2763 search results for:

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of British Columbia

Felix J. Herrmann, Eldad Haber and Doug Oldenburg

…Geophysical Research at UBC The UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility (GIF) (http://gif.eos.ubc.ca) is a research unit at the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS). It is co-directed by Doug Oldenburg and Eldad Haber and our research is concerned with the development of numerical strategies and associated software needed to…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of Calgary

D.W. Eaton

…Geophysics Program at the Department of Geoscience, University of Calgary The Department of Geoscience offers B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in geophysics; by virtue of the University of Calgary’s location in Canada’s energy capital, these programs provide unparalleled access to the geophysical sector within the oil and gas industry. With…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – Carleton University

Raymond Caron

…Three examples of current graduate geophysical research projects at Carleton University, Ottawa Editorial note: With many faculty staff away this summer on field trips, we were pleased to procure the following research notes from current graduate students at Carleton University. Integrating airborne electromagnetic and gravity data for bedrock topography correction…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – Dalhousie University

Mladen Nedimović

…Marine Geophysics at Dalhousie University The current geophysical research programs at Dalhousie University are led by Christopher Beaumont, Keith Louden and Mladen Nedimović. Christopher Beaumont is a Professor in the Department of Oceanography and Canada Research Chair in Geodynamics (Tier 1). He is a globally recognized leader with a research…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of Manitoba

I. Ferguson and A.W. Frederiksen

…Geophysical Research at the University of Manitoba, Department of Geological Sciences The geophysics research group at the University of Manitoba consists of three faculty members: Dr. Ian Ferguson (Professor), Dr. Andrew Frederiksen (Associate Professor), and Dr. Wooil Moon (Professor Emeritus), along with one technician and a variable number of graduate…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – McMaster University

Janok P. Bhattacharya, Joe I. Boyce and William A. Morris

…Geophysical Research and Petroleum Geoscience at McMaster University The School of Geography and Earth Sciences (SGES) at McMaster University offers undergraduate and graduate degree (M.Sc., Ph.D) programs in Earth and Environmental Sciences. SGES currently has about 150 full-time undergraduates and about 90 graduate students in M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. Undergraduate…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – Memorial University

Jeremy Hall

…MUN Geophysics Research The Memorial geophysics group is active in a wide variety of fields. The research is supported by grants from government (e.g., NSERC, RDC NL, ACOA, PEEP, Turkish Research Council) and private-sector (oil and mining companies, active in the province and its offshore: e.g., Chevron Canada, Husky Energy,…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – Queen’s University

Alexander Braun

…Geophysics @ Queen’s Alexander Braun, P.Geoph. Geophysical research and education at Queen’s University in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering has a legacy of inspiring some of the most influential leaders in the natural resources sector and academia. The most notable geophysical research group in the past conducted…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of Saskatchewan

Jim Merriam

…The geophysics group at the University of Saskatchewan, Sam Butler, Igor Morozov and Jim Merriam with seven graduate students, two technical support staff and emeriti, Don Gendzwill and Zoli Hajnal, are active in a number applied geophysics projects. Prof. Sam Butler’s research involves modelling continuum geophysical systems over lengths scales…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of Victoria

Stan E. Dosso, Lucinda J. Leonard, Jan Dettmer, John F. Cassidy, Kelin Wang

…Geophysics at the University of Victoria Geophysical research at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria (UVic), is carried out by faculty, students, and an active group of adjunct faculty (many at the Pacific Geoscience Centre of the Geological Survey of Canada, PGC/GSC). Research topics are diverse,…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – Western University

Gail Atkinson

…Induced Seismicity Research Program at Western University Western University has partnered with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Industry partners TransAlta and Nanometrics in the initiation of a 5-year, $3.5 million multi-institutional collaborative research program on Induced Seismicity Processes and Hazards (2014 to 2019). Collaborating institutions…

Focus Article | September 2014

Matt Hall

An Interview with Matt Hall

…Matt, you specialized in sedimentology and then worked as an explorationist and as a geophysical advisor. Tell our readers how has it worked out for you? What exactly are you doing these days? The blog called ‘agile geoscience’ that you and Evan Bianco run is quite popular and interesting. You…

Interview | September 2014

Rob Simm

An Interview with Rob Simm

…Elastic impedance (EI) or angle dependent impedance inversion, introduced by Connolly back in 1999, is an interesting application, as amongst others, it provides a convenient way to produce synthetic seismograms for variable angles of incidence. Could you describe some of the other applications that you have used EI for? Although…

Interview | September 2014

Chris Kent

An Interview with Chris Kent

…‘Don’t forget nature, don’t forget scale and keep it real’. This is a very important message you convey in your article. Could you please elaborate on this? The forces acting at or near the surface of the earth operate within physical bounds related to the dynamics of the fluid environment.…

Interview | September 2014

President’s Message

…Fall is here. It strikes me that September has much more significance as the start of a new year than January. The new school year starts, which affects our student geophysicists and the parents among us. Many of our professional activities follow the same pattern that entrenched us throughout our…

Presidential Column | September 2014

Executive Message

…This fall will see a very busy slate of events for the CSEG Continuing Education branch. The CSEG is advancing its relationship with the EAGE by jointly organizing and running the 1st CSEG-EAGE Land Seismic Workshop in Banff, AB from September 23-25. The theme for this well-timed workshop is the…

Board Message | September 2014

CAGC Column

…The past winter was the slowest in terms of the amount of seismic activity in Canada in decades perhaps in large part to the new Regulatory model being implemented in Alberta in November as we entered the winter season. This has seemed to smooth out now and we would hope…

CAGC Column | September 2014

Letters to the Editor

…Government takes and gives away private property. “Our firm Geophysical Service Incorporated creates seismic data which is our registered copyrighted intellectual property. “In most provinces and territories if you invest in a seismic survey these governments do not require you to submit copies of that intellectual property that they can…

Letters to the Editor | September 2014

Volunteer Spotlight

…GeoConvention 2014 Volunteers CSEG members held a number of key volunteer positions on the large committee that is fully outlined at GeoConvention.com. Some of these volunteers are profiled below. Many committee members dedicated thousands of hours and managed a multitude of additional volunteers in order to run a successful conference.…

Volunteer Spotlight | September 2014

Past Chief Editor’s Note

…It has indeed been three years of continuous learning, and doing what needed to be done in order to keep a great Geophysics magazine – the RECORDER – rolling along. At times it definitely felt like “baptism-by-fire”, but it was well worth the experience I gained during the past three…

Past Chief Editor's Note | September 2014