Although it was months back, I would like to sincerely thank all of the 2016 CSEG Executive Nominees. I believe that each of the nominees demonstrate leadership and a special amount of courage to want step into an executive role and demonstrate these attributes even more so in the current environment. Furthermore, to the best of our understanding those who didn’t get elected plan to stay within the CSEG community and volunteer in some capacity. As a member of this society and particularly of the executive, it is apparent to me that our society is truly fortunate to have had such a respectable group of nominees.
Secondly, I would like to congratulate our 2016 Election winners. Neda Boroumand, Karen Chong, John Duhault, Graziella Kirtland Grech, and Carmen Swalwell are joining the CSEG Executive during the most challenging of times in the recent history of our society. I mean this in the most optimistic sense, for I believe that there is always opportunity in adversity. As a group we face the challenge of maintaining the CSEG as a sustainable and viable organization while still providing our membership with the resources and opportunities to help see them through the downturn. It’s just like a good geophysical problem, there is always a trade-off, and the CSEG Executive will continue to challenge itself to ensure that we get the best of both worlds. Take a look at recent RECORDER articles from the Executive and you will see that very theme; call it a pre-read of sorts. Thank you again for your courage, leadership and volunteerism!
Next up, I’d like to recognize the 2014-2016 Executive members Paul Anderson, John Bertsch, Stephen Kotkas, Keith Millis, and Rob Vestrum that finished their terms on the Executive at the end of March. Despite all the challenges, the occasional heated discussion and the general gloomy atmosphere of the community over the past year, we still laughed, and we kept positive in the face of adversity. It has been my sincere pleasure to work with all of you. Your leadership and mentorship as senior executives was and still is invaluable to me so thank you for the experiences and I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
I would take the opportunity to give special recognition to Stephen Kotkas, my CSEG “boss” this past year. Stephen is a driven and determined individual who has left a very impressive mark on the CSEG. His involvement with the CSEGF and CSEG, from Outreach to the Executive has been highly successful in delivering benefits and opportunity to our membership. His knowledge of and networks within our society is not just remarkable, it is something that has been of great benefit to our Executive and historically to the membership at large. I will miss his practicality, his mentorship, his humor and insight as a part of the Executive. In short, he leaves pretty big shoes to fill, so I might have to shrink them a bit while no one is looking... Thank you Stephen; it’s been a privilege and pleasure!
And last but certainly not least, on behalf of the Executive, a great big thank you to the hundreds of CSEG volunteers that continue to make our society successful. As I write this article, we are weeks away from our March 29th Volunteer Appreciation event which is held annually as a thank you to our 2015 active volunteers. This year the event is jointly sponsored by both the CSEG and CSEG Foundation. Even with increased financial scrutiny the leadership teams feel it is still very important to recognize the tremendous efforts of our volunteers, the backbone of our great society. Thank you for your volunteerism! Remember if you’re not yet a 2016 volunteer, the society has need of your talents, so please step up and help!
Remember that your membership doesn’t just get you access to technical resources and educational opportunities, so get out and enjoy a number of CSEG social events. The T-Wave golf tournament being held at Valley Ridge Golf Course in late June, as well as the Doodlebug and Women in Seismic Golf tournaments being held in August and September respectively, all great opportunities to get out and enjoy some fresh air with old friends and new. Keep an eye out for upcoming Emerging Professional Program Events like the Young Professionals Social happening in May.

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