2763 search results for:

Synthetic Study to Estimate Errors in Wavelet Estimates and Distortions Introduced by Them in Velocity Inversion

Sudhir Jain

…Abstract It is highly unlikely that the actual propagating wavelet for a seismic trace can be estimated precisely since the seismic data as well as the sonic and density logs are plagued with numerous imperfections, and the source-wavelet is altered in an undefined way by imperfect elasticity of the transmitting…

Luncheon | October 1993

Seismic Computing

Roy O. Lindseth

…A number of articles have appeared in the Herald and other publications related to the newly opened HPC (High Performance Computing) Centre. Since one of the main applications of this computer indicated in the articles is seismic data processing, the CSEG Executive asked the RECORDER Editors to talk to Roy…

Article | October 1993

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held September 9, 1993. Present: Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Barbara Young, Dave Hutchinson, Mike Enachescu, Elaine Honsberger, Nancy Shaw, Gary Taylor President's Report Bill Davitt Bill has discussed with the City and with the Stampede Board the possibility of holding the SEG convention in…

Minutes | October 1993

Safety Jack

…Holy Poulter Shot folks! I promised you a follow up article after the safety aspects of pole shooting and the word processor got right out of control in Rupert Goodhart's hands. I guess I could say I was not at all aware of the geophysical ramifications of this type of…

Safety Jack | October 1993

Environmental Geophysics - Fad or Future?

Dr. Phillip Romig

…This lecture is one of 14 to be presented between September and January by Dr. Phillip Romig) head of the Department of Geophysics at the Colorado School of Mines since 1983. Romig’s theme, “Environmental Geophysics - Fad or Future?”, deals with one of the most frequently asked questions in the earth…

Luncheon | September 1993

1993 CSEG Convention

Dan Hampson

…The 1993 CSEG Convention was clearly a success. Many factors contributed to that success. The Convention Committee would like to take credit for them all, but modesty forces us to admit that we had nothing much to do with the tremendous upsurge in optimism and enthusiasm that just happens to…

Article | September 1993

Canadian Geophysical Union Scientific Meeting

J. B. Merriam

…Following a very successful joint meeting with the AGU In Montreal in 1993, the Canadian Geophysical Union returned to its regular venue at Banff, Alberta, in 1993. One hundred and forty-two papers were presented in 16 sessions. Wilson Medal to A. E. Beck The Wilson medal is awarded annually by…

Article | September 1993

Geophysics at the U of S

Don Gendzwill

…Editors’ Note: At the request of the editors, the following update on the activities at the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Geological Sciences, in Saskatoon, with emphasis on the geophysics program, was provided by Don Gendzwill.* We have a new building which the department has occupied since 1986. The old…

Article | September 1993

Letters to the Editor

…Dear Recorder Editorial Committee, Received the March, 1993, issue of the Recorder today and I do appreciate it so much. The article about petro stamps on page two is a good one and has already created some interest from your readers. Two have requested information about PPSI. The way the…

Letters to the Editor | September 1993

Safety Jack

…I hope that you all had a safe and happy summer. I also hope your “summer” was longer than mine. This is just over a year for the Safety Jack column, and at the annual working lunch meeting of the CSEG Publications Committee, held in the CSEG Board Room on…

Safety Jack | September 1993


…SAGEEP ’93 RECORDS RECORD ATTENDANCE The 1993 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP) was held April 18-22 in San Diego, California, and attracted a record 311 conference delegates. The purpose of SAGEEP is to present to engineers, geologists and geophysicists new information on the…

Grapevine | September 1993

Executive Meeting Minutes

…June 23, 1993 Present: Melvyn Best, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Gary Taylor, Barbara Young, Dave Hutchinson, Mike Enachescu Recorder Editor’s Report: Barbara Young The production schedule for Sept-Dec 1993 issues presented. The use of lighter weight paper has saved the society approximately $500 per issue in mailing charges. Barry Korchinski…

Minutes | September 1993

Tracing the Industry

…I trust everybody had a good summer. (What Summer!) During Stampede Week I’m sure I saw a horse with rubber boots on. Really! Well, if you don’t believe that, maybe you’ll trust me on the following. KEN TITCHKOSKY has joined Signal Estimation Technology Inc. as Manager Technical Services. He is responsible…

Tracing the Industry | September 1993

Safety Jack

…Recently I attended a meeting at a major oil company’s boardroom. The Safety Officer for the company opened the meeting with a short briefing on evacuation procedures should an emergency occur. A number of things ran through my mind as he was preparing us for orderly escape from a possible…

Interview | June 1993


…INDUSTRY NEWS CANADA IN LIMELIGHT AT SECOND GEOTECHNICA TRADE SHOW Over 20 Canadian firms and government agencies have signed up as exhibitors, and several academics have been invited as lecturers, assuring Canada great visibility at the second Geotechnica trade show for geosciences and technology in Cologne, Germany, May 5-8, 1993.…

Grapevine | June 1993

Tracing the Industry

…RICHARD SYDENHAM is reactivating Sidnum Services Ltd. to provide Seismic crew supervision both foreign and domestic. Richard may be reached at 239-4600. KEN THRASHER and his 23 years experience has started up a geophysical consulting company. It’s called Thrasher Exploration Consulting Limited. To get a hold of Ken call 286-7042. Geophysical…

Tracing the Industry | June 1993

Multidisciplinary Research at the Pacific Geoscience Centre

Melvyn E. Best

…The Pacific Geoscience Centre (PGC), located in Sidney, B.C., is a division of the Geological Survey of Canada. The GSC and the Earth Physics Branch merged in 1985, creating the present Centre with its strong emphasis on geophysics. The Pacific Geoscience Centre shares facilities with the Department of Fisheries and…

Article | June 1993

The Canadian Geoscience Council – Science on the Move

John F. Gartner

…The following letter to CSEG Members was written by John Gartner, President of the Canadian Geoscience Council to provide information on the CGC for our membership: ..“The Canadian Geoscience Council provides an open forum for communications, discussion and debate to ensure the effectiveness and influence of the geosciences in addressing…

Article | June 1993

CSEG Annual Meeting

…The CSEG Annual Meeting was held March 9th, 1993 at the Westin Hotel. A very successful lunch time Awards Presentation and Business Meeting was enjoyed by all in attendance. Presidents of several Societies within our industry were also in attendance including SEG President, Marion Bone. Presented with Awards were Mark…

Article | June 1993

Geologists, Geophysicists and APEGGA

Bill Davitt

…A joint liaison committee, made up of representatives from the CSEG, the CSPG and APEGGA, has developed an initial list of problems with the current professional registration process for Earth Scientists in Alberta. Do you agree with their list? What should be added? What are your pet peeves? How can…

Article | June 1993