2763 search results for:

3-D Survey Design by Computer

Mike Galbraith

…3-D Acquisition requires careful planning. Laying out lines of receivers and lines of shots must be done with an eye to the expected results. Computer programs are now available to assist the geophysicist in this task. In this paper I shall discuss the general guidelines for designing 3-D surveys, and…

Article | February 1994


…Announcements Dove Geophysical Purchases Sun Sparc 10 and SeisX Software Dove Geophysical Consulting Ltd. announces the purchase of a Sun Sparc 10 Workstation equipped with a Photon Systems Ltd. SeisX 3D and 2D seismic interpretation package and the development of computer mapping software. These systems will add to their current…

Grapevine | February 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes

…December 2, 1993, 11:00 a.m. at CSEG Office. Present: Elaine Honsberger, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Barbara Young, Debbie White, Jim Brown, Mike Enachescu, Gary Taylor. Minutes of the November meeting were discussed and Mike Enachescu pointed out that the luncheon program recorded was only provisional. Minutes were then approved. Second…

Minutes | February 1994

Letters to the Editor

…Dear Editors: I am writing in response to the timely article on magnetic tape stiction by Norman Pascal in the November 1993 issue of the Recorder. Although most geophysicists prefer to ignore the unglamourous issue of tape storage, stiction of 9-track tapes is becoming a serious problem and must be…

Letters to the Editor | February 1994

Safety Jack

…A great many items we purchase have what is termed a "shelf life," more precisely described as the time that a commodity can be stored between the time of production or growth and the time of use or consumption. Some products improve with age (whiskey), but most deteriorate (fruits and…

Safety Jack | February 1994

3-D Survey Design by Computer

Mike Galbraith

…Today's 3-D surveys can be large or small, laid in straight lines across deserts or tundra or along winding roads through forest and jungles. Because 3-D acquisition requires careful planning it is essential to analyze the complexities which naturally arise. Computer programs are now available to assist the explorationist with…

Luncheon | January 1994

Pole Shooting

Rupert Goodhart

…Surface shooting and other portable techniques were introduced to Canada to eliminate the impact of "dozing" wide seismic lines in beautiful and fragile terrain. The Foothills are not only a petroleum province with hydrocarbon resources in the many billions of dollars, but an area of scenic beauty without compare which…

Article | January 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held November 4, 1993 at 11:00 a.m. at the CSEG Office. Present: Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Barbara Young, Debbie White, Jim Brown, Mike Enachescu, Melvyn Best and Gary Taylor. Second Vice-President's Report Michael Enachescu The luncheon speaker schedule is tentatively set until May, 1994.…

Minutes | January 1994


…The LCT-DSite Link LCT and Jason Geosystems propose optimum depth-velocity modelling through the synthesis of geophysical and geological data. Jason Geosystems and LCT recently developed a close software link between Jason's T-D conversion tool DSite and LCT's gravity and magnetics software. This link makes it possible to integrate a whole…

Grapevine | January 1994

1993 SEG Summer Workshop

Michael Enachescu

…This year's SEG summer research workshop took place August 1-6, 1993, in Rancho Mirage, an exclusive golf and country resort situated in the southern California desert area. The day most of the participants arrived, the Palm Springs airport was shut down at 5 pm due to over-heating of the tarmac.…

Article | December 1993

CSEG/CSPG/APEGGA Liaison Committee

John W. Peirce

…The CSEG/CSPG/APEGGA Liaison Committee has been focussing on issues of concern which have been raised by geologists and geophysicists who have complained about certain APEGGA policies. Our goal is to try to facilitate change from within the system in order to demonstrate that APEGGA can be sensitive to members' needs…

Article | December 1993

Trends in Seismic Data Acquisition – A Perspective

Kevin Williams

…Many of the technical changes taking place in the oil industry are evident in the office of the explorationist. Desk top processing, workstation based 3D interpretation and visualization packages are familiar tools to the "state of the art" geophysicist. Changes have also taken place in seismic data acquisition. They involve…

Article | December 1993


…GEDCO Will License Flexi-Bin for 3D Seismic Design GEDCO announces that it has applied for a patent for its Flexi-Bin design concept for improved survey design for 3D Seismic Surveys. A Flexi-Bin design for a 3D survey allows the geophysicist the option to trade off spatial resolution for fold after…

Grapevine | December 1993

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held October 7, 1993. The meeting was called to order at 11:15 a.m. Present: Gary Taylor, Michael Enachescu, Elaine Honsberger, Barbara Young, Heather Payne, Nancy Shaw and Jim Brown. In addition, Dorothy-Ann Reimer and Roy Elliott attended to present the proposal for the CSEG…

Minutes | December 1993

Safety Jack

…Some oil companies (geophysicists) have very specific likes and dislikes relative to different types of explosives. In most cases the geophysicist has been favourably impressed by the characteristics of an explosive, usually the high velocity which produces a very nice, clearly-defined first break. An example of a very desirable explosive,…

Safety Jack | December 1993

Limitations on the performance of field arrays and FK filters: models, case histories and remedies

John L. Varsek and Rod Morris

…Not generally appreciated at first glance, but nonetheless crucial to understanding the recording and imaging of reflections, is the linkage between acquisition arrays and fk filters. Over the past decade several pioneering studies. 1,2,3 have shifted the basic focus of array design from area-dependent deployments to "generic" patterns involving the…

Luncheon | November 1993

Magnetic Tape “Stiction” Problem

Norman R. Pascal

…At the November 1991 SEG Convention, Memorex Computer Supplies, a major manufacturer of magnetic tape; presented a white paper titled "Understanding Magnetic Tape Stiction and its Solutions" and reiterated this theme at a seminar held in Calgary on November 4, 1992. Other tape manufacturers currently distribute literature on the same…

Article | November 1993

S.E.G. Gold and Silver Certificate Recipients

…At the CSEG Luncheon meeting held September 16, 1993, First Vice President Gary Taylor made the following presentations: Gold Certificate Peter I. Bediz for 50 years membership in the SEG. Silver Certificates - Roy F. Bjornson, David C. Caldwell, D.K. Bruce Fenwick, William E. Glenn, Charles R. Grigg, Emmanual Malterre,…

Article | November 1993

Safety Jack

…Holy Poulter Shot folks! I promised you a follow up article after the safety aspects of pole shooting and the word processor got right out of control in Rupert Goodhart's hands. I guess I could say I was not at all aware of the geophysical ramifications of this type of…

Safety Jack | November 1993

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held September 9, 1993. Present: Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Barbara Young, Dave Hutchinson, Mike Enachescu, Elaine Honsberger, Nancy Shaw, Gary Taylor President's Report Bill Davitt Bill has discussed with the City and with the Stampede Board the possibility of holding the SEG convention in…

Minutes | November 1993