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President’s Message

…Strategy originates from the Greek work strategia and can be defined as a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. The word has its roots in military operations with regard to a battle or war. Rather than view strategy as planning, Henry Mintzberg at…

Presidential Column | December 2016

Chief Editor’s Message

…Some changes come slow and some come fast. It is with both sadness and happiness that I wish Rob Holt all the best in his new employment; sadness for us to lose his enthusiasm, quiet humour, and awesome organization skills, and joy for his new adventure. I'd like to thank…

Chief Editor's Report | December 2016

Letters to the Editor

…Dear Amanda and Rob, Amanda – I read your heartfelt article in the [2016 October] RECORDER (Mental Casualties of a Down-turned Market) and wanted to reach out and thank-you for your candour and strength in bringing Aaron's story to the CSEG membership. Although I have a sense that I had…

Letters to the Editor | December 2016

CAGC Column

…Our third winter in a row of downturn is looming. As one of my Directors wrote in our Fall edition of The Source, "Many of us could handle a one year slowdown but few are prepared for a three year downturn." Bill Whitelaw is president and CEO of June Warren-Nickles…

CAGC Column | December 2016

Integrating Data – How Geophysicists and Engineers Can Work Together to Improve Hydraulic Fracturing

Dr. Jennifer L. Miskimins

…The integration of disciplines and data is often discussed, occasionally implemented, and rarely as successful as it can or should be. However, failure to accomplish such integration often leads to development missteps and reserves left in the ground. Hydraulic fracturing is one of those areas where multidisciplinary integration is not…

Luncheon | October 2016

Introduction to October Focus: CREWES Research

Kristopher Innanen

…This issue of the RECORDER features contributions from four senior graduate students working with the research group CREWES in the Department of Geoscience at the University of Calgary. These researchers present short summaries of their recent progress towards a better understanding of how seismic waves interact with geological structures, and…

Focus Article | October 2016

What Should Multicomponent Near-Surface Corrections Look Like in a World of Waveforms?: A raypath-consistent solution for converted-wave processing

Raul Cova, David Henley, Xiucheng Wei and Kristopher A. Innanen

…Removal of near-surface effects from elastic data, particularly converted waves, is a well-known and difficult problem, whose difficulty only increases on the backdrop of the trend in our field towards treating seismic wiggles as full waveforms. If we want to eventually apply some type of full waveform inversion or fitting,…

Focus Article | October 2016

Interbed Multiple Prediction on Land: Which Technology, and Which Domain?

Jian Sun and Kristopher A. Innanen

…Prediction and removal of internal or interbed multiples is an increasingly high priority problem in seismic data analysis. One reason for the growth of its role and importance comes from the increased sensitivity with which primary amplitudes in quantitative interpretation are now analyzed. But the importance of accurate and robust…

Focus Article | October 2016

Reflections from Contrasts in Isotropic Attenuative Media AVO and Beyond

Shahpoor Moradi and Kristopher A. Innanen

…The purpose of this article is to summarize and illustrate some features of new theory describing the interaction of seismic waves with viscoelastic structures and interfaces. Progress in these areas makes available more sophisticated tools for AVO analysis and inversion, and thereby quantitative interpretation, and for multi parameter full waveform…

Focus Article | October 2016

A Summary of Several Challenges Facing Multi-Parameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion

Wenyong Pan and Kristopher A. Innanen

…In spite of all that there is still to learn about seismic full waveform inversion (FWI), and there is a lot, the technology has accumulated some significant success stories in recent years – enough to motivate researchers to think quite ambitiously about how far we might go with it. Moreover,…

Focus Article | October 2016

Mental Casualties of a Down-turned Market

Amanda Knowles

…Aaron sighed, “I lost my job in December and I can’t find anything else.” His statement hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. I struggled to find the right words to say. How could I help? What could I possibly do? My company wasn’t hiring and I…

Article | October 2016

Support Services Available for Those Facing Mental Health Challenges

Rob Holt

…One in five experience mental health challenges In any given year, at least one in five people in Canada experience a mental health problem or illness, and most of us know someone who has faced a mental health challenge or concern. Mental illness does not discriminate based on age, gender,…

Article | October 2016

Presidents of Professional Societies – Part 2

An Interview with Presidents of Professional Societies – Part 2

…Being at the helm of affairs, how do you encourage society members to volunteer their time and effort for professional society, or even on the board? JB: I begin with the story I noted above describing how beginning as a reluctant volunteer with SEG turned out to be one of…

Interview | October 2016

Executive Message

…When I joined Shell more than a few years ago [sigh], the onboarding process included being sent to Houston “to be trained as a geophysicist”. At the time, there were few schools of Geophysics – not in the narrow discipline of exploration seismology that an oil company was looking for…

Board Message | October 2016

Chief Editor’s Message

…About the RECORDER The Mandate of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists is to promote the science of geophysics, especially as it applies to exploration, and to promote fellowship and cooperation among those persons interested in geophysical prospecting. The RECORDER is the official publication of the Canadian Society of Exploration…

Editor's Notes | October 2016

CAGC Column

…Tick tock – times are tough – probably the toughest of times for many of us so far in our work careers. However governments never slow down. There are always new files coming out that affect us. One of the most recent is the legalization of marijuana. Find following the…

CAGC Column | October 2016

Letters to the Editor

…Saving the Canadian Journal of Exploration Geophysics (CJEG) As a long-time member of CSEG, I have understood that the goal of the CSEG was “to promote the science of geophysics”. Publication of peer-reviewed scientific papers is part of promoting the science of geophysics – along with publication of the RECORDER,…

Letters to the Editor | October 2016

From the Archives

…In light of the upcoming US presidential election, readers may be interested to see this photograph of former Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz’s father, Raphael B. Cruz (second from left, back row). In 1973, Raphael ran a seismic data processing company in Calgary called R. B. Cruz and Associates, which…

From the Archives | October 2016


…CSEG Doodlebug Report The 64th Doodlebug was hosted in Kimberley for the 7th consecutive year over 3 days from August 25 to 27th. This Doodlebug looked very similar to the 63rd with 49 golfers registered for the event. Play over 3 days was under ideal weather conditions with the Trickle…

Grapevine | October 2016

Introduction to September Focus: Innovation in Land Seismic

Allan R Châtenay and Paul Thacker

…Throughout the history of reflection seismic data acquisition there has been a continuous increase in the acquired field trace density as new acquisition and processing technologies have emerged. As a consequence, the E&P industry has seen consistent improvements in final seismic data quality. In this month’s RECORDER Focus section, we…

Focus Article | September 2016