2763 search results for:


…Excalibur-Gemini Group Announces the Expansion of their Information Management Services Mergers and acquisitions are a reality that many companies and individuals are faced with every day. The Excalibur-Gemini Group has expanded their Information Management Services to include corporate records. In addition to their technical expertise in geophysical and geological records,…

Grapevine | December 2001

Tracing the Industry

…Paradigm Geophysical is pleased to welcome Quantum Seismic Services to their Calgary office. Quantum offers a wide range of 2D and 3D processing services including time, depth imaging and attribute analysis. Paul Hebert, Lynne Wortman, John Williams and Meenaz Rajan can be reached at (403) 750-3535. Eclipse Seismic is pleased…

Tracing the Industry | December 2001

Integrated Pre-Stack Depth Migration of VSP and Surface Seismic Data

M. Graziella Kirtland Grech, Don C. Lawton and Scott Cheadle

…Summary In the conventional approach to VSP and surface seismic imaging, the VSP and surface seismic data sets are processed and migrated independently. The VSP image is then spliced into the surface seismic result. Although good images can be obtained in this way (e.g. Hinds et al., 1993; Zhu and…

Article | November 2001

A Standard Data model for the Energy Industry

Ross Huntley and Trudy Curtis

…Abstract The PPDM Association is an independent, not-for-profit association that represents over 100 energy companies, vendors, and regulatory agencies worldwide. Formed in 1990 and supported by many dedicated volunteers, the Association delivers vendor-independent standards that serve as the Industry foundation for managing information as an essential asset in the global…

Article | November 2001

“Learn about hornets from others…”

An Interview with Dave Cottle

…[Satinder]: Dave, tell us about your early education and professional experience. I went to school at UBC and graduated in 1982 in Geological Engineering. After working at Amoco for 14 years, I spent 3 years at Rigel and moved to Talisman 2 years ago when they purchased Rigel. I worked…

Interview | November 2001

Executive Message

…"Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded" – Virginia Woolf Earlier this year, I had the privilege of viewing some of CSEG's early (1958-1985) records archived at Calgary's Glenbow Museum. This collection of information including minutes, social functions, membership listings, photographs and other interesting memorabilia – provided a…

Board Message | November 2001

Tracing the Industry

…The Excalibur-Gemini Group Ltd. welcomes Alvin Dixon as Senior Project Manager -Corporate Business Records. Alvin's dynamic and proven leadership skills coupled with 25yearsofexperiencein records management, information analysis, and project management proves a valuable asset to both clients and The Excalibur-Gemini Group. He has a client-centered attitude with a professional and…

Tracing the Industry | November 2001


…Spectrum Announces Additional Seismic Data in Nigeria Spectrum is pleased to announce that they now have available additional block specific seismic data totaling almost 11,000 km from 15 onshore and shallow water blocks in the Niger Delta province of Nigeria. The data relates to onshore blocks including OPL 135, 205,…

Grapevine | November 2001

Ancient Evenings – Seismic Visualization Using Very Old Techniques

Steve Lynch

…Oh thou who honorest both science and art .... Spoken by Dante to Virgil as they entered the gates of hell A few years ago I was fortunate enough to visit the city of Tunis in North Africa. I was there to teach a training course and when the course…

Luncheon | November 2001

Strategic Infill Drilling Targeted Using Crosswell Seismic – ‘Two Case Studies’

Rena Hatch and Jeff Meyer

…Introduction Reservoir optimization has been identified by many as the last frontier of the oil and gas industry. As fewer giant fields are discovered, improving the low recoverability from existing oil and gas reservoirs will be the focus of increasing capital spending within the industry. 3-D surface seismic information has…

Article | October 2001

Reservoir Monitoring and Characterization for Heavy Oil Thermal Recovery

Sam Sun

…Summary Extracted post-stack seismic attributes from time-lapse 3-D seismic data have been used extensively to map steam areal conformance by using statistical analysis in the development and monitoring of follow-up processes at Imperial Oil’s Cold Lake production project. A quantitative cross-calibration scheme between time-lapse seismic surveys has been developed using…

Article | October 2001

A Lake-Bottom Cable Seismic Survey: Acquisition and Processing

Robert R. Stewart, Han-Xing Lu, Henry Bland and Lawrence E. Mewhort

…Introduction The CREWES Project and AOSTRA in collaboration with Husky Energy Inc. conducted a detailed study of Husky’s Pikes Peak heavy oil field near Lloydminster, Saskatchewan (Figure 1). The target of interest in this area is the oil-saturated Waseca sand at a depth of about 500 m. The principal objective…

Article | October 2001

‘I see good prospects for young geophysicists ...’

An Interview with Abhi Manerikar

…[Satinder]: Abhi, let us begin by asking you about your education and early professional experiences. Well, to start with, I’m still really not sure why you chose to interview me. Not that I mind, but I thought you only interviewed really smart or famous people, like Fred Hilterman! [Satinder]: You’re…

Interview | October 2001

Executive Message

…In order to keep the society strong and growing, efforts are being made to provide more services to the members. The emphasis is on continuing education and more social events. The CSEG is having to operate more like a business and we need to ensure our operation is cost-efficient. At…

Board Message | October 2001

Letters to the Editor

…Dear Editors, Recently, I was talking with the SEG editor about updating their website reference index. I had noticed that a paper of mine that was published in the 1994 CJEG Journal was there, but not one from the 1996 CJEG Journal. They assured me that this oversight would be…

Letters to the Editor | October 2001


…Pipeline & Facilities Data Set The Excalibur-Gemini Group Ltd . is pleased to announce the addition of a new Pipeline & Facilities data set that is second to none. A new agreement with Ensight Information Services Ltd. allows Excalibur-Gemini to use their PipesWest data for both hard copy maps and…

Grapevine | October 2001

Tracing the Industry

…Here are the latest changes in our industry: Boyd PetroSearch is pleased to announce that Jena Kitchen has joined the Field Operations support department. Jena will be in charge of the digital mapping section. She was most recently with The Cadastral Group Inc. working as an integral part of their…

Tracing the Industry | October 2001

Seismic Anisotropy: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Vladimir Grechka

…A look back Directional dependence of elastic properties of crystals, or their seismic anisotropy, was recognized a long time ago. By the end of the nineteenth century the first laboratory measurements of seismic velocities in sedimentary rocks were made and the main theoretical result in elastic wave propagation ( the…

Article | September 2001

Shear-Wave Anisotropy: A New Window into the Crack-Critical Rockmass

Stuart Crampin

…Abstract In the last ten years, it has become recognised that crack-induced shear-wave splitting, with azimuthal anisotropy, is an inherent characteristic of almost all rocks in the crust (and upper mantle). This indicates that most in situ rock is pervaded by stress-aligned fluid-saturated cracks. The evolution of such stress-aligned fluid-saturated…

Article | September 2001

Depth Imaging – “If We Could Turn Back Time”

Larry Lines, Shawn Rushton, Don Lawton and Samuel Gray

…Introduction Seismic migration is an essential processing step in exploration plays involving any structural complexity, since migration is the process of placing seismic reflection energy in its proper subsurface location. The popular song “If I Could Turn Back Time” can describe the process of achieving accurate migration of seismic data…

Article | September 2001