2763 search results for:

Mihaela S. Ryer

An Interview with Mihaela S. Ryer

…Q&A: You have worked in positions where you have lead, managed and contributed to integrated teams of geoscientists and engineers. In fact, you specialize in leading integrated teams. Please tell us how you contributed, how these integrated teams functioned, and what kind of results were achieved? An integrated team is…

Interview | November 2014

Eric Andersen

An Interview with Eric Andersen

…Q&A: By saying ‘the geophysical problem is ever more complicated’, you make an interesting point. Could you elaborate on this? In the past many of the largest fields were discovered using the most basic geophysical methods (Low fold 2D seismic, post stack time migration etc.) to image thick reservoirs or…

Interview | November 2014

Fereidoon Vasheghani

An Interview with Fereidoon Vasheghani

…Q&A: Your Ph.D. research work focused on attenuation behavior of heavy oil or oil sands. Tell us about it. It all started with the SEG workshop on heavy oils in the summer of 2008. At the end of the workshop, one of the main conclusions was that geoscientists needed to…

Interview | November 2014

Sudhir Jain

An Interview with Sudhir Jain

…Tell us about your educational background and your work experience and what you are engaged in doing these days? As a kid I was made to believe that my destiny was to be a doctor. But the idea of cutting a frog, albeit a dead one, was abhorrent to me…

Interview | October 2014

President’s Message

…Looking over the variety of committees and activities of our society, it strikes me that for such a group of science nerds, we certainly punch above our weight class in social activities. The Doodlebug Golf Tournament is nearly as old as the CSEG itself and clever volunteers are creating new…

Presidential Column | October 2014

Executive Message

…I hope that everyone had a relaxing summer and that you are all refreshed and ready for the final few months of this 2014 year. August saw the return of CSEG social events. The T-Wave kicked things off when it returned to Inglewood Golf Club for another spectacular tournament. The…

Board Message | October 2014

CAGC Column

…As I wrote a year ago – the same still holds true now: Obama continues to make no decisions on Keystone – maybe the end of the year, maybe next year, maybe never. The following piece written this past summer by Robert Skinner of the U of C is an…

CAGC Column | October 2014

Volunteer Spotlight

…2014 CSEG Golf Tournament Volunteers Over one month in late summer, three CSEG golf tournaments are enjoyed by many CSEG members: Doodlebug, T-Wave and WiSE (Women in Seismic). WiSE has been running since 2001 and as a CSEG social event since 2013, T-Wave since 2009 and the Doodlebug since 1953,…

Volunteer Spotlight | October 2014

Science Break: In the Glue

…This month I’m going to look at glues, or adhesives as they are also known. Everybody understands these terms – they refer to substances, liquid or viscous, used to bind two objects or materials together. Writing this article underscored for me how very interested I am in ancient history, the…

Science Break | October 2014


…Upcoming CSEG Luncheons FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 TECHNICAL LUNCHEON & DOODLETRAIN KEYNOTE ADDRESS Speaker: Jack Bouska, BP Sponsor: Acceleware MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 SEG/AAPG FALL DISTINGUISHED LECTURER & CSEG TECHNICAL LUNCHEON Speaker: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines Sponsor: Arcis Seismic Solutions Contact the CSEG office for tickets. Calgary Geoscience Data Managers…

Grapevine | October 2014

The Jordan-Risha High Productivity 3D Survey

Jack Bouska

…In January 2010, BP signed an agreement to explore and appraise the 7,200 sq km Risha Concession, located in Eastern Jordan, bordering Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. A short Exploration and Appraisal period mandated acquisition of 5000 sq.km. of high fold 3D data, to be completed within the first 18…

Luncheon | October 2014

Introduction to October Focus: Seismic Interpretation

Ayon Kumar Dey

…This issue of the RECORDER focuses on modern seismic interpretation through four interesting articles. Highlighted are critical elements such as best practices and the importance of integrating the earth mechanics for a better subsurface understanding. I invite you to come along to see the present and future of seismic interpretation.…

Focus Article | October 2014

Chasing Density – An Introduction to Seismic Acquisition, Processing, and Interpretation Methods Leading to Quantitative Interpretation

Brian Schulte and David Manthei

…For any given reservoir or resource play, there are geological and geophysical measurements that impact the exploitation of in-situ hydrocarbons. Correct interpretation of these measurements is important to the overall economic success of an Exploration and Production company’s endeavors. As geoscientists, the integration of our conditioned geological and geophysical data…

Focus Article | October 2014

Natural fracture characterization from 3D structural attributes

Damien Thenin and Ron Larson

…As seismic interpretation continuously evolves, it seems that interpreters have not kept pace with technological innovation provided in commercial software: workflows may be more persistent than technologies. Despite having access to 3D seismic for close to three decades, the majority of an interpreter’s time is spent picking inline and crosslines…

Focus Article | October 2014

Optimising resource plays – an integrated “GeoPrediction” approach

S. O'Connor, S. Mildren, M. Kemper, C. Malaver, J. Gallop and S. Green

…A mechanical earth model (or “MEM”) is a fundamental tool for considering the relationships between stress, strength and elastic properties of unconventional resources. The ultimate aim of these MEM’s is to aid the targeting of producible “sweet spots” so that an intelligent stimulation plan can be developed that leads to…

Focus Article | October 2014

Offshore East Coast: Model-based Water-Layer Demultiple Breathes New Life into Old Data

Key Seismic Solutions Ltd.

…This article describes recent development and application of a model-based water-layer demultiple technique. We discuss some application details such as the water-bottom Green’s function and the necessity of a two-step prediction to handle both shot-side and receiver-side multiples. This method is tested using a finite difference synthetic dataset and then…

Article | October 2014

3D Seismic Image Processing for Interpretation of Faults and Horizons

Dave Hale

…Fault surfaces are an important aspect of subsurface geology that we can extract from 3D seismic images. Estimates of fault slips are important as well, as they enable correlation across faults of subsurface properties. Moreover, with estimated fault slips, we can undo faulting apparent in 3D seismic images. After unfaulting,…

Luncheon | September 2014

Introduction to September Focus: University Geophysical Research

Rob Holt

…Whilst brainstorming ideas for future focus topics for the RECORDER this Spring with the other members of the CSEG RECORDER committee, I proposed an edition focused on geophysical research at Canadian universities, largely because I was wondering what the hot topics are in research these days, and who is working…

Focus Article | September 2014

Industrial research consortia in petroleum geophysics at Canadian universities

Larry Lines

…This paper is based mostly on the author’s experience with five Canadian university research consortia and the experiences of other Canadian university colleagues. It is the story of a strong, dynamic funding vehicle for supporting research and researchers that has succeeded for more than four decades in North America. Research…

Focus Article | September 2014

Geophysical research ROCKS at Canadian universities! – University of Alberta

Mauricio D. Sacchi

…Geophysics Program at the Department of Physics, University of Alberta Research and training of graduate students in the area of geophysics at the University of Alberta is carried out at the Department of Physics. At present, the geophysics group is composed of 12 faculty members, 48 graduate students and 14…

Focus Article | September 2014