2763 search results for:

On cost equivalent Mega-Bin and orthogonal geometries in five-dimensional space

Dale Harger and Jason Schweigert

…There have been several comparisons of Mega-Bin and orthogonal 3D seismic survey designs over the years. In this paper, we demonstrate a different way to normalize the two types of surveys by creating each design so as to have identical field acquisition efforts and costs. From this vantage point the…

Focus Article | May 2014

An evaluation of single vibrator, single sweep, 3D seismic acquisition in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Paul Thacker, Dale Harger and Doug Iverson

…This case history presents two examples of single vibrator, single sweep, 3D seismic data acquired in Alberta during 2013. The first example, from Western Alberta in the Duvernay play fairway, used full size vibrators and was acquired as a zero-risk validation of the technique at the end of a conventional…

Focus Article | May 2014

Sven Treitel (2014)

An Interview with Sven Treitel

…The old saw ‘publish or perish’ is often derogatively used to account for the flood of publications coming from certain members of the academic community. A different, and less humorous, interpretation of this term applies, I believe, to some of those doing industrial research in private corporations. While academics are…

Interview | May 2014

Paul de Groot

An Interview with Paul de Groot

…In the mid 1970s I went to Delft University to study applied geosciences or mining engineering as it was called at the time. I was attracted by the sky-is-the-limit mentality of the oil men of the era. This was the heyday of exploration in the North Sea: oil was found…

Interview | May 2014

President’s Message

…While planning the technical programme for the First EAGE Latin America Workshop in Cartagena a few years ago, a few of us in the technical committee observed that there were several Canadians presenting, in both the regular sessions and as invited keynotes. Gladys Gonzales, current EAGE president, was the chair…

Presidential Column | May 2014

Executive Message

…Well, it’s already been 2.5 years since Rob Kendall asked me to run for Finance Director of the CSEG. Time doesn’t fly but it sure moves in leaps and bounds. I have learned so much about the CSEG and its amazing support of its members. The CSEG has one of…

Board Message | May 2014

CAGC Column

…Snippets of thought – some timely excerpts from some of the Industry Friendly Thought Leader Types follow: Energy Illiteracy Represents A Major Concern For Industry And The Entire Country: Moore By Carter Haydu – April 17, 2014 There is a battle being waged inconsistently and often incoherently in regards to…

CAGC Column | May 2014

Science Break: Electrical & EM Methods

…I came across a couple of interesting items related to recent Science Break articles. On circadian rhythms (December 2013 RECORDER) I read about a company which offers a clock that, “monitors sleep patterns… and uses coloured lights customized to your circadian rhythms to facilitate sleep, and to wake you at…

Science Break | May 2014

Value of Integrated Geophysics

…As we approach the first anniversary of the Value of Integrated Geophysics Committee (VIG) it seemed prudent to update the CSEG membership on what we have accomplished to date and what we are working toward in the future. The VIG grew out of conversations between Ron Larson and I in…

Value of Integrated Geophysics | May 2014

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Matteo Niccoli is back from Norway and has recently joined ConocoPhillips Canada as a Geophysical specialist in the Exploration Services group. Matteo can be reached by phone at 403.233.4148 and by email at matteo.niccoli@conocophillips.com. SeisWare is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Carlee Panylyk as Calgary…

Tracing the Industry | May 2014


…DOODLEBUG 2014: Update On behalf of this year’s Doodlebug Committee, I would like to invite you to the 62nd annual Doodlebug Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will once again be held at the Kimberley Alpine Resort with the golf event taking place at the nearby Trickle Creek Golf Course. This…

Grapevine | May 2014

Introduction to April Focus: Anisotropy: Characterization of Reservoirs

Satinder Chopra

…Traditionally, seismic reservoir characterization has aimed at the determination of reservoir thickness, pore fluid, porosity and water saturation, amongst other properties. This has been done by using the available tools for integrating the well log and seismic data as well as the derived attributes for transforming them into the desired…

Focus Article | April 2014

Characterization of the dolomite reservoirs with the help of photoelectric index volume

Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra and Amit Kumar Ray

…Carbonate sedimentary rocks that have been fractured, or dolomitized and laterally sealed by tight undolomitized limestone, are frequently seen to produce hydrocarbons. However, the differentiation between limestones and dolomites is a challenge. The purpose of this work is to describe a workflow for discriminating limestones and dolomites, and to map…

Focus Article | April 2014

Seismic characterization of Montney shale formation using Passey’s approach

Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra and Amit Kumar Ray

…Seismic characterization of shale reservoir formations or source rocks is an important goal, considering the high level of activity in oil companies that are engaged in shale-resource exploitation across North America. Well logging carried out in these formations yields some of the measured parameters helping us understand their properties. Resistivity…

Focus Article | April 2014

Seismic discontinuity attributes and Sobel filtering

Satinder Chopra, Rajive Kumar and Kurt J. Marfurt

…Mapping geologic edges such as faults or channel levees forms a critical component in the interpretation on 3D seismic volumes. While the more prominent features can often be easily visualized, smaller features critical to understanding the structural and depositional environment can be easily overlooked. Careful manual interpretation of such features…

Focus Article | April 2014

President’s Message

…A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of representing the CSEG at Memorial University of Newfoundland and University of New Brunswick as part of the CSEG Ambassador Program. The CSEG Foundation has been busy organizing Ambassador functions at venues across Canada to coincide with presentations of the Canadian Distinguished…

Presidential Column | April 2014

Executive Message

…As incoming Director of Member Services for 2014, it is my pleasure to thank Kim Nevada, my predecessor, for all her outstanding efforts over the past two years. Kim has been an exceptional mentor to me and it has been a great opportunity to work alongside such a talented, passionate…

Board Message | April 2014

CAGC Column

…In late 2013 the National Energy Board, along with the two Offshore Boards, put forward a draft safety culture framework for the Oil and Gas Industry. The Government’s concern is one of process safety in which the ultimate failure is catastrophic events that cause human fatalities/deaths and/or severe environmental damages.…

CAGC Column | April 2014

Value of Integrated Geophysics

…Introduction In the second VIG column (Wikel, 2013), Kurtis Wikel gave an excellent overview of the history and early identity crisis of geomechanics as a specific discipline in the oil and gas industry. He also discussed the challenges associated with moving geomechanics from traditionally wellbore-based analyses to a full 3-D…

Value of Integrated Geophysics | April 2014

Tracing the Industry

…IN MEMORIUM... We have lost many members of our community in the last year. After much thought and discussion we thought it was best to simply list the names of those that have left us. I knew many of them and can only imagine the grief of their loved ones,…

Tracing the Industry | April 2014