It is already November. Maybe it is true that the time goes faster the older we get! We missed the snow Calgary had in October as we were on Vancouver Island. The weather there was beautiful and warm, but still quite overcast most of the time. It was great, but I missed the Calgary sun! We may have strange weather patterns, but at least we have a lot of sunshine.

I am pleased to have more new job announcements than I have had in the past few months. I enjoy sharing good news with the RECORDER readers. I want to thank Penny Colton and the rest of the RECORDER staff for all the help they give me in finding good news to share! It is greatly appreciated.


Doug Bogstie is pleased to announce to his friends and colleagues that he has joined Datum Exploration Ltd. as Business Development Manager. Doug can be reached at his direct line 403-692-6004, 403-850-4078 (cell) or

Lisa Holmstrom has returned to the BG Canada office in Calgary, after successfully completing a 2-year assignment in Oman. She’s back interpreting seismic in the Central Foothills, and still trying to get the sand out of her shoes!

Hans Westbroek is back from his 3-yr assignment with BG International at their head office in Reading, UK. He’s back with BG’s Calgary office as Area Exploration Manager for the Wild River area. He can be contacted at 403-538-7559 (w) or 403-992-7773 and at

Mike Wolowich, President of Impact 2000 Inc., is pleased to announce the following appointments for the company. This is an aggressive measure on behalf of Impact 2000 Inc. Mr. Wolowich is taking the opportunity of current industry layoffs to add key personnel who will contribute growth and development of new divisions throughout the organization.

Impact 2000 Inc. primary business model has been acquisitions of proprietary 2D/3D programs for oil/gas companies within Western Canada.

Mr. Wolowich will expand in two (2) new directions consisting of:

  1. 2D/3D Participation Acquisition Group: this will enable Impact to maintain and build a data library, the company is currently in the process of two (2) new Spec Programs. The Sales Team at Impact will be contacting all participants.
  2. Data Management Services Division: with the experienced personnel Impact has obtained, which includes a vast knowledge in ownership, land, scouting, permitting, GIS mapping, plan, design, approvals, and field representatives, Impact has the drive to move forward into other aspects of the business. The timing is right for our team to address our client’s requirements.

Mr. Wolowich welcomes the addition of the new Marketing Team, Data Management, and Database GIS Development Manager.

Andrew Kyrgoussios
Database & GIS Development Manager

Mr. Kyrgoussios has been involved within the seismic brokerage industry and has been instrumental in providing specialized maps for clients as well as being an Arc View Development Specialist.

Mr. Kyrgoussios will provide Impact growth in avenues of software development and consulting with present and new clients for individualized GIS services.

Contact Information:
Phone: (403) 531-9717

Amanda Sinclair
Data Manager

Ms. Sinclair’s primary focus will be Geophysical Data Management as well as assisting Impact’s Marketing Team with various Seismic Programs.

Contact Information:
Phone: (403) 531-9712

Denise Clements
Survey Acquisitions/Marketing Representative

Ms. Clements knowledge of Data Management/Marketing will establish and expand on 2D/3D Proprietary/Spec Programs and Data Management accounts.

Contact Information:
Phone: (403) 969-8105

Jason Crawford
Survey Acquisitions/Marketing Representative

Mr. Crawford has an extensive background in Sales and Marketing, and brings forward existing clients throughout the Calgary community.

Contact Information:
Phone: (403) 710-3717



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