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CAGC Column

…A recent incident in Ethiopia saw one employee killed in an attack on the recording crew. The security in place was breached and an armed attack occurred which resulted in a fatality of one of crew’s employees. Two other individuals, a contract employee and a security officer, were injured in…

CAGC Column | May 2010

Tracing the Industry

…Just a reminder about the upcoming SEG convention in October. If companies do not have your contact information, they can’t invite you to convention events. So send in your information and I will publish it in the June issue. Thank you for all the people that congratulated Kelly and I…

Tracing the Industry | May 2010


…May 2010 – Lorna Engleson is off to have a baby, so I am back on Grapevine duty for a few months! This month, I would like to highlight the activities of David MacKidd (EnCana), who has been active with “Inn From The Cold” since its inception in Calgary back…

Grapevine | May 2010

John Boyd

An Interview with John Boyd

…[Satinder]: John, let’s begin by asking you about your educational qualifications and your work background. I graduated from the University of Toronto in 1960 with a geophysics option in Engineering Physics. Two people that I studied under were Tuzo Wilson and Fraser Grant, both important names in geophysics. It was…

Interview | May 2010

Robust Workflows for Seismic Reservoir Characterisation

Patrick Connolly

…In the talk I describe a workflow for seismic reservoir characterisation. The specific problem I address is the estimation of net-to-gross from a clastic reservoir, however the workflow is adaptable for a variety of other applications. The three main components of the workflow are: Extended elastic impedance analysis followed by…

Luncheon | April 2010

A Possible Origin of the Hawaiian Islands

J. Tuzo Wilson

…Permission for CSEG RECORDER to republish this 1963 article from the Canadian Journal of Physics was kindly granted by the National Research Press of the National Research Council of Canada, following our request and the recommendation of Dr. Michael Steinitz, of St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, current Editor…

Focus Article | April 2010

Model-based Seismic Inversion: Comparing deterministic and probabilistic approaches

Dennis Cooke and John Cant

…Introduction The target audience of this article is the geoscientist who desires to learn more about seismic inversion and its limitations. The content is especially relevant to those using seismic inversion to help build static reservoir models for field development and/or estimate probabilities for presence of hydrocarbons. The viewpoint and…

Article | April 2010

Logical considerations in applying pattern recognition techniques on seismic data: Precise ruling, realistic solutions

Hosein Hashemi

…Abstract In this paper, comprehensive method and necessary considerations in seismic pattern recognition procedures are reviewed. In pattern recognition experiments, it is essential to decide about many parameters like picking representative objects with all possible spatial variations, minimum size of training set, knowledge on prior probabilities, seismic attribute redundancy reduction,…

Article | April 2010

Maggie Stratton

An Interview with Maggie Stratton

…Please tell us about your educational background and work experience. After high school in St. Louis Missouri, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Southeast Missouri State University in 1985. At the time of my graduation, both the mining and oil industries were in a downturn so…

Interview | April 2010

Presidential Column

…I’m honored to take office as CSEG President and to have the privilege of writing this column. In the year to come this will be a good place to read about society activities. In this first column, I’ll highlight some society activities and outline a few changes you might see…

Presidential Column | April 2010

Executive Message

…A year ago when I first joined the CSEG executive, I didn’t really know what to expect. I’ve volunteered on other committees before, but what surprised me the most was the magnitude and scope of services that the CSEG provides. There is an amazing number of volunteers who spend countless…

Board Message | April 2010

CAGC Column

…With the occurrence of the Academy Awards and handing out of the Oscars, environmentalists took the opportunity to run full page ads in a special Oscar edition of the Hollywood trade publication Variety linking Avatar to the OilSands. In seeing the movie I was reminded of the animated 1992 movie…

CAGC Column | April 2010

Tracing the Industry

…Happy April! This is a very special column for me. Kelly and I are in Orlando, Florida on our honeymoon. A formal announcement is below. The weather has been cold for Florida but a lot warmer than Calgary. By the time all of you read this column we will be…

Tracing the Industry | April 2010


…April 2010 – it feels like spring has sprung! If you are like me, you are loading up on allergy medication and there is just not enough Kleenex in the world to keep my nose from running – yep, I love spring. On the lighter side, this will be my…

Grapevine | April 2010

Shawn Maxwell

An Interview with Shawn Maxwell

…Shawn, tell us about your educational background and your work experience – what paths led to where you are today? I did a Ph.D. at Queen’s specializing in mining induced seismicity to understand rockbursts: earthquakes that damage mine tunnels and cause a safety hazard to miners. I was lucky to…

Interview | March 2010

Airborne electromagnetic methods: applications to minerals, water and hydrocarbon exploration

Richard Smith

…Summary Electromagnetic methods have a transmitter that carries a current that varies in magnitude as a function of time. This current has an associated (primary) magnetic field that has a similar time dependence. According to Faraday’s law of induction, this time varying field induces currents in conductive features in the…

Luncheon | March 2010

Looking beneath the noise: experience with high-resolution seismic acquisition and pre-stack process

David C. Henley, Malcolm B. Bertram, and Kevin W. Hall

…Introduction Historically, the design of land seismic surveys has been subject primarily to two influences: the overall dimensions and station spacing of the survey for both sources and receivers has been governed by the depth and configuration of the geological target zone; and suppression of the ever-present source-generated coherent noise…

Focus Article | March 2010

The influence of spatial sampling on resolution

Mark S. Egan, Joe Seissiger, Antoun Salama, George El-Kaseeh

…Introduction Resolution! A constant plea from interpreters, drilling engineers, and other end users of seismic technology is for better resolution. Consequently, this is a key attribute of interest when designing seismic surveys. The requirements specified by customers are usually given in terms of temporal resolution. So survey design strategies often…

Focus Article | March 2010

Executive Message

…Member services – sounds exciting, sure, but is it really that thrilling? I thought I’d take the opportunity to enlighten the CSEG members on what the Member Services portfolio is responsible for and some of the changes that have occurred over the past year. Torr Haglund is the Director and…

Board Message | February 2010

Presidential Column

…This is my last presidential column. With the annual general meeting in March, John Townsley will become the new CSEG president. I would like to thank the retiring executive for all their hard work over the last two years, namely Jennifer Leslie-Panek (Education), Carol Laws (Communications), Brock Hassell (Finance), Torr…

Presidential Column | February 2010