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President’s Message

…Collaboration! It is defined as the action of working with someone to produce or create something. The origin is from the Latin word, collabarare which translates to ‘working together’. Collaboration through the many dedicated volunteers is how the CSEG and the CSEG Foundation put on events and programs for the…

Presidential Column | June 2016

Executive Message: Communications

…Geophysical culture is something I have been thinking about for years. A quick web search on geophysical culture yields no clear definition. It would be easy to write that geophysical culture is the set of values and practices in the geophysical community and leave it at that. But after working…

Board Message | June 2016

Letters to the Editor

…Dear CSEG RECORDER Editor (and CSEG Colleagues of Tom Podivinsky) I wish to follow-up on an interview that you published about my husband, Tom Podivinsky. (Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open... Keep Updating Your Skills; CSEG RECORDER, January, 2014) Mere weeks after this lengthy interview was published, Tom died in…

Letters to the Editor | June 2016

CAGC Column

…Dave Yager writes some closing thoughts as he leaves his post at MNP. We reposted the complete article at http://cagc1900.blogspot.ca/2016/04/david-yager-in-closing.html A few highlights from his column titled: Canada’s Oil Industry May Never Be the Same – Here’s Why! “Never is a long time. The dictionary definition is, “at no time…

CAGC Column | June 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: CSEG Staff

…This month we have a slight twist to the volunteer spotlight and speak with three staff members, Jim Racette, Penny Colton and Alyssa Middleton, who work closely with CSEG members and volunteers. As part of the interview, I asked Jim, Penny and Alyssa whether they had any words for CSEG…

Volunteer Spotlight | June 2016

Science Break: Heart Attacks

…The spectre of heart attacks looms large in our collective psyche. We worry that one may strike us, or perhaps one of our at-risk relatives or friends will be afflicted. Some of us at times view them as retribution for an unhealthy lifestyle. But what do we really understand about…

Science Break | June 2016

Tracing the Industry

…On the Move... Petro-Explorers Inc., a company started by Azer Mustaqeem, P.Geoph and Dr. Valentina Baranova almost seven years ago, is pleased to share following news about our continued growth. We welcome Mr. William (Bill) A. Silk as a Technical Advisor to our management team. Mr. Silk has over 40…

Tracing the Industry | June 2016


…Save the Dates: CSEG Doodlebug Inspection Tour Inspection Tour: Friday, June 3rd Location: Banff Springs For Information Contact: Ed Slobodian, Seitel Canada, eslobodian@seitel.com 64th Doodlebug Dates: Thursday, Aug. 25th to Saturday, Aug.27th, 2016 Location: Kimberley Alpine Resort & Trickle Creek Golf Course For Information Contact: Brian McCue, Chairman, bmccue@navatis.ca Dave…

Grapevine | June 2016

Introduction to May Focus Discovery and Exploration: Asteroids

Alan R. Hildebrand

…The last two decades have seen extraordinary advances in diverse research directions such as the Standard Model of particle physics or unravelling the DNA sequences of viruses to primates. However, possibly under-appreciated is that our Solar System is being mapped for the first time in an unprecedented age of discovery…

Focus Article | May 2016

The Last Alert: A New Battle Front in Asteroid Defense

Aren Heinze

…While some discoveries in astronomy rely on light that has crossed the observable universe to reach us, another epochal endeavor is unfolding much closer to our home planet: the cataloging of Solar System objects that could actually hit the Earth. Asteroids and comet impacts threaten our planet, but what kind…

Focus Article | May 2016

Big Questions About Our Solar System’s Small Bodies: Asteroids and Comets

A. Mainzer, J. Bauer, R. Cutri, T. Grav, E. Kramer, J. Masiero, C. Nugent, S. Sonnett, E. Wright

…In addition to its eight planets circling the Sun, our solar system teems with smaller bodies, asteroids and their more ice-rich cousins, the comets. The dominance of these so-called minor planets in terms of their sheer numbers provokes several seemingly simple questions about them: How many are there, did they…

Focus Article | May 2016

The Catalina Sky Survey: Exploration leads to discovery, but not always for the discovery that was expected

Steve Larson

…The Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) is a NASA-funded survey to help quantify the potential hazard of impacts by Near Earth Objects (NEOs). However, the survey images contain many other scientifically useful data. Near Earth Objects Near Earth Objects are defined as asteroids (or minor planets) and comets that come within…

Focus Article | May 2016

Influence of Acquisition Geometry on Event Cloud Asymmetry and on b-Value Analysis

Melanie Grob and Mirko van der Baan

…The most common setup to monitor microseismic events during hydraulic fracturing experiments includes a single observation well. This type of setup can lead to biases in event detection, location and magnitude computation. We statistically analyse simulated catalogues of events that represent common hydraulic fracturing experiments and especially focus on the…

Article | May 2016

Matt Golombek

An Interview with Matt Golombek

…Matt, let us begin by asking you about your educational qualifications and your work experience. I am a traditional geologist, with an undergraduate degree in geology and geophysics from Rutgers University in New Jersey, as well as graduate degrees, i.e. Masters and Ph.D., in geology and geophysics from the University…

Interview | May 2016

President’s Message

…GeoConvention 2016 has just completed as I write this article in spite of all obstacles! I’ve heard sincere praise and positive comments about the quality of presentations. Robert McGrory, Kathleen Dorey and Nancy Laing are the CSEG GeoConvention Board representatives who work diligently to bring relevance, content and direction to…

Presidential Column | May 2016

Executive Message: Member Services

…Although it was months back, I would like to sincerely thank all of the 2016 CSEG Executive Nominees. I believe that each of the nominees demonstrate leadership and a special amount of courage to want step into an executive role and demonstrate these attributes even more so in the current…

Board Message | May 2016

CAGC Column

…This downturn has taken its toll on the workforce. It appears a whole generation has been retired or let go. As the environmental movement strengthens in opposition to Oil and Gas in Canada it makes me think that folks such as GeoScientists should do more to advocate for the Industry…

CAGC Column | May 2016

Science Break: Reader Follow Ups & Blood Types

…Sometimes reader feedback leads to interesting dialogs. Two recent exchanges on DSLR cameras and ocean currents are worth sharing. First though, I want to apologise to all Cheeseheads. In Figure 1a from the Great Lake(s) article, I forgot to label the Green Bay lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet –…

Science Break | May 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: CSEG Foundation Board

…First formed in 2003-04, the CSEG Foundation is the registered charitable arm of the CSEG. Many activities benefitting members, students and the general public are run through the Foundation. So, what makes it tick? Hundreds of CSEG volunteers with a passion for geoscience and outreach are dedicated to the many…

Volunteer Spotlight | May 2016

Tracing the Industry

…On the Move... SeisWare International welcomes Marnie Slobodian to our sales team. We are pleased to announce that on February 29, Marnie Slobodian joined us as our newest Sales Executive. Before joining SeisWare, Marnie spent 11 years in the oil and gas industry, most recently with MicroSeismic Inc. Marnie can…

Tracing the Industry | May 2016