2763 search results for:

Registration (Licensure) of Geoscientists in Canada: A National Perspective and Update

Gordon D. Williams

…Introduction The registration (licensure) of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers and, increasingly, geoscientists in Canada is the responsibility of individual provinces and territories, under acts of their respective legislatures. These acts limit or restrict the practice of the professions to those persons who are registered (licensed) by autonomous, self-governing…

Article | March 1997


…CSPG 1997 Executive Committee The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists takes great pleasure in announcing the new Executive Committee for 1997. President Ric Sebastian, Playmakers Resource Exploration Vice-President Terry McCoy, Poco Petroleums Past President Gerry Reinson, Petrel Robertson Treasurer Frank Chappell, Rigel Oil & Gas Assistant Treasurer Dave Work, Paramount…

Grapevine | March 1997

Rock Physics and 4D Seismic for Improved Oil Recovery

Dr. Amos Nur

…1997 SEG Spring Distinguished Lecture The worldwide volume of already discovered but unrecovered oil is by now enormous – on the order of (according to some) the oil that still remains to be discovered. On average, only 25% of discovered oil is being recovered in the world, whereas 65% to…

Luncheon | February 1997

Geostatistical Depth Mapping: Integration of Seismic Times with Well Tops

David L. Garner

…A perpetual exploration problem is to produce depth maps useful for the goals of both geologists and geophysicists and to accurately derive a target depth estimate at a proposed well location. A case history whereby seismic horizon times and well tops are combined to estimate depth using the collocated co-kriging…

Article | February 1997

Tracing the Industry

…Western Geophysical is pleased to announce that Steven Vasey has joined the Calgary operation a Manager. Steven has 12 year experience with Western in both land and marine acquisition and processing. Steve can be reached at (403) 272-9754 or fax at (403) 273-5293. All the best Steve. Atul Nautiyal wishes…

Tracing the Industry | February 1997


…First Mining Exposition in China After years of isolation, China is opening its doors to the rest of the world. In August 1996, a new policy on mining was adopted by the Chinese Government. This policy is effective January 1, 1997. It was designed to encourage joint ventures between foreign…

Grapevine | February 1997

Using Technology for E&P Success – the Practices of the Leaders

George Eynon

…The western Canadian petroleum exploration and production industry has evolved considerably since the oil price shock of 1986 and the gas price shock of 1990-92. Early adjustments focused on reducing G&A. The second, current phase has an operating emphasis. The primary goal is to meet shareholder objectives - whether those…

Luncheon | January 1997

Migration Operator Aliasing and its Effect on Interpolation

Peter Cary and Bill Goodway

…Introduction The controversial topic of 3D spatial sampling and its impact on the final seismic image has generated several articles in the last few years advocating coarsely sampled acquisition geometries (e.g. Neidell, 1994; Goodway & Ragan, 1996). On the other hand, Vermeer (1995) has advocated a fine, "symmetric" sampling geometry…

Article | January 1997


…Inuvialuit Energy Inc. Completes Acquisition of Granisko Resources Assets Russell Newmark, Chairman and CEO of the Inuvialuit Energy Inc. (IEI) recently announced that IEI has concluded the acquisition of certain assets of Granisko Resources Inc. from Price Waterhouse. These assets include a sour gas processing plant with a capacity of…

Grapevine | January 1997

Tracing the Industry

…KEN SHAW wishes to announce that he has taken early retirement from Unocal Corp. in Sugar Land, Texas. Ken has returned to Calgary and will be involved with the Energy Geosciences Institute (formerly ESRI). Ken will be the Associate Director, Canadian Operations. This will represent the first time that the…

Tracing the Industry | January 1997

Pre-stack Inversion: Evolving the Science ofInversion

Rick Wallace and Roger Young

…Over the past 2 decades seismic inversion, ostensibly the process of deriving rock properties from seismic measurements, has evolved significantly. The early methods of recursive inversion converted seismic traces to well log traces providing a measurement of the "pseudo acoustic impedance". The acoustic impedance could also be expressed as "pseudo-acoustic…

Luncheon | December 1996

One Interpreter’s Most Excellent Adventure

Jan Dewar

…Synthetic seismograms are a common tool in geophysical interpretation. They make use of the simple idea of correlating known subsurface information from a well with seismic data recorded on the surface. But sometimes a synthetic seismogram does not match a seismic section very well, and what should be a straight…

Article | December 1996

Geostatistical Reservoir Characterization of A Canadian Reef Or The Use and Abuse of Geostatistics

Keith Hirsche, Larry Mewhort, Jan Porter-Hjrsche and Rick Davis

…Abstract Geostatistical methods are becoming widely accepted in reservoir characterization. The appeal of these techniques is the ability to integrate diverse types of information, including seismic data, into a consistent subsurface model. An added benefit of geostatistics over deterministic reservoir description is the ability to assess uncertainty in the modelling…

Article | December 1996


…U.S. Patent Issued for 3-D Seismic Coherence Cube™ Technology Coherence Technology Company and Amoco Corporation recently announced the issuance of U.S. patent umber 5,563,949 "Method of Signal Processing and Exploration." Coherence Cube technology represents the most significant breakthrough in 3-D seismic interpretation in the last decade. This three-dimensional post processing…

Grapevine | December 1996

Tracing the Industry

…Robert Thorburn wishes to announce that he is back from Houston and will be the Technical Director of Geophysics at Amoco Canada. All the best Robert. Petrolane Consulting Ltd. is pleased to announce that John Mercier has joined the firm as Operations Manager. John brings to the company 25 years…

Tracing the Industry | December 1996

3D Seismic Monitoring for Enhancing Thermal Recovery

John Eastwood, Don Anderson and Tom Boone

…Summary A technique is illustrated which uses a single 3D seismic monitor survey along with multiple seismic attributes in conjunction with an offset baseline survey to discriminate heated reservoir from unheated reservoir. 3D seismic monitoring has definitively mapped steam heated regions of the reservoir at two separate geographic locations encompassing…

Luncheon | November 1996

In the Foothills, Prestack Depth Migration IS Interpretive Processing

Samuel H. Gray and Gary Maclean

…Introduction In the Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, explorationists face a wide spectrum of challenges, ranging from economic ("Is my prospect large enough to justify a multi-million dollar well?" "Can hydrocarbons be transported from the well to the market inexpensively?") to technical ("Can I map my structure using seismic…

Article | November 1996

Tracing the Industry

…Doug Bonar has moved over to Genesis Exploration Ltd. from Suncor Inc. Doug can be reached at 266-6900 or fax at 266-6988. All the best Doug. Kevin Angus is now over at Archean Energy Ltd. as Senior Geophysicist. Kevin was previously with Ulster Petroleums Ltd. Kevin can be reached at…

Tracing the Industry | November 1996


…Petrophysical Analysis Added to the GMAplus Product Line By relating rock properties from an earth model to geophysical interpretations, PetroSolv integrates the exploration world of the geophysicist, geologist and petrophysicist. Based on user defined geological models and utilizing core, wireline, cuttings and mineral log data PetroSolv optimizes mineral and fluid…

Grapevine | November 1996

Surface Seismic Data Acquisition: Current Technology, Trends and Issues

Dr. Fred J. Barr

…Introduction We currently find ourselves armed with a dazzling array of technologies with which to acquire seismic data. These technologies, as well as their attendant trends and issues, have developed in response to both market and technical forces, powerful forces at work for several decades. The market forces demand lower…

Luncheon | October 1996