul Young and Andrew Wild Gabor deconvolution: real and synthetic data experiences Mike Perz, Larry Mewhort,…

Article | October 2005

CAGC Column

…As I write this gas prices are well over $1.00 per litre across Canada, the National Post has recently run an article from an academic that the Oil Wealth must be shared within Canada; and Ontario Premier, Dalton McGuinty, is advocating for the review of the federal-provincial transfer payment system…

CAGC Column | October 2005

Seismic Gourmet

…The French Horn (Not just another English Restaurant) Ok, so you’ve just flown over to England on business and the boss wants to know where a good place for dinner is? Well if you are already on the west side of London you might consider popping over to Sonning to…

Seismic Gourmet | October 2005

Tracing the Industry

…In Memory of... It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Doug Gillrie after a long courageous battle with diabetes. He was born on September 17, 1944 in Didsbury, Alberta. He is pre deceased by his brother Randy Gillrie in 1976 and brother Laurie Gillrie in 1985.…

Tracing the Industry | October 2005


…LunchBox Geophysics FREE, informal lunchtime talks where attendees bring their own lunch. Mark your calendars, the schedule is as follows: “3D TTI Eikonal Traveltime Kirchhoff Migration” Jim Jiao from Kelman Technologies Tuesday, October 25 Noon Aquitaine Auditorium, +15 level of 540-5th Avenue SW “A stable accurate and efficient approach to…

Grapevine | October 2005

High Resolution 3D Seismic Imaging Using 3C Data from Large Borehole Seismic Arrays

Björn Paulsson, M. Karrenbach, P. Milligan, A.Goertz, A.H. Paulsson

…Abstract The highest resolution 3D imaging and monitoring technology for managing oil and gas reservoirs today is provided by large borehole seismic arrays recording 3C data generated by standard surface seismic sources deployed over a wide area around one or several receiver wells. 3D images generated from large borehole seismic…

Luncheon | September 2005

Alternative Transportation

Helen Isaac

…What’s new in the development of transportation systems that might reduce our dependence on hydrocarbon fuels? This article takes a quick look at some innovations recently in the news. The Biogas Train Sweden is testing the world’s first environmentally friendly biogas-powered passenger train. The biogas train has been developed jointly…

Article | September 2005

ISEEE – A Unique Model to Advance Sustainable Energy Technologies

Mark Lowey

…The University of Calgary established the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE) in October 2003. ISEEE is a unique model, created through the U of C’s academic plan, which makes "Leading Innovation in Energy and Environment" a strategic priority. The institute is the vehicle to deliver on the…

Article | September 2005

Thinking Outside the Box: The Paradigm Shift Implied by Developing Alternative Energy Resources

Michal C. Moore

…Introduction Energy is the key driver that underlies modern civilization and industrial development. Without access to energy sources that are affordable and reliable, no nation will attain or maintain the competitive base needed to improve or advance the lot of its citizens. Although many argue that access to such critical…

Article | September 2005

Application of texture attribute analysis to 3D seismic data

Satinder Chopra and Vladimir Alexeev

…In this study, texture attribute analysis application to 3D surface seismic data is presented. This is done by choosing a cubic texel from the seismic data to generate a grey-level occurrence matrix, which in turn is used to compute second-order statistical measures of textural characteristics. The cubic texel is then…

Article | September 2005

Looking inside Turtle Mountain: Mapping fractures with GPR

Ulrich Theune, Douglas Schmitt and Mauricio Sacchi

…Abstract The rock avalanche at Turtle Mountain, Canada, in 1903 destroyed the town of Frank causing the death of approximately 70 people. The geological unstable mountain still poses danger for the surrounding villages. In order to prevent future causalities, the Government of Alberta initiated a detailed geotechnical hazard assessment of…

Article | September 2005

Seismic and Resistivity Imaging for Quaternary Channels, Rainbow Lake Northwest Alberta, Canada

Jawwad Ahmad and Douglas R. Schmitt

…Introduction Buried channels are former valleys that were filled in as a result of recent glaciation. Such features contain high porosity sands and gravels often saturated with water or even natural gas, both of which are important resources. With regards to gas production, although the reservoirs found to date are…

Article | September 2005

Young Geophysicist Forum

…On Tuesday May 17, the second day of the CSEG convention, the first meeting of the Young Geophysicist Form (YGF) was held at Ceili’s in Penny Lane. The purpose of the YGF was to allow current students, recent graduates, and individuals with less then 5 years experience the opportunity to…

Article | September 2005

Greg Partyka

An Interview with Greg Partyka

…Greg, let’s begin by asking you about your educational and work experience so that you kind of introduce yourself to our members. I studied geological engineering in Winnipeg where I grew up. It was very much a hard rock school, but included a good mix of geology, engineering, rock mechanics,…

Interview | September 2005

CAGC Column

…Back after another summer of some good weather and holidays. It was a wet second quarter, which certainly took its toll on activities in the field. The price of oil eclipsed $60 and doesn’t show any immediate sign of relief. The world seems to have once again adjusted to the…

CAGC Column | September 2005

Book Review

…Problems in Exploration Seismology and their Solutions by Lloyd P. Geldart and Robert E. Sheriff ISBN Number: 1560801158, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2004, 524 pp List:$99.00(US); Member:$69.00(US); Student:$55.20(US) I have had the opportunity to use this book for many months now and am finally prepared to submit this review. I…

Book Review | September 2005

Seismic Gourmet

…Wildwood Grill & Brewing Company (Canadian Cuisine with flair) So here we are, the start of a new year, summer is almost done and it’s time to tell you about another fabulous Calgary restaurant. This time we will be dining at the Wildwood Grill, which is part of The Creative…

Seismic Gourmet | September 2005