2014 CSEG Golf Tournament Volunteers
Over one month in late summer, three CSEG golf tournaments are enjoyed by many CSEG members: Doodlebug, T-Wave and WiSE (Women in Seismic). WiSE has been running since 2001 and as a CSEG social event since 2013, T-Wave since 2009 and the Doodlebug since 1953, all run by teams of volunteers, with many personal and corporate donations and the support of the CSEG. The three chairpersons of the golf committees share some of their thoughts on volunteering below.

Patrick Tutty (Doodlebug) As a five year member of the Doodlebug committee Patrick Tutty is well served to act as the current Chair. He has a history of sticking with committees and since 2001, amongst other things, has dedicated 7 years to the Ski Spree and 2 years to the Executive as Director of Member Services. Patrick enjoys the teamwork required to pull off an event such as the Doodlebug, creating long-lasting friendships and working relationships. He feels that without new faces and ideas on all committees the society can’t grow to its full potential. Although it isn’t hard to recruit volunteers it is hard to get volunteers for key leadership roles due to the time commitment. He points out that it helps to have an understanding employer who believes in the CSEG and the events we run.
to have a strong society, we need volunteers at all levels

Jocelyn Frankow (T-Wave), Jocelyn Frankow formed the T-Wave committee in 2008 to offer an alternative to the Doodlebug that was accessible to golfers of all abilities, focused on networking, and ran over a half day. But she didn’t start there. Jocelyn has volunteered for the CSEG since 1994 as Recorder Editor, Geo-Convention Sponsorship and the Digital Media Committee. Those who know Jocelyn won’t be surprised to hear that she volunteers to meet and get to know a variety of people and to give back to the society. She always tries to
be fair minded and get others to focus on what the event is: a CSEG event first.

Joanne Poloway (WiSE) Joanne Poloway has been volunteering with the Women in Seismic Golf Tournament since 2005 either as Chair or on the committee, and when asked why she volunteers she gives two answers ‘because it’s fun’ and ‘I can’t say no!’ So now you know who to ask for help! That said, she’s clear that there are always plenty of keen volunteers (whom she raves about) which makes for contagious energy and allows ideas to flow. There are challenges such as raising sufficient sponsorship and obtaining prizes but any stress is offset by the satisfaction of seeing relationships form on the course between the women players and sponsors. After 10 years Joanne is still excited to be involved with the WiSE committee.
surround yourself with a great team of people.
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