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…January 2010 – Happy New Year! This year I have decided to make a list of New Year’s resolutions that I am going to keep, here they are: Gain 10 pounds-I can strike this off my list early—I am 5 months pregnant Watch more TV Eat more chocolate Spend more…

Grapevine | January 2010

Lessons Learned from Simultaneous Source Investigations

Craig J. Beasley

…Dealing with external interferences imposed on a desired seismic signal is fundamental to achieving the goals of a seismic survey. Whether it be related to Earth transmission effects or external noise, this is the stuff of acquisition, processing and, ultimately, interpretation of seismic data. From time-to-time, geophysicists have taken a…

Luncheon | December 2009

What Comes Up Must Have Gone Down the Principle and Application of Up-Down Deconvolution for Multiple Attenuation of Ocean Bottom Data

Yi Wang, Sergio Grion and Richard Bale

…Abstract Up-down deconvolution is a method for attenuating all free surface multiples from ocean bottom seismic data, by exploiting the separation into up and down-going wavefields from combining hydrophone and geophone data. We describe the method and show its application both to a synthetic dataset provided to us by Chevron…

Focus Article | December 2009

On Calibrating Curvature Data to Fracture Density: Causes

Lee Hunt, Satinder Chopra, Scott Reynolds, and Scott Hadley

…Summary Volume curvature attributes have been used to infer fracture density in a variety of seismic data worldwide. Estimating accurate quantitative fracture density values from curvature data is of special importance because curvature belongs to a general class of attributes that infer fractures through causal relationships rather than through direct…

Article | December 2009

The measure of full-wave motion: An overview of multicomponent seismic exploration and its value

Robert R. Stewart

…Summary This paper presents a short history – and extended future – of the multicomponent (full-wave/vector/elastic) seismic method. The goal of the method is to more fully generate and record complete vibrations in the earth; then, use these recordings to enhance traditional P-wave arrivals and create complementary shear- and surface-wave…

Article | December 2009

Junior Geophysicists Forum

…On Tuesday November 3, 2009 approximately 170 geophysicists gathered for the 7th Junior Geophysicist Forum (JGF) at our new venue on the 35th floor of The International Hotel. The new venue was a great change as it provided much more space and allowed people to engage enthusiastically in our Icebreaker…

Article | December 2009

Executive Message

…First of all I’d like to welcome Dave Nordin to the Member Services Committee of the CSEG Executive. Dave brings a lot of enthusiasm and has already been instrumental in pushing forward several initiatives. The Executive constantly grapples with the issue of offering value to the CSEG membership. This can…

Board Message | December 2009

CAGC Column

…2009 looks to have in fact turned out worse than 2008 – that is hard to believe. 2009 for many facets of the Oil and Gas Industry looked like 1992 (statistically speaking). I am reminded of the fact that 1992 was also the year the CAGC almost went bankrupt and…

CAGC Column | December 2009

Tracing the Industry

…Merry Christmas! I am pleased to have a longer column than I have had the last few months. It is great to be able to share good news with the Recorder readers. A big thanks to all of those who sent in announcements. I hope everyone has a great Christmas…

Tracing the Industry | December 2009


…Finally, December is upon us. For some of us, it is a time to reflect on 2009, spend time with loved ones and tis’ the season. Happy Holidays Everyone!! May you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and wonderful Holiday, all the best for 2010! 2010 CSEG Family Ski…

Grapevine | December 2009

Bob Hardage

An Interview with Bob Hardage

…Bob, let’s ask you about your educational background and your work experience. I went to a small rural school in Eastern Oklahoma and then attended Oklahoma State University where I majored in physics. I stayed at OSU 10 years and got three degrees – Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. After receiving…

Interview | December 2009

Reflection seismic data from legacy hydrocarbon exploration of Cenozoic and older basins of the Canadian High Arctic

Tom Brent

…This presentation summarizes some historical aspects of industry’s seismic exploration effort in the High Arctic. A range of seismic interpretation issues related to both geology and seismic data quality, as seen on different vintages and in various arctic regions, are discussed. Also highlighted are efforts of the GSC since 1984…

Luncheon | November 2009

Beauty algorithm, eh? (A perspective on Canadian processing innovation)

Mike Perz

…In the grand hierarchy of things quintessentially Canadian, “land seismic processing excellence” may not share the same iconic status as poutine, maple syrup, or the McKenzie Brothers …but in my opinion that’s only because it hasn’t received its due recognition! The following perspective piece provides a walking tour of recent…

Focus Article | November 2009

Prestack Rank-Reduction-Based Noise Suppression

Stewart Trickett and Lynn Burroughs

…Abstract Prestack random-noise suppression is an important but inadequately- solved problem in land seismic processing, with the potential to significantly improve AVO analysis and the stacked section. To address this problem, we describe a family of filters that perform matrix-rank reduction on constant-frequency slices. These filters include two existing techniques…

Focus Article | November 2009

Inversion Driven Processing

Greg Cameron, Josef Heim and David Cho

…Abstract Seismic data are increasingly used to estimate rock properties through prestack inversion. However, most seismic data processing routines were developed to produce an optimal migrated stack, with the quality of prestack gathers of secondary importance. This paper examines the requirements of seismic data to be used for prestack inversion…

Focus Article | November 2009

Stephen Beatty

An Interview with Stephen Beatty

…[Satinder]: So let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and work experience. I have an Honour’s Degree in Geophysics from the University of Western Ontario. I started as a summer student at Petro-Canada in 1997 and they hired me on full-time when I graduated in 1998. I spent…

Interview | November 2009

Presidential Column

…In the last presidential column I wrote, I reminded you that the CSEG executive elections will soon be upon us and solicited nominations from the membership. If you know of some dynamic individual who can make an impact on our society please consider approaching that individual and nominating them for…

Presidential Column | November 2009

Executive Message

…Being on the Executive Committee has been an interesting experience and I value the learnings and connections that have come of it. Most recently, I have had the pleasure of working closely with John Fernando, the current Assistant Director of Educational Services. He is a very keen and organised individual…

Board Message | November 2009

CAGC Column

…How the world has changed in a year. The impending feeling of doom is gone but industry remains quiet for this time of the year. Oil is up above $70 a bbl but Natural Gas still remains around mid $4 a GJ. The clear split between Oil and Natural Gas…

CAGC Column | November 2009

Science Break: Monitoring Active Volcanoes

…“He carefully cleaned out his active volcanoes. He possessed two active volcanoes; and they were very convenient for heating his breakfast in the morning…If they are well cleaned out, volcanoes burn slowly and steadily, without any eruptions. Volcanic eruptions are like fires in a chimney” (The Little Prince, Antoine de…

Science Break | November 2009