2763 search results for:

OETR Association Play Fairway Program: Using geoscience to revitalise interest in exploring Nova Scotia’s Offshore

OETR Association

…The OETR (Offshore Energy Technical Research) Association has initiated an industry standard Play Fairway Analysis and Geoscience Data Package program. This program is intended to serve a pivotal role in stimulating industry interest in exploration of Nova Scotia’s offshore petroleum resources by providing explorers with critical information about prospectivity and…

Focus Article | September 2009

Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling at the Jeanne d’Arc and Carson Basin offshore Newfoundland, Canada

Friedemann Baur and Hans Wielens, Ralf Littke

…Introduction Demand for energy is growing rapidly, causing worldwide concerns over security of supply. Petroleum systems modeling in 4 dimensions (space + time) predicts the generation, migration, and quality/quantity of accumulated hydrocarbons, incorporating temperature and pressure calculations through the entire evolution of the basin. A Petroleum Systems Model thus provides…

Focus Article | September 2009

Broadband Seismic Array Deployment and Data Analysis in Alberta

Yu Jeffrey Gu, Ahmet Okeler, Sean Contenti, Kenny Kocon, Luyi Shen, Keith Brzak

…Introduction The availability and fidelity of broadband seismic instruments in recent years have greatly accelerated worldwide research on ground motion and seismic structure. Equipped with instruments that are capable of digitally recording signals across a wide frequency band (0.01-100 Hz), earthquake seismologists no longer need to contend with analogue records,…

Article | September 2009

Making Sense of all that AVO Stuff

Brian Russell

…Abstract Over the last few years, a multitude of new and different AVO (Amplitude Variations with Offset) and pre-stack inversion techniques have been developed, all of which put a slightly different spin on the way we extract information about the fluids and rock types within our reservoir. For the working…

Luncheon | June 2009

The role of reverse time migration in complex imaging

Denes Vigh, E. William Starr and Jerry Kapoor

…Summary In depth imaging, after the Kirchhoff method, wave equation techniques have been used most widely in the industry, especially in subsalt imaging. Traditional wave equation migrations use one-way downward continuation and this is why turning ray is not incorporated into these algorithms. Therefore, in order to image the salt…

Focus Article | June 2009

Application of seismic curvature attribute in the appraisal of the Tishrine-West field, North-East Syria

Nilanjan Ganguly, David Dearborn, Mike Moore, Don Gordon, Mary Horan, and Satinder Chopra

…1. Introduction The Tishrine-West field is located in North-East Syria and has been producing since 1978. In 2005, Tanganyika Oil assumed operatorship of this field as a part of its ownership commitment of the Tishrine block. 3D seismic data was acquired in 2006, and subsequent interpretation and attribute analysis, followed…

Article | June 2009

APEGGA Summit Awards® Recognize Engineering and Geoscience Excellence


…Calgary – Hundreds of individuals in the engineering and geoscience communities honoured their peers at the 2009 Summit Awards® Gala, Thursday, April 23 at the TELUS Convention Centre. The event, hosted by The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), acknowledges outstanding individuals for their accomplishments in…

Article | June 2009

New Science Centre 2011 Project

Maureen Henderson

…A New World What is the New Science Centre 2011 Project? For those individuals from the geoscience community who did not attend the recent ‘model tour’ presentation at TELUS World of Science – Calgary, this might be a tough question to answer. In our quest to bring clarity to this…

Article | June 2009

Ron Clowes

An Interview with Ron Clowes

…Ron, let’s begin by asking about your educational and work experience. Okay. I am a Calgary native, and grew up here. I went to Crescent Heights High School, and then University of Alberta, Calgary, in 1960 when it just started on its present campus. At that time, it was a…

Interview | June 2009

Executive Message

…When I was first asked if I would let my name stand in the 2008 election for Assistant Director of Finance, I had to scurry to find a photo to submit. At the risk of being teased about a finance director hiding behind “shades” I fired off the only one…

Board Message | June 2009

CAGC Column

…The summer will tell the story of whether a third quarter turnaround will come in our sector or not. The price of Oil has doubled in the last few months from its basement low of $35 bbl. Those in the “financial” know suggest this is all due to speculators however…

CAGC Column | June 2009

Science Break: Science Centres

…You could say that I was likely born with a predestined love for science centres. My father was a Munich native, and grew up not too far from its famous science museum, the Deutsches Museum. He visited on a regular basis, and it obviously made a big impression on him…

Science Break | June 2009

Tracing the Industry

…I want to wish everyone a Happy Summer! The RECORDER will be back in September. ON THE MOVE... Rainer Tonn is pleased to announce that he has taken a new position with StatoilHydro. He started June 1st to work on StatoilHydro’s SAGD projects. Rainer can be reached a raton@statoilhydro.com or…

Tracing the Industry | June 2009


…June, June, June! Ok, is summer here yet? I wish everyone a safe and happy summer and I will have plenty of industry news when I return in September. Let’s keep it short and sweet... Awards, Awards, Awards! CSEG member Tooney Fink receives CSPG Presidents Award – for his role…

Grapevine | June 2009

Presidential Column

…As I write this, the Joint CSPG/CSEG/CWLS convention is behind us. The mood and atmosphere in the industry has certainly changed from a year ago. Gone is the one hundred and fifty dollar oil and the optimism that went with this. We now live with the reality of fifty dollar…

Presidential Column | May 2009

Executive Message

…One of the things I love about Spring is that it provides a welcome break for busy parents as we transition from our kid’s winter activities and sports to their summer equivalents. It is also a chance to compare some of the organizations that we are involved with. Certainly with…

Board Message | May 2009

CAGC Column

…As I write this the markets have improved over the last month however swine flu (soon to be renamed) is at Pandemic Level 5 with an imminent Level 6 on the way. At this time cases outside of Mexico have been mild and there remains optimism that the pandemic although…

CAGC Column | May 2009

Science Break: Africa’s Deadly Lakes

…The topic of CO2 sequestration is very much in the news these days. When chatting recently with Don Lawton about the role geophysics will play in this area, I asked him what the worst case CO2 sequestration scenario was. He replied that if there was a large scale leak of…

Science Break | May 2009

Tracing the Industry

…For the first time in over ten years I missed the convention this year. Kelly and I went on a cruise for three weeks. We visited the Bahamas, Aruba, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, San Diego, Catalina Island, Vancouver and Seattle! I highly recommend cruising. A special thank you…

Tracing the Industry | May 2009


…Happy May Everyone! It’s time to change our focus from skiing to softball and golfing. But if you are like me, May brings itchy watery eyes and the constant battle to find the best allergy medication. I love spring! First Annual CSEG T-Wave Tourney Everyone that is a member of…

Grapevine | May 2009