2763 search results for:

A wavefield extrapolation based summation for prestack depth and time migration

Jianhua Pan and Dan Negut

…Summary Wave equation migration (WEM) has been used in our industry for several years. Its ability to handle multiple arrivals from a surface position to a subsurface point provides us with higher quality images than Kirchhoff migration. However, apart from computational efficiency, WEM lacks some other advantages of Kirchhoff migration…

Article | October 2008

It Pays to Plan

Brock Hassell, Ken Robinson, Cecelia Gowen and Darrell Daniels

…We are heading into another winter operations season, and it appears as if the industry is going to be at least as busy as last year, and perhaps even more so. For those of you who are planning winter programs now is the time to ensure you’re maximizing the benefits…

Article | October 2008

Executive Message

…In the movie Princess Bride, Prince Humperdink says to his royal advisor, ‘Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I’ve got my country’s 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I’m swamped!’ Clearly, he’s a…

Board Message | October 2008

Presidential Column

…Executive Positions Open! One of the most arduous duties of the President of the CSEG is to chair the nominations committee and make sure that candidates are in place for the various positions of the executive for the election: this information I hold from past presidents. I am about to…

Presidential Column | October 2008

CAGC Column

…Seismic on Lakes in Alberta continues to be one of the most frustrating issues for our Industry these days. We continue to work with Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) in hopes of creating solutions for some or all of the varying degrees of sensitivities. Water bodies have been separated in…

CAGC Column | October 2008

Science Break: Singing Sand Dunes

…“Marvelous indeed and almost passing belief are the stories related of these spirits of the desert, which are said at times to fill the air with the sounds of all kinds...” (The Travels of Marco Polo, Book I, Chapter 36) Singing sand dunes have been known of presumably since time…

Science Break | October 2008

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Absolute Imaging Inc. is extremely pleased to announce that Kane Shannon, B.Sc. Geophysics has joined their expanding organization as a Processing Geophysicist. The company is excited to have Kane join in the rapid growth and prosperity of the business complimenting the existing strong team. Kane would like…

Tracing the Industry | October 2008


…2009 CSEG Ski Spree The CSEG Ski Spree committee cordially invites you and your families to this year’s Ski Spree! We are pleased to announce the new dates of: February 27-March 1, 2009. Registration will open on November 17, 2008 at 8:00am. At this time, applications will be posted on…

Grapevine | October 2008

David Johnston

An Interview with David Johnston

…Dave, let’s begin by asking you about your educational qualifications and your work experience. Sure. I received my B.Sc. in Earth Sciences from MIT in 1973. I must have liked it there because I stayed on to get my Ph.D. in Geophysics in 1978. I joined Exxon Production Research Company…

Interview | October 2008

Aggressively Passive: Microseismic opportunities over an oilfield’s life

Peter Duncan

…Abstract Passive seismic, especially microseismic monitoring, is to conventional seismic as a stethoscope is to a sonograph. It is continuous 4-D. It is accomplished by listening carefully to the sounds emanating from the earth and then diagnosing what is happening down there. Passive seismic techniques not only can create an…

Luncheon | September 2008

Highlights of Petroleum and Crustal Framework of the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin: Key Results from BeaufortSPAN East Phases I and II Surveys

Menno Dinkelman, Naresh Kumar, James Helwig, Pete Emmet and James Granath

…Summary The Beaufort-Mackenzie basin in Arctic Canada is a petroliferous province still in the early stages of exploration. Almost three decades of exploration in the Mackenzie Delta onshore and shallower water offshore have resulted in 48 conventional oil and gas discoveries. Although no significant production exists as yet, mean undiscovered…

Focus Article | September 2008

CHORUS Heavy Oil Research Project Sings The Happy New Technology Tunes

Joan Embleton and the CHORUS team

…As the world oil situation becomes a larger economic focus for billions of global consumers, the CHORUS University of Calgary research project has expanded its integrated science international industry research team and heavy oil international sponsor focus to address these needs. Global energy consumption is on the rise; however, conventional…

Focus Article | September 2008

Geoscience of Climate Change: Understanding the Climate System, and the Consequences of Climate Change for the Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources

Andrew Miall

…Sponsors Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists,Geological Association of Canada, Canadian Federation of Earth Scientists, Royal Society of Canada. General Chair and Technical Program Coordinator Andrew D. Miall Organizing Committee Steve Grasby, Elisabeth Kosters, Jeff Packard, and Ian Young Technical Advisors Bill Ruddiman, Dick Peltier The modern world is faced with…

Article | September 2008

Seismic Modeling of Reservoir-Scale Heterogeneities—an Application to the Mallik Gas Hydrates, Northwest Territories

Jun-Wei Huang, Gilles Bellefleur and Bernd Milkereit

…Abstract An algorithm was developed to construct heterogeneous petrophysical reservoir models based on well logs showing power law features and Gaussian or Non-Gaussian probability density distribution. The algorithm honoured the statistical features of well logs such as the horizontal and vertical characteristic scales and the correlation among rock properties. Multi-dimensional…

Article | September 2008

The impact of oil viscosity heterogeneity on production from heavy oil and bitumen reservoirs: Geotailoring recovery processes to compositionally graded reservoirs

Ian Gates, Jennifer Adams and Steve Larter

…The majority of the world’s petroleum resources are contained in heavy oil and oil sand reservoirs. Average recoveries from heavy oil and oil sand reservoirs are typically low ranging from 5 to 15 percent for cold heavy oil production and from 30 to 85 percent for steam-based in situ processes.…

Article | September 2008

Exhibits Make 2008 ‘Kids in Science Program’ a Huge Success

Pratt Barndollar

…If you were on the exhibit floor Tuesday morning during this year’s Joint Convention, you may have seen a younger than expected crowd! KISP (Kids in Science Program) hosted 168 students from Our Lady of Peace and Sir John Franklin Junior High Schools Grades 7-9. The convention visit helps show…

Article | September 2008

Yukon Minerals, Oil and Gas Overview 2007

Mike Burke and Bernie Adilman

…The following document will give readers an overview of Yukon’s mineral and oil and gas industry. It aims to offer a high level look at what is currently happening in the industry and an idea of what is to come. The first section of the document explores Mineral Exploration and…

Article | September 2008

Bob Rintoul

An Interview with Bob Rintoul

…Let’s begin by asking you about your early education and your work experience. Well, first of all—I didn’t graduate from High School; I went to Central Collegiate, which was the Academic High School in Calgary because my mother wanted me to go there. At that time there were four High…

Interview | September 2008

Presidential Column

…Online By the time you read this message, we hope that you will have received an email notification on how to access the online membership database. This service will allow each member to update his/her profile and contact information, and ultimately to renew membership ONLINE later this year. Other services…

Presidential Column | September 2008

Executive Message

…It is my honour to work with a team of energetic and hardworking volunteers since becoming Director of Education Services for the CSEG in March of ’08. Our goal is to provide various avenues around which continuing education, knowledge sharing, personal interaction, and camaraderie can occur. Jennifer Leslie-Panek is working…

Board Message | September 2008