At our June CSEG Executive meeting, a number of issues were discussed, and updates provided on various business items. Here is a summary of what is going on within the CSEG.


By the time you read this message, we hope that you will have received an email notification on how to access the online membership database. This service will allow each member to update his/her profile and contact information, and ultimately to renew membership ONLINE later this year. Other services will be implemented over time. A lot of work and effort took place behind the scene over the last year to bring this service to you. We are confident that you will make great use of it, and be understanding of minor hick-ups as we come live and fix any problem that you might encounter.


The Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences ( held a meeting in Halifax in June. Doug Bogstie, Past President, re p resented the CSEG at that meeting. The next meeting will take place in Banff in October, and I have asked Jon Downton, Vice President, to take over the CSEG representation at the CFES. Doug will officially pass the torch to Jon in Banff. By having Doug stay on an extra six months, and Jon taking over early, it allows more continuity in the representation at these semi-annual meetings: Doug will have attended three or four meetings, and Jon will likely attend as many. Thank you to both Doug and Jon for this extra service. Ian Young has been leading the CFES for the last two years or so, Bill Mercer is now taking over. If you have not visited the CFES web site to find out more about CFES, I encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience.

SEG Books

The Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences ( held a meeting in Halifax in June. Doug Bogstie, Past President, represented the CSEG at that meeting. The next meeting will take place in Banff in October, and I have asked Jon Downton, Vice President, to take over the CSEG representation at the CFES. Doug will officially pass the torch to Jon in Banff. By having Doug stay on an extra six months, and Jon taking over early, it allows more continuity in the representation at these semi-annual meetings: Doug will have attended three or four meetings, and Jon will likely attend as many. Thank you to both Doug and Jon for this extra service. Ian Young has been leading the CFES for the last two years or so, Bill Mercer is now taking over. If you have not visited the CFES web site to find out more about CFES, I encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience.

You have some ideas, some suggestions? You are always welcome to contact one of the executives or the CSEG office. Volunteers are always needed as well on all committees: this is how many of the activities are being carried on year after year, and new blood is needed to help out and eventually take over the leadership! If you have a particular interest or have some time to give back to your society, let us know!



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