2763 search results for:

Executive Meeting Minutes - (March 3, 1994)

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held March 3, 1994 at the CSEG Office Present: Elaine Honsberger, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Michael Enachescu, Gary Taylor, Debbie White, Barbara Young, Gary Billings, Barry Korchinski, Dave Hutchinson, Jim Brown, Nancy Shaw, Don Lawton, Bill Bradley, Bill Goodway. The meeting was called to…

Minutes | June 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes - (April 6, 1994)

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive meeting held April 6, 1994 in the CSEG Office Present: Gary Taylor, Barry Korchinski, Don Lawton, Bill Goodway, Bill Bradley, Diane Shao, Debbie White, Barbara Young, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne. The meeting was called to order at 11:10 a.m. by Gary Taylor. After a revision…

Minutes | June 1994

Workshop on Problems with Phase

Stewart Trickett

…On the afternoon of May 6, 1993, the final day of the annual convention of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, a workshop entitled "Problems with Phase" was held at the Calgary Convention Centre. It produced a fascinating look at a subject which, despite its longevity, continues to present major…

Article | May 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Dan Negut has now joined Kelman Seismic Processing in the capacity of Senior Processing Geophysicist. Dan can be reached at 262-5220. Best of luck Dan. Prime Brokerage Consultants is pleased to announce that Tim Burk has joined their brokerage team. Tim brings with him nine years of brokerage experience. To…

Tracing the Industry | May 1994

Safety Jack

…Frequently we observe the actions of others that upset us in varying degrees. Sometimes these upsetting reactions may cause over action to the point of poor judgment by the observer. This almost starts a vicious circle doesn't it? We must not let the actions of others disturb us to the…

Safety Jack | May 1994

Optimization Methods for Prestack and Poststack Migration (Migration without Migraines)

Larry Lines, Andrew Burton and Han-xing Lu

…Abstract Increased efficiency of finding and developing hydrocarbon resources while reducing the environmental impact through geophysical technology is critical to the future of the petroleum industry. This technology must remotely determine rock-fluid property characteristics, their geometry, and changes over time. In reviewing advancements in exploration seismology, three component 3-D seismology…

Luncheon | April 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes

…FEBRUARY 3, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 11:15 a.m. Present: Elaine Honsberger, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Mike Enachescu, Gary Taylor, Debbie White, Dave Hutchinson, Jim Brown, Nancy Shaw, Don Lawton, Diane Shao, Bill Bradley, Bill Goodway, Barry Korchinski. Second Vice-President Michael Enachescu Speakers have been confirmed for…

Minutes | April 1994

The APEGGA Registration Process

John Peirce

…The CSEG/CSPG/APEGGA Liaison Committee has been considering issues that commonly arise in discussions with geologists and geophysicists when the subject of APEGGA is raised. The goal of the committee is to try to facilitate change from within the system in order to demonstrate that APEGGA can be sensitive and can…

Article | April 1994

Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of the Canada Creosote Site, Calgary

Don Lawton and Harry Jol

…Introduction The application of geophysical methods for near-surface studies related to environmental monitoring has increased significantly over the past few years. Knowledge of an industrial site is now required prior to plant construction, as well as for site remediation when industrial plants are dismantled. In particular, the presence of contaminants…

Article | April 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Bill Barclay has resumed his consulting practise in Calgary after the successful completion of the petroleum evaluation contract between his company W. Barclay Consulting and the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) Fiji. Bill can be reached at 249-5729. Photon Systems Limited, at 600, 5205th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada…

Tracing the Industry | April 1994

University Profile University of Waterloo

John P. Greenhouse

…The Earth Sciences Department at the University of Waterloo was founded in 1965, an offshoot of Civil Engineering. Today it is one of the largest geoscience departments in Canada, with 31 faculty, 26 Adjunct faculty, and a staff of 48. Our undergraduate population is currently 197, 116 in Science and…

Article | April 1994


…Gulf of Mexico Sub-salt Interpretation Underway LCT, Inc., in conjunction with GecoPrakla, TGS-CALIBRE, Sidney Schafer and Associates, and Geophysical Development Corporation, is currently undertaking a nonexclusive interpretation analysis of the Southern Addition, offshore Louisiana, utilizing advanced interpretation methodologies and multiple data types. LCT's team of geophysicists are working closely with…

Grapevine | April 1994

Safety Jack

…I have been a member of the Safety Committee of the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) in one capacity or another for about five years. This committee has grown in effectiveness each year and its accomplishments are increasing in importance to our industry, our clients and of course the…

Safety Jack | April 1994

Earthquakes and Hydrocarbon Production Near Fort St. John, B.C.

R.B. Horner, J.E. Barclay and J.M. MacRae

…Beginning in 1984, a number of earthquakes have occurred in a region of oil and gas production just north of Fort St. John, B.C. Through 1993, 24 events have been detected ranging in magnitude (M) from about M 2.5 to M 4.1. The activity over the past two years has…

Luncheon | March 1994

Recent Advances in Gravity Acquisition and Instrumentation – Part II

Dr. Erwin Ebner

…Introduction Very high quality gravity surveys have been carried out for nearly half a century now. I have personally seen small gravity survey results from the late 1940's which rival present day quality. The main reason for this lies in the care with which these surveys were acquired. It took…

Article | March 1994


…NOIA Conference '94 The 10th International Offshore Petroleum Conference will be held June 20-21, 1994 at Hotel Newfoundland, St. John's. Topics include Hibernia Today, Future Developments and Risk and Reward: Corporate Case Panel Discussion. The Conference features a tour of Bull Arm Hibernia Construction Site for delegates only. For more…

Grapevine | March 1994

Safety Jack

…It seems as though I may have generated a bit more interest in explosive formulations, shelf life and sleep time than has been considered by most of us for some time. Generally, as long as things go well, we accept the status-quo. Our industry certainly has been far more interested…

Safety Jack | March 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes

…JANUARY 6, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 11:37 a.m. Present: Elaine Honsberger, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Barbara Young, Michael Enachescu, Gary Taylor, Debbie White, Dave Hutchinson, Brian Russell. Second Vice-President Michael Enachescu January luncheon date was not in the Recorder. Also suggested that January lunch should be…

Minutes | March 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Hi, my name is Todd O'Brien and I'm a Data Broker with Kary Data Consultants Ltd. I will be following up on the column Tracing the Industry. There have been a fair number of people that have moved to different companies. Here is a list of a few: Larry Kangas…

Tracing the Industry | March 1994

An Evaluation of Ground Penetrating Radar for Imaging the Near Surface Examples from Contaminant Map

Don C. Lawton and Harry M. Jol

…Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is becoming established as a new geophysical technique for imaging the near-surface. In this presentation, we assess GPR in terms of its application in the petroleum industry, and evaluate its capabilities for mapping a contaminated site near downtown Calgary and for delineating the internal geometry of…

Luncheon | February 1994