June 23, 1993

Present: Melvyn Best, Bill Davitt, Heather Payne, Gary Taylor, Barbara Young, Dave Hutchinson, Mike Enachescu

Recorder Editor’s Report:

Barbara Young

  • The production schedule for Sept-Dec 1993 issues presented.

  • The use of lighter weight paper has saved the society approximately $500 per issue in mailing charges.

  • Barry Korchinski is still pursuing the issue of the APEGGA advertising fees. He will step down as advertising manager for the Recorder at the end of June. Special thanks should go to Barry. David Siegfried will be taking over.

  • Some members have objected to advertising flyers for the CSEG group insurance agents being distributed with the Recorder. It was decided that since it was a CSEG group plan, and it does bring in advertising revenue, the flyers should be allowed to continue.

  • It was also agreed that advertising for computer equipment should be allowed as computers have become such essential tools of geophysicists.

MOVED by Bill Davitt that the CSEG should consider award plaques to volunteers who have done significant work for the Society. SECONDED by Barb Young. CARRIED.

1st Vice President’s Report:

Gary Taylor

  • Gary is working on expansion of the number of geophysical software packages, and necessary hardware which the CSEG makes available to members. Presently, the society has a PC with various donated or loaned PC software packages. Gary will investigate similar offers of software for Unix workstations and also canvas computer vendors for hardware to install them. The object should be to provide software for training, evaluation, and shareware packages. There should be limited I/O capabilities, and no intitial cost to the Society. We should solicit data sets as well as software for this system.

MOVED by Gary Taylor that he should investigate the available software and hardware for these purposes. CARRIED.

  • There was discussion given to dedication of a page of the Recorder devoted to acknowledgement of sponsors but was rejected because of the additional cost. Barb Young suggested that a half column at certain intervals could be appropriate.

Treasurer’s Report:

Nancy Shaw

  • The incoming treasurer has difficulty knowing whether the accounts are or are not running according to budget because of lack of knowledge and experience of the expected fluctuations from previous years. Heather assured us that previous years’ information was available and Bill felt that the accounts were reasonable and in line with previous years.

Journal Editor’s Report:

Melvyn Best

  • The Geological Association of Canada will hold its 1995 meeting in Victoria.

  • BC is in the process of starting registration of its geologists and geophysicists in a similar manner to Alberta’s APEGGA registration. Similar registration may be going to come in the USA.

  • Melvyn has had informal discussions with representatives of both CGU and KEGS about creation of a joint ??????

Brian Russell:

  • Larry Lines and Sven Treitel want to hold a course in Calgary on inversion, including travel time tomography, and they have asked about CSEG sponsorship for this course. It was noted that there could be opportunity for commercial conflicts if we started promoting courses, although this particular course should be acceptable. We should sponsor courses from within our own membership if we are going to sponsor courses at all. There could be appreciable revenue generated. Mike suggested that courses should not always follow the traditional pattern of high priced hotels and big costs. It was agreed that Gary Taylor should investigate this and look into our policies for such courses.

2nd Vice President’s Report:

Michael Enachescu

  • Luncheon lecturers:

    Sept - Dr. Romig

    Oct - Sudhir Jain

    Nov - Easton Wren

    Dec - open

Don Lawton has agreed to talk to the Society, probably in February. Barb Young suggested that Sven Treitel should be invited to address a luncheon meeting while he is in Calgary.

  • Mike suggested that we should request that the SEG should reference techni? cal articles from our publications, and that authors would be more interested in writing if they knew that their work would be widely referenced.

  • Nancy Shaw asked whether expanded abstracts from our conventions could be distributed to libraries.

Business Manager’s Report:

Elaine Honsberger

  • Noted that the Calgary smoking bylaw prohibits smoking in public places unless they are specifically designated as smoking areas, and asked whether any part of the CSEG office should be so designated. It was unanimously agreed that NO part of the office should be so designated.

  • Elaine has been talking to insurance brokers, and is obtaining estimates for directors’ liability insurance.

Office Manager’s Report:

Heather Payne

  • Heather will be on holiday for two weeks from July 19. Debbie White has made the necessary arrangements to get the Recorder ready for publication during this period.

  • Names of candidates for the 1994 executive should be published in the November Recorder. The deadline for this issue will be Sept 29.

Recorder Editors’ Report:

Barbara Young

  • The Recorder article by Roy Lindseth on HPC and the Fujitsu super-computer can be expected in Sept. She noted that Marion Bone’s company is installing a similar system. (Editors’ note: delayed to October.) The nomination committee for the 1994 executive will consist of Bill Davitt, Jim Brown, and Brian Russell. They already have some potential candidates in mind, but they are seeking nominations now.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.



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