The CSEG Annual Meeting was held March 15th, 1994 at the Westin Hotel. A Very Successful lunch time Awards Presentation and Business Meeting as well as a presentation on Earthquakes near Fort St. John. B.C.. was enjoyed by all in attendance. Several Societies within our industry were represented. Presented with awards were (below; top-bottom): Don Chamberlain, CSEG Medal; Dr. Gordon West, Honorary Membership; Murray Olson and George Kostashuk, Meritorious Service Award; Bill Davitt, President's gavel and sounding block; John Varsek (R) and Rod Morris (L). Best Paper Award.

Sitting L-R: Bill Bradley. Treasurer: Barry Korchinski. First Vice-President: Gary Taylor, President; Don Lawton, Second Vice-President.
Missing: Mel Best, Journal Editor.

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