2763 search results for:

A Recommended Approach for Storing Field Data on CD-ROM

Lain Eng

…Different arrangements of words make different meanings, and different arrangements of meanings produce different effects. –Pascal, Pensees, fragment 784 CD-ROM technology is poised to become the worldwide medium of choice for information distribution and storage. CD-ROMs will become the floppy disks of the future. CD recorders (CD-Rs) will be as…

Article | November 1994

1995 Election of Officers Candidates

…BARRY KORCHINSKI President Barry received his B.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the University of Saskatchewan in 1967. After graduation he worked with Chevron Geophysical Company until 1975 when he joined Sigma Explorations. He is currently President of Sigma. Barry is a member of the CSEG, SEG, CSPG and APEGGA. He…

Article | November 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Mitch Peters, President and Chief Executive Officer of Solid State Geophysical Inc. is pleased to announce that Myles Coroy has joined the firm as an Operations Supervisor, and Dean Read has been promoted from within the Company to a position of Operations Supervisor. Myles and Dean can be reached at…

Tracing the Industry | November 1994


…Gemini Offers Fischer-Good Sonic Log Editing Gemini Exploration Technology now offers the Fischer-Good method of sonic Jog editing as part of its synthetic seismogram and modelling services. This method makes use of the deep induction log to correct sonic log errors and requires only that the gamma ray and induction…

Grapevine | November 1994

The Seismic Wavelet, Well Ties, and the Search for Stratigraphic Traps

Anton Ziolkowski

…Abstract In most mature hydrocarbon provinces it is estimated that 40 per cent of the oil is found in stratigraphic traps, which are often very difficult to identify on seismic data directly. I suggest that the difficulty is caused by three related problems; deconvolution, multiple removal - especially in marine…

Luncheon | October 1994

Ground-Based Magnetic Horizontal Gradient Intensity and Radiometric Surveys, a Cost-Effective Hydrocarbon Exploration Tool: Three Case Histories in Western Canada

Leonard A. LeSchack

…Abstract Three case histories are discussed where ground-based magnetic horizontal gradient intensity (HGI) and radiometric (RAD) exploration surveys have been used effectively in Western Canada. Case 1, at the Rumsey Leduc pinnacle reef field in Central Alberta, is an after-the-fact study. The HGI/RAD anomaly was essentially congruent with the pinnacle…

Article | October 1994


…Egypt's 1994 Bid Round Acreage Data Available on Tape or CD-ROM Lynx Information Systems U.K. and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) jointly announce the availability of digital seismic data packages to help interested companies assess Egypt's 1994 Bid Round acreage. The data are on tape or CD-ROM and ready…

Grapevine | October 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Panther Software Corp., located at 300 - 5th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, TIP 3C4, wishes to announce the addition of two new members to their staff. Bruce Sketchley as Vice-President of Sales and Jeff Allison as Manager, Software Integration. Prior to joining Panther, Bruce held the position as Canadian Sales…

Tracing the Industry | October 1994

The Progress of Geophysical Reservoir Description at Hibernia

Gary Taylor and Denis Couturier

…Hibernia is located at latitude N. 46°44', longitude W. 48° 46' on the continental margin of the North Atlantic Ocean. Water depth is 78 metres, deepening east of the field as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland descend to the abyssal plain. The local marine environment is severe with storms, 20…

Luncheon | September 1994

Ricker, Ormsby, Klander, Butterworth – A Choice of Wavelets

Harold Ryan

…Commercially available software used to generate synthetic seismograms gives the geophysicist a choice of up to four types of standardized wavelets as well as the option of a user-defined wavelet. This review article will summarize the characteristics of these wavelets, illustrate the shape of the wavelets and their frequency spectrum…

Article | September 1994

President’s Memo

…Many CSEG members are aware of the "Calgary phenomenon" in the world wide perception of where one ought to look for a good geophysicist. The phenomenon is that in view of the size of our city we seem to have more than our share compared to other cities in which…

Presidential Column | September 1994

Executive Meeting Minutes - (June 8, 1994)

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held June 8, 1994 at the CSEG Office. Present: Gary Taylor, Barry Korchinski, Don Lawton, Bill Bradley, Diane Shao, Debbie White, Sheila Conner, Heather Payne, Cameron Grace. SECOND VICE·PRESIDENT Don Lawton Don will proceed to book the SEG Fall distinguished Lecturer, Anton Ziolkowski for…

Minutes | September 1994


…LCT Joins Geodynamics Corporation Houston, TX, June 13, 1994 – LaFehr & Chan Technologies, Inc. (LCT) announces its acquisition by Geodynamics Corporation (NASDAQ GDYN) to further both companies' strategic goal for advancing their geophysical exploration, remote sensing, data analysis, and interpretation technologies. LCT will continue to be based in Houston…

Grapevine | September 1994

The Future Role of the Seismic Method in Petroleum Exploration

S. Rutt Bridges

…Experts from a variety of fields have predicted a revolution in computational power within the next five years. It is now apparent that we will soon have desktop Cray Y-MP equivalents and parallel machines readily available as network compute servers with teraflop performance. In addition, we will have the capability…

Luncheon | June 1994

Sudhir Jain

Barbara Young

…A cornerstone in the geophysical research and development field in Calgary for the last 20 years, Sudhir Jain, will be closing his company, Commonwealth Geophysical, at the end of June and moving on to other things. Sudhir's contribution to the geophysical community, not only in new software and techniques for…

Article | June 1994

C.S.E.G. Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon

CSEG Executive Committee

…The CSEG Annual Meeting was held March 15th, 1994 at the Westin Hotel. A Very Successful lunch time Awards Presentation and Business Meeting as well as a presentation on Earthquakes near Fort St. John. B.C.. was enjoyed by all in attendance. Several Societies within our industry were represented. Presented with…

Article | June 1994

C.S.E.G. Geophysical Workstation SEGY Standards

Doug Bath

…Following is a list of the SEGY Standards Committee: Bruce Gawalko Sceptre Resources Ltd. Larry Adorjan Amoco Canada Ltd. Larry Walton Veritas Seismic Ltd. John Vermette Dyad Data Services Ltd. George Wirth Dyad Data Services Ltd. Tom Cox GeoQuest Systems Ltd. Ron Smaniotto Vector Archives Ltd. Ken Hedlin Husky Oil…

Article | June 1994

Tracing the Industry

…Photon Systems Limited announces the addition of two staff members to their Calgary office. David Richard, P.Geoph., has joined as Senior Sales Representative and Trevor Lawerence as part of the Customer Support Group. Both can be reached by calling Photon Systems Limited new number (403) 750-3535 or fax number (403)…

Tracing the Industry | June 1994

Safety Jack

…The Ideal Seismic Explosive Possible or Not? It was interesting receiving the information from the query in the March issue of the Recorder. I particularly enjoyed those that I spoke to personally. There was a lot of thought and background that went into the statements made by some respondents. As…

Safety Jack | June 1994


…News Release from Allied Seismic Limited In recent years the seismic industry has seen the introduction of various new recording mediums. Allied Seismic has researched all new mediums and in their opinion, the CD ROM disc is an excellent replacement for the 9 track reel. CD ROM has a much…

Grapevine | June 1994