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Tracing the Industry

…It is already November. Maybe it is true that the time goes faster the older we get! We missed the snow Calgary had in October as we were on Vancouver Island. The weather there was beautiful and warm, but still quite overcast most of the time. It was great, but…

Tracing the Industry | November 2009


…Curling season is amongst us. We have to find some sort of indoor sport that we look forward to in the winter, even if we are holding brooms and beers and sweeping a sheet of ice! For all you curlers out there, this one’s for you! Top Ten Signs You’re…

Grapevine | November 2009

Interpreting fractures through 3D seismic discontinuity attributes and their visualization

Satinder Chopra

…Summary Fractures can enhance permeability in reservoirs and hence impact the productivity and recovery efficiency from them. Fold and fault geometries, stratal architecture and large-scale depositional elements (e.g. channels, incised valley-fill and turbidite fan complexes) are often difficult to see clearly on vertical and horizontal slices through seismic reflection data.…

Luncheon | October 2009

4D Seismic Monitoring of Subsurface Fluid Flow

David Lumley

…4D seismic fundamentals 4D seismic involves repeating 3D seismic surveys in timelapse mode to image changes in subsurface fluid flow over time, whether due to injection or depletion in a hydrocarbon reservoir, injection and storage of CO2 for sequestration projects, or other subsurface processes such as groundwater flow or environmental…

Luncheon | October 2009

High-performance Vibroseis for high-density land acquisition

John Gibson, Howard Watt, Peter Maxwell and Roger Taylor

…3D land seismic has generally been limited to sparse survey geometries for both technical and economic reasons. As a consequence, land data can be poorly-sampled and noisy. Combine this with the known challenges of the onshore environment and it is no surprise that image quality is poor compared to marine…

Focus Article | October 2009

The Art of Acquisition

Jason Nelson

…What a time to be asked to write an article about seismic acquisition! The prices of oil and gas have dropped off the map while the credit facilities of the world have all but closed their doors keeping capital investment in new projects at a stand still. Seismic being a…

Focus Article | October 2009

Islands of Time – Microevolution

Linden Achen

…Every year the CSPG Honorary Address committee brings a guest speaker to Calgary. The committee attempts to identify topics that are topical and interesting to our members, the geo-science community and the general public. The 2009 CSPG Honorary Address in association with the CSEG and APEGGA will hold the talk…

Article | October 2009

Mauricio Sacchi

An Interview with Mauricio Sacchi

…Mauricio, I would like you to speak a little about your educational background and your work experience? I grew up in Brandsen, a town in the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, where I attended the local public high school. In 1983, I moved to the city of La Plata…

Interview | October 2009

Executive Message

…I’m very pleased to write this message on the day I return from a hike high above Emerald Lake. One day, I will go again as I never actually reached the world’s finest example of Cambrian life. If there were a few more hours in the day and I was…

Board Message | October 2009

CAGC Column

…As I write this in mid-September our Industry continues to be slow. The markets have maintained their gains and the media has more of a positive tone towards the end of the recession. However, for us, the thing that continues to hurt the most is the soft commodity price of…

CAGC Column | October 2009

Tracing the Industry

…This month I would like to urge all of you to read my sister column, The Grapevine. A formal announcement about the next JGF is included in the Grapevine this month. Our next event is on November 3, 2009. The biggest challenge that the JGF has always faced is the…

Tracing the Industry | October 2009


…Alright, all you skiers and curlers out there, this is your edition. Registration for the Doodlespiel and Ski Spree open soon, so mark your calendars! Ski season is approaching fast; here are some tips to get you prepared: Buy a pair of gloves and immediately throw one away. Clip a…

Grapevine | October 2009

David Eaton

An Interview with David Eaton

…[Satinder]: Let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and experience. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in 1984 from Queen’s University. During my program I worked one summer with Chevron Canada Resources. Once I graduated from Queen’s I worked in Calgary for a few years with Chevron, where I…

Interview | September 2009

Presidential Column

…It is hard to believe how quickly the summer has gone by. But upon reflection it is not hard to see why, there were numerous CSEG and geophysical events that occurred throughout the summer, plus family vacations and a few bar-b-ques. Starting off the summer was the first annual CSEG…

Presidential Column | September 2009

Executive Message

…It has been a whirlwind of a year in our industry, with many ups and downs, so it has been an honour to be involved with such a stable and dependable group of people under the Communications portfolio in the CSEG. I would like to summarize the accomplishments of this…

Board Message | September 2009

CAGC Column

…Crew counts were virtually non existent in June however we have seen some life return to the industry in July and August. We have taken the approach as being “cautiously optimist” going into the fall and winter. Markets have pretty much stabilized and other than a few off days appear…

CAGC Column | September 2009

Science Break: Terra Preta

…My plan for this column has been to steer away from the social sciences and stick to the “purer” ones, despite the fact that I am extremely interested in many of the former, especially anthropology, history, and archaeology. This month I am breaking with that rule, mainly because I read…

Science Break | September 2009

Tracing the Industry

…I hope everyone had a lovely summer! I have been keeping a very low profile in 2009 and many people have asked me where I have been. In January I was diagnosed with a bulging disk. So since January I have been undergoing extensive physiotherapy in order to heal my…

Tracing the Industry | September 2009


…Is it that time of year again? Summers over, (not like we got one) kids are back in school and it is time to hit the books. Hopefully we will have a much better fall season. (September is looking better than August already!) I am slowly getting back into the…

Grapevine | September 2009

Using Timelapse Seismic to Monitor the THAI™ Heavy Oil Production Process

Rob Kendall

…Summary Toe-to-Heel-Air-Injection (THAI™) is an in-situ combustion process that is used for the recovery of bitumen and heavy oil. It combines a horizontal production well with a vertical air injection well placed at the toe. Compressional and shear velocities for heavy oil are extremely sensitive to temperature. As the oil…

Luncheon | September 2009