For the first time in over ten years I missed the convention this year. Kelly and I went on a cruise for three weeks. We visited the Bahamas, Aruba, Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, San Diego, Catalina Island, Vancouver and Seattle! I highly recommend cruising. A special thank you to my personal cruise consultant Laurie Ross.

I hope everyone had a successful convention and I will look forward to seeing people during Stampede.

I haven’t been getting many new job announcements these days. I have been doing my best to find announcements, but it is not that easy!

So if I have missed you please drop me a line if you have a new job! If you have recently left a job and just want people to know how to get in touch with you, please send that information as well! People can’t network or hire you, if they can’t find you!


Jeremy Anderson would like to notify his friends and colleagues that he has returned to CNRL’s Calgary office to work B.C. Foothills, after two years at CNRL’s Aberdeen office working the Central North Sea and Offshore Gabon. Tel 403- 514-7609, email


Paul Anderson (Apache), with his wife Elizabeth and children Kayla & Andrew are pleased to announce the long anticipated arrival of the twins, Sianna & Jayden. They were born 1 minute apart on the evening of March 27th at Foothills Hospital. Sianna was 5 lbs. 6 oz (17.7”) and Jayden was 7 lbs. 3 oz (18.9”) and both arrived with full head’s of hair. All are doing very well and we are all getting enough sleep as the twins are sleeping through the night. Pets still outnumber humans, but the number of cages now matches the number of people.

Fig. 01



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