Happy May Everyone! I am wondering if the old saying “April showers (snow) bring May flowers”. It’s time for the full effects of Spring to happen... and when people’s thoughts turn to… well, golf and other outdoor activities. Yes, time to bring on the warm sunbeams and seasonal allergies. I love Springtime. Oh! Speaking of golf, there are a few industry tournaments that are happening this year that you may want to take note of (and remember to register early): the Doodlebug, WiSE and the Junior Oilmen’s to name a few.
CSEG Doodlebug
August 14 – 16th, 2008
The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge
Tall Tales from Doodlebug’s
Hello from Doodlebugger George, I want to bring your attention to one of the finest social events there is for all CSEG members.
Did you hear the one about the guy who rejected the idea of dieting, health spas and swimming but when his doctor advised golf, the corpulent patient thought it might be worth trying?
After a few weeks, however, he was back at the doctor’s and asking whether he could take up some other game.
“But,” protested the doctor, “what’s wrong with golf? There’s no finer game!”
“You are doubtless correct,” the patient replied, “but my trouble is that when I put the wretched ball where I can see it I can’t hit it and when I put it where I can hit it, I can’t see it!”
The Doodlebug Golf Tournament is to provide a fun and yet competitive golf venue for CSEG members of all levels of ability. It encourages fellowship and co-operation, while building stronger business and personal relationships along the way. Not limited to just golf, each year’s committee e n s u res that participants and their guests enjoy a full schedule of social events.
The first tournament was held in Banff, 1953. That first Doodlebug hosted 72 participants grouped into 9 flights. Moved to Jasper a number of years ago, with 144 participants in up wards of 18 flights the Jasper Park Lodge offers Doodlebugger’s a relaxed atmosphere conductive to socializing, the golf course is challenging and fun but more forgiving, and the further distance to Jasper provides real “getting away from it all” feeling. Drop your keys off and the JPL takes care of the rest.
The Doodlebug really caters to all levels of golf, from scratch golfers all the way up to the highest of handicaps. How can you not love a tournament where many a hole has been won with a score of 10 or 11 strokes?! The entire weekend is a perfect balance of golf, social events and camaraderie. It really exemplifies the wonderful people and spirit of the Canadian seismic industry all possible because of the generous support of our industry Sponsors.
Till next month, for sponsorship information contact Danielle Harrison 403-770-0359 or Kerry Befus 403-218-8026.

Women in Seismic – Golf Tournament
The 8th annual Women in Seismic (WiSE) golf tournament is coming soon! The 2008 tournament will be held on Monday, August 25th, 2008 at the Fox Hollow golf course in Calgary. This event is an excellent opportunity for networking amongst your peers in a fun environment, while supporting a great cause!
As in previous years, we will be raising money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation (Ovarian and Breast). We have had tremendous support from the industry in previous years, and are actively soliciting support for this year’s tournament for hole sponsorship, raffle/silent auction items and team prizes. As in the past, the entire cost of sponsoring a hole and all proceeds from the raffle/silent auction are given directly to the Alberta Cancer Foundation! Last year alone, with your help, we raised over $16,000 for this great cause!
If you would like information on hole sponsorship, or if your company would like to donate raffle/auction items or team prizes for the tournament, please contact Danielle Harrison at danielle.harrison@divescto.com or (403)770-0359. Entry forms for the tournament will be available shortly. Thank you to everyone for your continued support!
CSEG – Outreach Committee
The 2008 Honorary Address is looking for volunteers in all capacities (speakers, logistics). This year’s multimedia presentation on Earth Science, to be held at the Jubilee on October 28th or 29th, may focus on the relevance of Coral Reefs today and in the past. The target audience for this event will be the general public with a scientific understanding equivalent of grades five through ten.
Please contact Alex Wright, awright@advantageincome.com for more information.
Junior Geophysicists Forum
Just a quick reminder that the next JGF is scheduled for JUNE 18, 2008. Please mark that in your calendars. More information will be available on the CSEG website. You can also email the JGF committee at jgf@cseg.ca.
We remind you that this event is for ALL geophysicists (junior, intermediate and senior), as well as students enrolled in a geophysics degree program. It is an excellent event for networking amongst 200 fellow geophysicists. Due to space limitations, we regret that the event is limited to geophysicists and students only.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Chair of the JGF, Carmen Swalwell at (403) 560-8431 or carmen.swalwell@shaw.ca.
MWH/Northern Envirosearch Ltd.
MWH, a global provider of environmental engineering, strategic consulting and construction services, today announced the acquisition of Northern EnviroSearch Ltd., an environmental consultancy headquartered in Calgary. Northern EnviroSearch provides environmental project planning, management, and implementation services to energy, industrial and other clients in the Canadian market.
“Northern EnviroSearch has valuable and proven environmental expertise that will help MWH expand its presence in the strategically important region of Western Canada,” said Alan Krause, President and Chief Operating Officer of MWH. “Our business in Canada has been growing steadily over the past few years and, with the addition of the EnviroSearch locations, its portfolio of services, and environmental experts, we are better positioned to pursue a broader range of opportunities.”
About MWH’s Services: MWH provides a range of engineering offerings to energy, natural resource, industry and infrastructure markets, including dam and hydropower services, mining industry services, and services to the industrial sector and energy producers. For these industries, MWH’s primary lines include:
- Dam and hydropower expertise
- Turnkey mine reclamation and closure
- Environmental/sustainability planning, permitting and compliance expertise
- Facility development and environmental program management
- Civil/geotechnical engineering and construction
- Hydrogeologic, water quality, geochemical and ecological studies
- Water management and treatment systems
- Contaminated site characterization and remediation solutions
For more information about MWH please visit the company’s Web site at www.mwhglobal.com.
CSEG Outreach Committee
CSEG Outreach recently went to Winnipeg for the two-day Rotary Career Fair.
Bus loads of high school students visited the fair and we were pleased to have the opportunity to educate them about careers in geophysics. Many of the students expressed an interest in physics or science but had never thought of geophysics as a career. We told the students, and parents attending the evening session, about the careers available to those educated to university, technical college or high school levels.
We handed out our brochures Careers in Geophysics and Careers in Geophysical Technology and the CAGC’s Careers in Seismic. We also handed out several packages to careers practitioners. These packages included a one-page handout with information about our activities and website, the brochures, the SEG’s Dig Into Your World poster, and our new voiceover CD on Careers in Geophysics.
This trip to Winnipeg gave us a great chance to inform students about careers in geophysics, broaden our influence and to get exposure for our society, in keeping with being a national organization.

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