The CSEG is pleased to announce that, through the support of a number of individuals and companies, a PC based geophysical workstation has been established at the CSEG office. The purpose of this workstation is to allow members of the CSEG to come in and upgrade their knowledge of PC based geophysical programs by using the programs and the test data supplied. We would like to extend a sincere vote of thanks to the following companies for their generous donation of hardware and software:
- Suncor provided a COMPAQ 286 computer with math coprocessor
- Home Oil provided a VGA monitor
- GMA provided a VGA card
- Sandlapper Support Services provided a Microsoft mouse.
- GMA has installed their LOGM software
- Hampson-Russell has installed the STRATA and AVO programs
- Seismic Image Software has provided the Vista program.
Also, thanks go to Lynn Pratt, 1992 Secretary, and Greg Davidson, 1992 Business Manager, for their help in facilitating the donations.
The CSEG is open to any further donations of hardware or software that companies in Calgary are interested in making. We will make further announcements as our “workstation” room expands.

The picture above shows Tony Black from Suncor presenting the initial computer system to the CSEG. Also shown in the picture are Jim Brown, 1992 President of the CSEG; Brian Russell, 1992 Past President of the CSEG; and Heather Payne, Office Manager of the CSEG.
To book time on the Workstation, please phone Heather at the CSEG office at 262-0015.
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