2763 search results for:


…LCT/EDCON LCT, Inc. and EDCON announce the sale of EDCON's marine gravity and conventional marine magnetics systems to LCT. The sale includes fourteen (14) SAGE marine gravity systems and nine (9) marine magnetics systems, which will be incorporated into LCT's marine gravity and magnetic operations business headquartered in Houston and…

Grapevine | June 1995

Tracing the Industry

…Norbert Bernoth and David Wolf are pleased to announce the formation of Apoterra Seismic Processing Ltd. located at 809, 505 - 4th Avenue S.W. Norbert and David, both formerly of Geo-X Systems Ltd., cumulatively have over 24 years experience processing 2-D and 3-D seismic volumes. Apoterra will be using Focus…

Tracing the Industry | June 1995

Field Comparison Between 16 and 24 Bit Data Acquisition Systems

John H.J. Paquette and Tony Sartorelli

…Introduction A test survey was recently conducted to compare the relative performance of three types of seismographs. The equipment used was a DFS/v (Texas Instruments), an I/O System Two (Input/Output, Inc.), and a Bison 24000 (Bison Instruments, Inc.). The DFS/v features 16 bit analog to digital ( A/D) conversion. This…

Article | May 1995

The Natural View

…The cover of the 6 February 1995 issue of Alberta Report read "Special Places Sell Out - Klein, big oil and the green lobby forge ahead with an ecoprotection scheme that terrifies cattlemen, loggers and miners". Inside the magazine detailed how "green protectionism had run amok" and how "big oil…

The Natural View | May 1995

Minutes of the AGM of the CSEG

…held March 14,1995 at the Westin Hotel, Calgary Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists held March 14, 1995 at the Westin Hotel, Calgary. President Gary Taylor called the meeting to order at approximately 11:50 a.m. He welcomed all members to the meeting and…

Minutes | May 1995

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the Executive Meeting held March 8, 1995 at the CSEG Office Present Gary Taylor, Barry Korchinski, Don Lawton, Diane Shao, Bill Bradley, John Townsley, Heather Payne, Howard Hepburn, Allin Folinsbee, Dave Komlodi, Bill Goodway. The Meeting was called to order at 11:10 a.m. by President Gary Taylor. Minutes…

Minutes | May 1995

Tracing the Industry

…Eric Howell wishes to announce his new company Howell Geophysical Consulting Ltd. located at 1170, 840 - 7 Avenue S.W. Eric may be reached at (403) 777-0099 or fax (403) 777-0005. Best of luck Eric. Pulsonic Corporation advises that Thane McKay has been promoted to the position of Vice President…

Tracing the Industry | May 1995

The New Wave

Dr. Thomas L. Davis

…Increased efficiency of finding and developing hydrocarbon resources while reducing the environmental impact through geophysical technology is critical to the future of the petroleum industry. This technology must remotely determine rock-fluid property characteristics, their geometry, and changes over time. In reviewing advancements in exploration seismology, three component 3-D seismology stands…

Luncheon | April 1995

3-D, 3-C Seismic Characterization of the Nisku Carbonate Reservoir, Joffre Field, South-Central Alberta

John Arestad, Bruce Mattocks, Thomas Davis and Robert Benson

…The Reservoir Characterization Project (RCP) at the Colorado School of Mines has pioneered research into 3-D, 3-C (multicomponent) reflection seismology for nearly a decade utilizing both P-wave and S-wave sources. Multicomponent seismic surveys provide significantly more information about petroleum reservoirs than compressional wave surveys. The initial three 3-D, 3-C surveys…

Article | April 1995

Using Amber to Probe the Past: from DNA to Dinosaurs

…Ever since Pliny the Elder concluded that amber originated from the resin of extinct trees, humans have been fascinated with the presence of life forms in this magical material. What we do know about the formation of amber will be discussed, along with the characteristics of the enclosed fossils. The…

Luncheon | April 1995

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held February 8, 1995 at the CSEG Office. The meeting was called to order at 11:15 A.M. Present Gary Taylor, Barry Korchinski, Don Lawton, Bill Davitt, Diane Shao, Bill Bradley, John Townsley, Sheila Conner, Heather Payne, Dan Hampson, Susan Eaton, Howard Hepburn, Allin Folinsbee,…

Minutes | April 1995

Tracing the Industry

…Integra Geoservices Inc. wishes to announce the appointment of Robert Somerville as Geophysical Programmer. Bob graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1983 with a B.Sc. in Geophysics. He has previously worked in both seismic data processing and then programming most recently with C & C systems. Bob can…

Tracing the Industry | April 1995

New CSEG Members

…(R) = reinstatement Paul Bauman, Komex International Ltd. Lisa Blust, Pennzoil Canada Inc. Andrew V. Boland, Noreen Energy Resources Mahesh K. Chhabra, Opseis. Inc. Seann E. Day, Veritas Seismic Gilben Dubee, Noreen Energy Resources Brenda D. Dumont, Sigma Explorations Anthony Edwards, Norcen Energy Resources William Van Greig (R), Shell Canada…

New Members | April 1995


…Promotions within Western Will Forest has been promoted to Vice President, Western Hemisphere Land Operations for Western Geophysical. Western Atlas Inc. recently announced the promotion of Richard C. White to President of the Company's Houston-based Western Geophysical Division. White succeeds Orval F. Brannan, who became President at Western Atlas' new…

Grapevine | April 1995

The Natural View

…This is my first environmental column for the CSEG Recorder as I take over duties from Dick Arndt. Before beginning this month's subject of drilling in the Eastern Slopes, I would like to give you a brief profile of my background. I am a biologist by training and for the…

The Natural View | April 1995

Satellite Navigation: Present Capabilities and Future Trends

Elizabeth Cannon

…The use of satellites for positioning and navigation has become an important tool for scientists and engineers concerned with locating and monitoring various features and phenomenon. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a twenty-four satellite system which provides global, all-weather, twenty-four hour a day navigation capability. The elements of the…

Luncheon | March 1995

Recent Advances in Gravity Acquisition and Instrumentation – Part II

…Introduction Very high quality gravity surveys have been carried out for nearly half a century now. I have personally seen small gravity survey results from the late 1940's which rival present day quality. The main reason for this lies in the care with which these surveys were acquired. It took…

Article | March 1995

Executive Meeting Minutes

…Minutes of the CSEG Executive Meeting held January 10, 1995 at the CSEG Office. The meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present Gary Taylor, Barry Korchinski, Don Lawton, Bill Davitt, Diane Shao, Bill Bradley, John Townsley, Sheila Conner, Elaine Honsberger, Heather Payne, Bill Goodway. Ross Huntley and Mike…

Minutes | March 1995

New CSEG Members

…(R) = reinstatement John A. Clarke (R), Innovation Management Scott B, Haffner, Veritas Seismic Timothy D. Hladik, Geo-X Systems Dana Iwashow, CGG Geophysics Sami S. Kurdy Kevin B. McLachlan (R), Richardson Greenshields Wayne Nowry, Veritas Seismic Richard A. Schiffman, Western Geophysical Ross M. Turner, Varidata Surveys James R. Wasalasko, IMC…

New Members | March 1995

Tracing the Industry

…Cathy Wright has now joined the team with Poco Petroleums Ltd. as their Geophysical Data Administrator. 260-8086 will put you in touch with her. Crestar Energy Inc. has recently added Bob Fuenning to their Exploration Team. You can call him at 231-6803. Terri Paget has now joined Jordan Petroleum Ltd.…

Tracing the Industry | March 1995