I trust everybody had a good summer. (What Summer!) During Stampede Week I’m sure I saw a horse with rubber boots on. Really! Well, if you don’t believe that, maybe you’ll trust me on the following.
KEN TITCHKOSKY has joined Signal Estimation Technology Inc. as Manager Technical Services. He is responsible for coordinating SET’s innovative software services and specialized seismic processing for reservoir delineation and prospect generation using inversion and pattern recognition technologies. (Gasp!) Ken can be reached at 262-6260.
DOUG STEWART has moved over to AEC Oil and Gas. 266-8434 will put you in contact with Doug.
FLORENCE REYNOLDS has returned from sunny Saudi Arabia to continue her consulting ventures in partnership with VALERIE MARTENS, under the new name of Ultimate Solutions. The primary focus of Ultimate Solutions is the continued development of the Sims and Tracs data base systems in association with The GeoSol Group. Florence is also available for geophysical consulting and can be reached through The GeoSol Group at 266-6260.
As of July FRANCIS LEE has started with Serenpet Inc. as an Exploration Geophysicist. Francis can be reached at 231-3000.
BOB EVERETT is the newest guy over at Mark Resources. To get in touch with Bob call 267-1520.
Well that’s the latest. If you or anybody you know has moved or transferred get a fax to me at 237-0841.
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