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…Save the Dates: CSEG Doodlebug Inspection Tour: Friday, June 3rd Location: Banff Springs For Information Contact: Ed Slobodian, Seitel Canada, eslobodian@seitel.com 64th Doodlebug Dates: Thursday, Aug. 25th to Saturday, Aug.27th, 2016 Location: Kimberley Alpine Resort & Trickle Creek Golf Course For Information Contact: Brian McCue, Chairman, bmccue@navatis.ca Dave Wardlaw, Vice-Chairman,…

Grapevine | May 2016

The Quest Carbon Capture Project

Simon O’Brien

…In September 2012, Shell, on behalf of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project venture (Shell Canada Energy, Chevron Canada Limited, Marathon Oil Canada Corporation), announced that it was proceeding to construct the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project near Fort Saskatchewan. Quest is now capturing more than more than one…

Luncheon | May 2016

The New in Microseismic-based Prediction of Ultimate Stage by Stage SRV Through Engineering

Claudio Virues

…Microseismic monitoring has become the approach most often employed to gain an in-situ understanding of the rock’s response during hydraulic fracture stimulations. The utilization of distributed geophone arrays around treatments has provided an opportunity to investigate the way these fractures develop by examining the microseismic events recorded during a stimulation.…

Luncheon | April 2016

Introduction To April Focus: Engineering Geophysics

Mostafa Naghizadeh

…In this issue of the RECORDER, our focus topic is Engineering Geophysics. The methods of geophysical prospecting can be utilized in a variety of engineering applications, providing valuable information to improve the safety and reduce the costs of projects. These applications cover a wide range of environmental, mining, civil, geotechnical,…

Focus Article | April 2016

Geophysical Applications to Construction Engineering Projects

Alastair McClymont, Paul Bauman, Eric Johnson, and Laurie Pankratow

…“Drill, baby, drill!” It’s an often quoted line, made famous by former US Vice-Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. For those of us who work in the field of engineering geophysics, the mantra should be “drill sparingly, baby, drill sparingly”. While there is no substitute for direct sampling of the ground, the…

Focus Article | April 2016

Terminology for fluid-injection induced seismicity in oil and gas operations

David W. Eaton, Mirko van der Baan and Allan Ingelson

…A glossary of terms, applicable to fluid-injection induced seismicity in oil and gas operations, is compiled from various sources. Creation, adoption and widespread use of standard definitions for induced seismicity and related terms will promote consistency and uniformity and will help to avoid confusion that may arise if different definitions…

Focus Article | April 2016

A Cheat Sheet on Induced Seismicity

Neda Boroumand and Samira Maghsoudi

…We begin by defining a few key terms: “induced seismicity” refers to a seismic event that is caused by pore pressure and stress change associated with human activity, “potentially induced seismicity” describes an induced seismic event that is coincidental with human activity, “microseismicity” are small scale induced seismic events related…

Focus Article | April 2016

Value of Integrated Geophysics – Microseismic-Derived Ultimate Expected Fracture Half-Length in SRV in a Multi-Staged Pad in the Horn River Basin

Claudio Virues, Jessica Budge, Eric Von Lunen

…Over the past decade, microseismic (MS) monitoring has become the approach often used to gain an in-situ understanding of the rock’s response during stimulation. Recently, the utilization of downhole monitoring of treatments has provided for an opportunity to investigate the way these fractures develop by examining microseismic events recorded during…

Focus Article | April 2016

Dr. A. Easton Wren

An Interview with Dr. A. Easton Wren

…Easton, let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. was born and raised in Scotland, went to Glasgow University initially to study Chemistry but after a year I lost interest in the laboratory atmosphere and Geology was an option which took me out of the…

Interview | April 2016

President’s Message

…This is my first article as President of the CSEG so I hope to not disappoint. In looking back at the President’s message of April 2015, Rachel Newrick addressed our tough economic challenges which by the time of this article haven’t yet improved. Some consider it worse now due to…

Presidential Column | April 2016

Executive Message

…At this time of year we undertake the process of transitioning executive members of the Board of Directors. Over the last year I have thoroughly enjoyed working alongside outgoing Finance Director John Bertsch and commend him for his contributions to the CSEG. As I take on the Director of Finance…

Board Message | April 2016

CAGC Column

…I think that one day we will look back upon the last couple of decades and say that without a doubt those were the best years for humanity in terms of lifestyle, safety and security here in Canada and in other developed economies. It would seem doubtful that humans will…

CAGC Column | April 2016

Committee Highlight

…Chief Geophysicists Forum (CGF) CGF MISSION: ADDRESS TECHNICAL AND NON-TECHNICAL ISSUES THAT IMPACT THE PRACTICE OF GEOPHYSICS WITHIN THE COMMUNITIES WE WORK IN. In the past few months, CSEG Member Services has been writing a number of columns about the different CSEG volunteer committees that include information regarding their history,…

Committee Highlight | April 2016

Volunteer Spotlight

…CSEG Earth Science for Society (ESfS) Earth Science for Society (ESfS) is a FREE geoscience outreach exhibition that aims to “inspire an understanding of Earth Science”. This year, 11 schools attended with approximately 1500 students. Hundreds of members of the public also attended the exhibition. On the Sunday, 300 children,…

Volunteer Spotlight | April 2016

Science Break: The Human Microbiota

…Growing up, I viewed the human body as a castle, with defenses to keep all the nasty bacteria and viruses out. White blood cells were the soldiers, sent off to do battle at breaches in the walls. In fairy tales everything good is inside the castle walls, everything bad outside;…

Science Break | April 2016

Tracing the Industry

…New Contact Information Melodie McArdle would like to announce that she is back doing Geophysical Consulting with her registered consulting company: McArdle Consulting Services Ltd. You can reach her via email at: melodiemcardle@shaw.ca or at 1-403-660-1287. Members in the News Al Onia is proud to announce the release of his…

Tracing the Industry | April 2016


…8th Annual CSEG T-Wave Golf Tournament Monday June 27th, 2016 1pm Shotgun at Valley Ridge Golf Club Come and join us for an afternoon of fun on the golf course with your industry friends and colleagues. This local, single day event is a great way to stay in touch with…

Grapevine | April 2016

Forensic Data Processing – Revealing Your Data’s Hidden Stories

Joe Dellinger

…We are asking for more and more from our seismic data: more efficient acquisition, broader bandwidth (both high and low), sources that are more environmentally friendly (i.e. quieter), accurate amplitudes for AVO and 4D. Acquisition and processing are undergoing a revolution to support these needs. New developments such as simultaneous…

Luncheon | March 2016

Introduction To March Focus: GeoConvention Preview

Rob Holt

…The late, great Tom Podivinsky said "for generating prospects, fundamentally we look at whatever everyone else is doing and then copy them" in his RECORDER interview (January, 2014). Let us also not forget that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I always look forward to attending the GeoConvention. It…

Focus Article | March 2016

Finding Sweet-Spots and Quantifying Recovery Potential in Unconventional Plays:
Using the Montney Play as an example of how a Common Risk Segment Mapping approach can be applied to quantifying Estimated Ultimate Recovery in pervasive hydrocarbon systems

Ian J. Cockerill and Aaron W. Hughes

…When liquids-rich parts of the Montney Play in northeast British Columbia (NEBC) emerged and began to be developed in late 2013 and 2014, ‘The Montney’ was thrust on to the scene as one of the most commercially attractive and compelling unconventional prospects in North America. A rush to find where…

Focus Article | March 2016