Integra Geoservices Inc. wishes to announce the appointment of Robert Somerville as Geophysical Programmer. Bob graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1983 with a B.Sc. in Geophysics. He has previously worked in both seismic data processing and then programming most recently with C & C systems. Bob can be reached at 294-5144.

Larry Matthews wishes to announce his new company Matthews Geoscience Consultants Ltd. Larry may be reached at (403) 281-1897 or fax (403) 281-6229.

Principia Exploration ltd. would like everyone to know they have moved to their new location at 606, 604 - 1st Street S.W., Calgary T2P 1M6. Their phone number remains the same at (403) 266-6040.

Geco-Prakla has established a core team of 3-D personnel under the direction of Dick Yuen, former assistant processing manager at Seis-Pro and consultants Ltd. Dick is joined by the former centre manager for Neo-Seis Inc. in Billings, Montana, John Douglass. Frank Raffin has been promoted to D.P. Supervisor joining Shu Wai Tong in managing the daily production work. Geco-Prakla can be reached at 290-1787.

As a reminder, the 22nd Annual CSEG convention will be held May 9-11 at the Calgary Convention Centre. Hope to see you all there.

That's all for now. Deadline for submission for the May issue is April 10, 1995, so keep those faxes coming. Until next time.



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