2763 search results for:

EdGEO Earth Science Teacher Workshop Program

Eileen Van der Flier-Keller

…EdGEO, is a national program which supports local workshops on Earth science for Canadian teachers. Grants of up to $3000 are provided per workshop. EdGEO is coordinated by the Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN) of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES) and is funded primarily by the CSPG (Canadian…

Focus Article | May 2008

A Quick Look in the Mirror – Results of the 2007 Membership Survey

Doug Bogstie, François Aubin and Jim Racette

…Along with the 2008 Membership renewal the CSEG Executive sent out a short membership survey in December. We needed to update the demographics and activities of our society. In total we received about 650 replies which equates to about a 33% participation rate. While most respondents answered all the questions…

Article | May 2008

Azimuthal Processing for Fracture Prediction and Image Improvement

Galen Treadgold, Charles Sicking, Victoria Sublette, and Gary Hoover

…Abstract Oil and gas production from tight, fractured reservoirs (sandstones, carbonates, shales) has increased considerably as commodity prices have risen over the past 5 years. A common aspect of these hard rock targets is an oriented stress field and open fractures. P-wave seismic processing that can identify these variations in…

Article | May 2008

Careers in Earth Sciences Website

Jenn Sabean, John Clague, and Fran Heidl

…Project Objectives In response to the increase in students dropping out of key math and science courses and to pressures faced by today’s students to make important career decisions earlier in their schooling, the Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN)/Réseau Canadien d’éducation géoscientifique (RCEG) has undertaken an initiative to develop a…

Article | May 2008

Davey Einarsson

An Interview with Davey Einarsson

…Davey, let’s begin by asking you about your early education and then your work experience. Well, I was born and raised in Arborg, Manitoba. That’s in the Interlake about 70 miles north of Winnipeg – there were about 600 people in the town and when I graduated from High School…

Interview | May 2008

Presidential Column

…Role of Directors Each director has a portfolio to oversee. The newly elected members of the executive are therefore getting acquainted with their respective role. An organizational chart is available on the web site for your perusal if you are wondering who to contact on a given issue. http://cseg.ca/members/cseg-executive The…

Presidential Column | May 2008

Executive Message

…In 1949, a group of eleven geophysicists held a meeting to share their vision of how a society catering to geophysicists should be built. I have just completed my first year as Assistant Director of Member Services and I sometimes ponder if the society has blossomed into what they had…

Board Message | May 2008

CAGC Column

…Seismic on Lakes – there I said it – this has been a taboo subject for the past 8 months or so. I will start this column with the quote I finish with – “The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and simple”. I can apply this to a…

CAGC Column | May 2008

Science Break: The Spokane Flood

…The Spokane Flood would have occurred about 14,000 years ago, towards the end of the last ice age. Simply put, an ice dam at the southern edge of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet blocked the Clark Fork River, creating a huge glacial lake in the vicinity of Missoula, Montana (Fig. 1).…

Science Break | May 2008

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Edge Technologies is pleased to welcome Naomi Storey to our team as a new account representative. Naomi is excited to be entering the seismic world having most recently been involved in the geologic service sector. Naomi can be reached at 770-0440 or naomi.storey@edge-tech.ca . We look forward…

Tracing the Industry | May 2008


…CSEG Doodlebug August 14 – 16th, 2008 The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge www.doodlebuggolf.ca Tall Tales from Doodlebug’s Hello from Doodlebugger George, I want to bring your attention to one of the finest social events there is for all CSEG members. Did you hear the one about the guy who rejected…

Grapevine | May 2008

Keep an eye on your basement! – the 3D version

John Peirce, Dave Caulfield, Bob Charters, Dumitru Ion, Hassan Hassan, and Randy Kolesar

…Summary Twenty some years ago Bernard Coulott of Imperial Oil exhorted us to “Keep an eye on your basement!” during a CSEG luncheon talk. In 2004, we presented several wide ranging geological examples of the influence of basement structure on the overlying stratigraphy (Peirce and Griffith, 2004) and emphasized how…

Luncheon | April 2008

Multifocusing: A New Method of Multifold Seismic Data Processing

Igor Belfer, Alex Berkovitch, and Kairat Sydykov

…Much geophysical research [3] focuses on improving the quality of time imaging by aligning the reflectors based on CMP seismic gathers. Various formulas for moveout correction that consider real data complexity and accordingly, the non-hyperbolic character of a traveltime curve, have been proposed. Researchers attempt to avoid nonlinear stretch on…

Focus Article | April 2008

Frequency Enhancement of Seismic Data – a comparative study

Santan Kumar, Kiran Kumari, and Ajoy Biswal

…Summary Seismic waves propagating in the subsurface are attenuated. This loss is frequency dependent i.e. higher frequencies are absorbed more rapidly than lower frequencies resulting in a narrow frequency spectrum. Since the seismic trace is a superposition of many overlapping reflections it is often difficult to identify the exact reflection…

Focus Article | April 2008

Integrated approach to identify complex reservoir sand channel/bar system

Ram Kumar Thakur and Frederic Duval

…Summary The oil bearing lenticular multilayered reservoir sands in the South Umm Gudair Field is embedded in the thick Ratawi Shale Member. They are sedimented as thin tidal bars anastomosed with distributary and tidal channels deposited under pro-deltaic to delta front environment. The petrophysical properties estimated from well data with…

Article | April 2008

Fizz and gas reservoir differentiation based on stochastic inversion

Xin-gang Chi and De-hua Han

…AVO attributes of gradient and intercept are related to the reservoir properties based on rock physics knowledge. We develop a new rock physics model based inversion method in this study where we apply the Xu-White shaly-sand mixture model and simultaneously invert the reservoir properties of clay content, water saturation, and…

Article | April 2008

General Mathematical Software Tools in Geophysics

Edgardo S. Cheb-Terrab, Jim Cooper and Bary W. Wilson

…Over time, Geophysics, like most disciplines and industries have developed a veritable arsenal of powerful software tools to defeat complex modeling and analytical challenges. Whether the task is contouring, groundwater modeling, or GIS, highly capable software exists to help today’s problems. But what about the problems of tomorrow? This article…

Article | April 2008

As the science world goes mobile, expect computer technology to follow

Marc Diana

…It would be ideal to have a 5,000-square-foot laboratory less than a mile away from you at all times. However, when you’re conducting research in some of the most remote locations on the planet, the amenities of a high-tech lab are an afterthought. Instead, scientists and researchers try and make-do…

Article | April 2008

Tad Ulrych

An Interview with Tad Ulrych

…Tad, let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. I began learning English when I was about 10 years old, in Cyprus. That was in fact my first schooling experience, because prior to that, you know, we escaped from the Germans then from the Russians.…

Interview | April 2008

Presidential Column

…This is my first column as President of the CSEG. My intention is to make use of this column to update the members on issues that the executive is currently dealing with. The executive meets once a month (except July and August) and as your elected representatives, we deal with…

Presidential Column | April 2008