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1993 CSEG Ski Spree

…The CSEG Ladies Auxiliary held their Annual Ski Spree at Fairmont Hotsprings Resort on February 5th, 6th and 7th. There were over 230 people in attendance. The members of the Ski Spree committee were: Nancy Shaw, Convenor; Brenda Ringdahl, Co-convenor; Carolyn Evans, Entertainment; and Ann Greenwood, Ski Races. The ski…

Article | June 1993

1993 CSEG National Convention

…GENERAL CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS Welcome to the 1993 CSEG National Convention! As general chairman, it is one of my pleasant duties to reflect on the theme of this year’s convention, and try to present to you in a nutshell what this convention is “all about”. Actually, conventions historically don’t have “themes”.…

Article | May 1993

Letters to the Editor

…The concept of a jigsaw puzzle to promote your 1993 Convention is an interesting one. Is there some symbolism to that empty slot next to Hibernia? Will one of those three people try to put their piece in there? Or do they intend to go out beyond the edges to…

Letters to the Editor | May 1993

Safety Jack

…To continue the column from last month, I was reviewing the types of explosive sources used over the years, particularly for the benefit of the “new breed” of geophysicists and their field staff. A very interesting source used in some areas was the linear source, namely Aquaflex for water applications…

Safety Jack | May 1993

Tracing the Industry

…RICHARD LEWANSKI has moved on to bigger and better or should we say smaller and better things. Richard is the new President/Geophysicist at Amber Energy Inc., a new and well financed junior oil company. He can be reached at 237-9977. ANDY VERNON is the newest member over at Prime Brokerage…

Tracing the Industry | May 1993


…Industry News NEWLY REVISED CATALOG OF SCIENTIFIC SOFTWARE AVAILABLE RockWare, Inc., a Wheat Ridge-based software company, has released its 1993 catalog of scientific software. Featuring over 350 products, the catalog contains a wide variety of software packages for the geosciences, archaeology, chemistry, biology, geophysics, GIS, civil/geotechnical engineering, astronomy, hydrology, mathematics/statistics,…

Grapevine | May 1993

CSEG Installs a PC Based Geophysical Workstation

…The CSEG is pleased to announce that, through the support of a number of individuals and companies, a PC based geophysical workstation has been established at the CSEG office. The purpose of this workstation is to allow members of the CSEG to come in and upgrade their knowledge of PC…

Article | April 1993

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Executive Meeting Minutes Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held February 11, 1993. Present: Jim Brown, Doug Pruden, Bill Davitt, Greg Davidson, Todd Knight, Debbie White, Heather Payne, Lynn Pratt, Brian Russell, Elaine Honsberger, Gary Taylor, Mike Enachescu, Dave Hutchinson, Nancy Shaw, Eldon Godfrey. SECRETARY Lynn Pratt * Motion to…

Minutes | April 1993


…Industry News 3D INVERSION NOW AVAILABLE Ulterra Geoscience Ltd. is now offering 3D Inversion services. Ulterra is a newly formed company, based in Calgary, offering advanced geophysical processing services. The new 3D inversion product uses the Hampson-Russell STRATA algorithm, accommodating any number of wells and providing maximum geologic resolution. In addition…

Interview | April 1993

Safety Jack

…As in all industries there has been a lot of people movement in ours. This includes all of the fashionable names for staff reduction including the ever encroaching word - retirement. Either I’m seeing less and less of my old acquaintances in the field or I’m starting to meet more…

Safety Jack | April 1993

Tracing the Industry

…Jack is back! Time Seismic Exchange Ltd. is pleased to announce that E.J. (JACK) PORTER has returned. Time’s newest Seismic Data Broker can be reached at 262-9732. Photon Systems Ltd. would like our industry to be aware of the following additions. Joining the Photon team is PAUL LEPPER, Customer Support Representative; SUSAN…

Tracing the Industry | April 1993

Summary of the Workshop on Imaging Complex Land Data (CSEG Convention, May 7, 1992)

Peter Cary

…Peter Cary organized this workshop with the help of other members of the technical committee of the 1992 CSEG National Convention. He is presently the chairman of the technical committee of the 1993 CSEG Convention. Another workshop is being organized for the Convention coming up May 4-6. The topic this…

Article | April 1993

Geophysics: The Potential and Limits for Reservoir Description and Monitoring

Robert J. (Bob) Graebner

…Use of geophysics, particularly 3D seismic surface measurements, as an essential element for reservoir description has come into prominence in the last decade. This use has been driven by the shift from exploration to exploitation in many parts of the world. This occurrence is particularly widespread in the United States…

Luncheon | April 1993

Geophysics in Philately

Tom Hughes

…Prepaid postage was first issued in England in 1840. Shortly thereafter a young Londoner decided to collect enough cancelled postage stamps to wallpaper her boudoir. The newspaper ad placed to that effect is considered the earliest reference to philately, a “new mania,” as Punch labelled it, soon to gain avid…

Article | March 1993

Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation

RECORDER Committee

…The March 9 luncheon is being devoted to conducting the society’s business meeting: Treasurer’s year end report; report from the President; and installation of the 1993 Executive, as well as the annual awards presentations. Recipients of our Awards are as follows: Best Paper Award to: Mark Harrison for his paper…

Article | March 1993

Safety Jack

…A very contentious issue over the years has been the balance between safety and efficiency. Therefore I feel this is as good a forum for the issue as any. First I’d like to make an analogy. A gun barrel, particularly a shotgun, has round projectiles in it. I know, many…

Safety Jack | March 1993


…INDUSTRY NEWS LANDMARK CEO RESIGNS TO START-UP NEW VENTURE; SUCCESSOR APPOINTED Landmark Graphics Corporation announced recently that C. Eugene Ennis, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, has resigned from Landmark to become a principal in a new start-up venture. Mr. Robert P. Peebler has been elected Landmark’s CEO, effective…

Grapevine | March 1993

Mr. Redwater

Aubrey Kerr

…Wes Rabey fly-fishing near Clyde, 1946. As with Leduc, geophysics pointed the way to Redwater, the 800 mil/ion-barrel crude discovery of 1948. It will be the subject of Aubrey Kerr’s fourth self-published hook, expected off the press in the spring of 1993. Wes Rabey has kindly provided important background, an…

Article | February 1993

Interpretation of Mode Converted (P-SV) Shear Wave Data

John Boyd

…An in-line (SY) shear wave is recorded when a conventional source is recorded on three component geophones. A cross-line (SH) shear wave may also be recorded if anisotropy rotates any of the shear wave data out of the recording plane. How can the interpreter make use of this extra information?…

Luncheon | February 1993

Safety Jack

…How often when you are driving your car (truck) do you have some words for that turkey in the car ahead of you? Don’t you wish they could just magically hear your thoughts, then just as miraculously smarten up immediately and drive right? I’ll just bet you all have had…

Safety Jack | February 1993