Happy May Everyone! It’s time to change our focus from skiing to softball and golfing. But if you are like me, May brings itchy watery eyes and the constant battle to find the best allergy medication. I love spring!

First Annual CSEG T-Wave Tourney

Everyone that is a member of the CSEG has probably attended one or more of the following events already offered by the society to include:

  • The Doodlespiel
  • The Ski Spree
  • The Junior Geophysicists Forum
  • The Convention
  • The Doodlebug Golf Tournament
  • The DoodleTrain

All these events were developed around “The Mandate of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists” which is to promote the science of geophysics, especially as it applies to exploration and to promote fellowship and co-operation among those persons interested in geophysical prospecting.

It has been my experience that you can really get to know someone during a round of golf and I also strongly believe it is the relationships we make in business and in life that will determine our experiences on this journey. It is with both of these ideals in mind that we introduce the First Annual CSEG T-Wave Tourney.

The First Annual CSEG T-Wave Tourney is open to all CSEG members regardless of golfing ability. It is a half day Texas format scramble that will be held at Inglewood Golf & Curling Club on June 22nd this year starting at 1:00pm.

Registration is now open and you can register by contacting either Chris MacGregor [(403) 298-5607 or Chris.McGregor@divestco.com] or Ashley Bender [(403) 298- 5667 or Ashley.Bender@divestco.com]. We are attempting to keep the registration fees down for CSEG members so if you would like to sponsor this event please contact Laurie Ross [(403) 298-5614 orLaurie.Ross@divestco.com] or Christian Sealy-Harrington [(403) 298-5687 or Christian.Sealy- Harrington@divestco.com.

WiSE Annual Golf Tournament

Save the date! The annual Women in Seismic golf tournament will be held on Monday, August 10th, 2009 at the Fox Hollow Golf Course in Calgary. It is an annual event to provide a fun networking opportunity and to help raise funds for the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

Danielle Harrison, Divestco, WiSE Chairman, will be providing registration and sponsorship information shortly. Please contact her directly if you have any questions: danielle.harrison@divestco.com.

CMHA(Calgary Men’s Hockey Association) Division 4 Champions

Congratulations go out to the Divestco Knights who captured the CMHA (Calgary Men’s Hockey Association) Division 4 Championship for the 2008-09 season.

Fig. 01
Front (LtoR): Jason Nycz, Trevor Sedgwick, Derek Boeckx
Back (LtoR): Justin Humenjuk, Shawn Calafatis, Greg Staples, Bryce Davis, Sean Allen, Andy Williamson, Neil Groeneveld, Tom Podivinsky, Marc Houle, Justin Perry
Absent: Terry Barnhart, Howard Brekke, Neal Alexander

4th Annual Jr. Oilman’s Golf Tournament

This year’s event will be held at Lynx Ridge again on Thursday August 6th, 2009 and the format will be unchanged from last year’s event.

The Jr. Oilman’s Golf Tournament is marketed to Young Professionals in our industry (traditionally less than 10 years experience), it has grown drastically over the last 4 years and we typically sell out in 1 week and last year’s waiting list had over 50 names on it. This year we have three new members on the committee and have retired 3 others, including our original founders Russ Walz and Will Clark, as well as Kevin Stoski. In addition, we have always partnered with a charity and to date have successfully raised over $11,000 for the United Way. This year we have decided to work with The Doorway Society (formerly The Back Door) which is a local Calgary 100% not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of street youth in securing a home, employment, and a place in society. The Doorway suffered significant smoke & fire damage earlier this year and was therefore an easy decision for the Jr. Oilman’s committee to choose them as our Charity Partner due to their situation.

For registration, sponsorship or questions, please contact Jared Atkinson at: jatkinson@talisman-energy.com.

CSEG DOODLESPIEL 2010 – 38th Annual


It is official! Due to ongoing renovations at the Banff Curling Club the CSEG Doodlespiel for 2010 has been moved to Lethbridge. The 2010 event will be held on January 22, 23 and 24 at the Lethbridge Curling Club. The Lethbridge club features ten full sheets of first class curling ice and a spacious and stylish upstairs lounge. Accommodations have been booked at the Lethbridge Lodge in downtown Lethbridge with discounted pricing available to CSEG Doodlespiel curlers. The Lethbridge Lodge is within walking distance of most of Lethbridge’s hottest restaurants and night spots. As in the past, shuttle bus service will be provided between the Lethbridge Lodge and the curling club. Rooms at the Lodge are limited so book early to guarantee a spot.

This year’s event has also been capped at 80 teams (down from 88 teams last year) so register early. Registration and sponsorship forms will be available on the CSEG Doodlespiel website in early September. Also new for 2010 – due to Lethbridge’s abundance of curling ice all 10pm draw times have been eliminated, which means more time for rest before games!

Additional information regarding accommodations, dinning, night spots and event functions will be posted on the Doodlespiel website at www.doodlespiel.com.

We hope you’ll be able to join us for what is shaping up to be another thrill packed Doodlespiel in 2010.

CSEG Doodlespiel Committee 2010

Sigma Convention Winners

Sigma would like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth and entered the Business Card draw and the Name the Section contest. The winners are as follows:

Name the Section Contest:

  1. Brad Bakuska – Amidon
  2. Thomas Schmidt – Harvest Op.
  3. Scott Reynolds – Fairborne

The winners for the business card draw were:

  1. Erin Corrigan – TAQA North
  2. Doug Howland – Conoco
  3. Marlene Muloin – Oilsands Quest
  4. Colum Keith – Imperial

All business card draw winners received a golf shirt and hat.

Joanne Poloway – Sigma Explorations Inc.



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