CSEG members are encouraged to become more involved with the RECORDER by submitting short Calgary Herald-style letters for publication to the Chief Editor at editor@csegrecorder.com.

Dear Amanda and Rob,

Amanda – I read your heartfelt article in the [2016 October] RECORDER (Mental Casualties of a Down-turned Market) and wanted to reach out and thank-you for your candour and strength in bringing Aaron's story to the CSEG membership. Although I have a sense that I had met Aaron, I didn't know him personally – but I know many other Aaron's that I am in touch with. The challenges of losing one's job and finding that hope is failing is one that many members are facing - and I believe that this is timely and valuable. On a personal note, please believe that your kindness and empathy gives you a unique perspective and I hope that you have personal support in your life to also help you.

Last year I took a course on Mental Health First Aid put on by the CMHA and recommend it to everyone [www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca]. We all take First Aid to learn about heart attacks, strokes and choking, yet we shy away from approaching people who have an apparent Mental Health issue. It is still a struggle for me, but I fully encourage everyone to be as open as they can and to both seek and provide help – as best they can. That is all we can ask.

Thanks to both of you, kind regards,

Rachel Newrick, Consultant Geophysicist



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