Hooray Hooray the First of May… There’s something in the promise of Spring that makes me happy, and it’s not just that the golf courses are opening.
Save the Dates: CSEG Doodlebug
Inspection Tour: Friday, June 3rd
Location: Banff Springs
For Information Contact: Ed Slobodian, Seitel Canada, eslobodian@seitel.com
64th Doodlebug
Dates: Thursday, Aug. 25th to Saturday, Aug.27th, 2016
Location: Kimberley Alpine Resort & Trickle Creek Golf Course
For Information Contact:
Brian McCue, Chairman, bmccue@navatis.ca
Dave Wardlaw, Vice-Chairman, dwardlaw@mancal.com
On behalf of the 2016 Doodlebug Committee, I would like to invite you to the 64th annual CSEG Doodlebug. As Chairman of this year’s Doodlebug committee I am excited to promote and participate in the 64th Doodlebug to be held in Kimberley, BC August 25th – 27th, 2016. The committee is already working to ensure that this year’s event will carry on the success and traditions of past Doodlebugs.
The mandate of the Doodlebug is to bring our industry members together promoting fellowship and competition in a unique, fun and social setting. It’s my belief that the Doodlebug is one of the premier social events our industry offers, and without the continued support of participants and sponsors the event wouldn’t be possible.
Additional information regarding the schedule of events, registration and sponsorship will be posted to the website www.doodlebuggolf.ca when available. Please support the Doodlebug by participating, I hope to see you in August!
Brian McCue, 64th Doodlebug Chairman
49th Annual CSEG Family Ski Spree
The 49th Annual CSEG Family Ski Spree was held from February 19 – 21, 2016 at the beautiful Fairmont Hot Springs Resort in Fairmont, B.C. Sixty-seven CSEG members brought their families to B.C. for this weekend that saw a total of 267 participants; almost the same numbers as 2015, which we consider to be a huge success. It was a weekend of fun for everyone of all ages and skiing skill levels. You definitely didn’t need to ski in order to participate. The format for the weekend is a long standing tradition that focuses on all the children while still keeping the adults entertained.
Friday evening began with the family registration and then the games began. The Toddler Room, ages 0-4, was filled with safe and age-appropriate toys. The SISMA Drilling Mini Mixer, ages 5-11, was where all the action was. There were multiple crafts for everyone, some needing adult supervision and some not. Pizza, snacks and drinks were readily available throughout the evening. Everyone then helps in the massive clean-up as we set up for a Night at the Movies. Everyone knows how hard it is to keep the teenagers occupied, but the volunteers in the Teen Room, ages 12-18, seemed to have the formula for success. The night was centred around a difficult scavenger hunt that scattered the teens to all corners of the hotel to learn about the history of the Columbia Valley. Other competitions centred on fitness, gaming and mental agility. Again, tons of pizza, snacks and drinks for all. And let’s not forget about the adults. The Cook Leach Surveys Mogul Mixer was a chance to meet up with old friends and make new ones as the adults gathered for an Italian buffet. This was followed by the Divestco Ski Spree Grande Prix, racing Hot Wheels cars on a 10m track. Entertainment for the adults then continued upstairs in the Bear’s Paw as the Ski Spree Committee provided a DJ for the evening.
Saturday was focused on the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort Ski Area, about a 5-minute drive from the hotel. For the younger generation, the LXL Consulting Ltd. Snow Snake Hunt and the Earth Signal Processing Ltd. Obstacle Race occupied the beginner hill. Children of all abilities navigated the minimal difficulty obstacle course and searched for snakes in the snow to receive small prizes. This year, we hid the snow snakes so well that even the adults couldn’t find them.
For everyone else, they were encouraged to participate in the Seitel Canada Ltd. Snowboard Races and/or the Katalyst Data Management Downhill Races. Kids raced side-by-side against their parents, siblings or friends. The race commentary done by Peter provided great entertainment to everyone as it could be heard all over the Main Hill. Lunch was provided courtesy of the Ski Spree Sponsors. Arcis Seismic Solutions ran the Cocoa on the Mountain at the top of the ski lift and returning this year was the Alltrek Drilling Snowbank Taffy tent on the Lodge patio. There was just enough time after all the events on the hill for the vast majority of the participants to take a quick dip in the giant hot tub before heading for dinner. Saturday dinner saw all the families seated together as the Ski Spree Committee recognized the Sponsors for the weekend and handed out all the awards from the day, and there were a lot of awards and participation medals. Randy Yee and Isabelle St-Onge had the best times in the Ski Race and Kevin Mullie and Riley Castle had the best times in the Snowboard Race. A charity raffle is held each year and this year the proceeds in the amount of $2591 went to ‘Inn from the Cold’.

Mr. & Mrs. Ski Spree is an award that recognizes years of participation and a visible positive attitude towards this event and it was given this year to Heather and Milt Tetzlaff. For the adults, the night did not end after dinner. Synterra Technologies Ltd. Late Night occurred in the Bear’s Paw with renowned one-man-band Dallas Wolbaum providing all the entertainment.
In this difficult environment the 2015 CSEG Family Ski Spree was extremely grateful for all the sponsors that donated what they could for this fantastic event. All it takes is to have seen all the kids faces either in the Crafts Room on Friday night or coming off the hill on Saturday to know that it was worth it. On behalf of the organizing committee we hope that everyone had a wonderful and fun-filled weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again in 2017 at our 50th Celebration.
Andrew Lane, CSEG Family Ski Spree Chairman 2016
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