2763 search results for:

Exploration Applications of High Resolution Magnetic Surveys

Zeev Berger, Ron Sheldrake, Foon Der

…High resolution aeromagnetic surveys are excellent tools for mapping geological structures in a wide range of tectonic settings and geographical areas. The improved mapping capabilities of these surveys are achieved by advanced data acquisition techniques which include lower altitudes, tighter line spacing, and broad-band frequency retention followed by advanced data…

Luncheon | March 1996


…LCT Management Buy-Out The senior management of LaFehr and Chan Technologies, Inc. (LCT) is pleased to announce their successful management buy-out of LCT from Geodynamics Corporation effective January 17, 1996. The new owners of the company include Dr. T.R. LaFehr, Dr. Kwok Chan and John Bain, together with a group…

Grapevine | March 1996

Tracing the Industry

…Photon Systems Ltd. Is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to the team. Robert L. Wentland joins Photon as the VoxelGeo Product Manager. Bob has more than 20 years industry experience with the Kansas Geological Survey, Shell Oil, and Vital Images. At Vital Images Bob was Chief…

Tracing the Industry | March 1996

The 3-C Struggle: Good News From the Trenches

Dr. Peter Cary

…The title of this luncheon presentation seems to imply that some sort of "trench warfare" is going on with three-component seismic data. Those who have had hands-on experience with 3-C data may know just how close to the truth this term sometimes is, but it is not meant to turn…

Luncheon | February 1996

Good Computer Contouring/Modelling Can Help the Geophysical Interpreter – Part Two

Richard Banks and J. Brian Henry

…The first article of this series discussed the differences between gridding (indirect) and triangulation (direct) as methods of contouring. The examples were based on well data and only one non-faulted surface was contoured. In this section we first discuss the contouring of several surfaces followed by a discussion of a…

Article | February 1996

Making the CSEG’s Equity Further the Goals of the Society

Susan R. Eaton

…The following brief presents my ideas on making the CSEG equity work toward furthering the goals of the Society and toward making the CSEG a more vibrant organization in the future. I hope my suggestions and examples will generate a spirited discussion amongst CSEG members, and will serve as a…

Article | February 1996

Tracing the Industry

…The Excalibur-Gemini Group is pleased to announce the David Eley has joined their Sales and Marketing staff. David brings more than 15 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry. 264-8550 will put you in touch with David. All the best David. Exploration Seismic Services is pleased to announce…

Tracing the Industry | February 1996


…RF-telemetry Acquisition System Speeds Major 3D Seismic Surveys in South Louisiana Wetland Areas Seismic crews used radio-frequency (RF) telemetry acquisition systems from Opseis, Inc., to complete two large 3D seismic surveys in difficult and environmentally sensitive wetland areas of Louisiana. Crews from Eagle Geophysical completed the surveys in less time…

Grapevine | February 1996

The Natural View

…Angus Reid Reports on the Importance of the Environment to Albertans Where do Albertans currently stand on their concern for the environment? According to Angus Reid Polls conducted between August 1993 and December 1995, environment is no longer a priority in people's lives. Not surprisingly, over one half (54%) of…

The Natural View | February 1996

Executive Column

…We need to answer three questions: 1. What should we spend the money on? — Susan's brief presents many suggestions. 2. Who is going to decide how the money will be spent? — Two obvious choices are the Executive Committee or an Ad-hoc Committee that represents different facets of our…

Board Message | February 1996

Complex Deformation Models from the Debolt Gas Fields of the N.E. British Columbia Foothills, as seen on 2D and 3D Seismic

Andrew C. Newson

…The interpretation of seismic data in the foothills is typically model driven in areas where the quality of this seismic data is moderate to poor in quality. The deformation model used by the interpreter will have a major impact on locating wells on the structures and calculating in-place reserves. In…

Luncheon | January 1996

Good Computer Contouring/Modelling Can Help the Geophysical Interpreter

Richard Banks and J. Brian Henry

…This is the first in a series of articles on contouring, or modelling, to use the more appropriate term. The purpose of this series is to develop the principles and role of contouring in present day exploration. The first of the four articles discusses basic gridding and triangulation techniques. The…

Article | January 1996

The C.A.G.C. Needs You!

Rolf Wenzel

…What is the C.A.G.C.? Chinese Association of Golf Courses Celts Against Greek Colonialism Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors Children Against Goat Cheese If you answered c., you may be well informed, literate and/or lucky. In a blatant attempt to expand membership to achieve its secret goal of planetary domination through…

Article | January 1996


…Western Atlas Software Releases OASIIS 5.1 with Advanced Geotechnical Capabilities Western Atlas Software announces the release of version 5.1 of its OASIIS® (Open Architecture Subsurface Integrated Interpretation System) software application. The OASIIS application is an integrated 2-D/3-D multisurvey seismic interpretation system with advanced geotechnical capabilities. New features added to the…

Grapevine | January 1996

Tracing the Industry

…Mike Galbraith, President of Seismic Image Software, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Hall to Vice President of Geoscience Integration. Mike brings with him more than twenty-five years experience in the seismic industry covering all aspects from acquisition to interpretation. Mike will be located in the Calgary office…

Tracing the Industry | January 1996

Alberta Labour’s Provincial Seismic Program

Jim Shaffer

…Alberta Labour has identified six specialized program areas in its Business Plan for 1995. The specialized program areas include Seismic, Residential Construction, Forestry, Steel and Iron Foundries, Mining and Trenching. The Seismic Industry was identified due to its high lost-time claim rate. The average lost-time claim rate in the Seismic…

Luncheon | December 1995

1996 Election of Officers Candidates

…DAN HAMPSON President Dan Hampson began his career in Geophysics in 1976 with Veritas Seismic Processors Ltd., after receiving his M.Sc. in physics from McMaster University in Hamilton. He worked with Veritas up until 1987 as a seismic data processor, research manager, and Vice President of Research. In 1987, Dan…

Article | December 1995

Effective Geophysical Writing and Presentation

Robert R. Stewart, R. James Brown and Don C. Lawton

…Introduction James Michener (1992) wrote, "The writer who sits at his or her desk with an empty piece of paper staring back is like the explorer who stands at the edge of a new continent, uncertain of how to proceed" – an exciting but perhaps difficult position. The goal of…

Article | December 1995

The Doodlebugs

Sharon Stevens

…A doodlebugger? What is a doodlebug and where did that name come from? A definitive answer was what I was searching for. But a variety of responses is what I found... A doodlebug is a southern bug that digs a hole in the ground and stacks the dirt – that's…

Article | December 1995

Tracing the Industry

…Graham Millington is glad to report that he is back in Calgary after an absence of over eight years, which took him to Dallas and London. He is in the Geoscience Services group of Mobil Oil Canada and can be reached at 260-7320. Integra Geoservices is pleased to announce the…

Tracing the Industry | December 1995