2763 search results for:

Understanding Reservoir Architectures at Christina Lake, Alberta with Crosswell Seismic Imaging

Weimin Zhang, Guoping Li, John Cody and Jeff Meyer

…Summary As part of the Christina Lake Phase 1 pilot project, six profiles of crosswell seismic data were acquired by placing both seismic sources and receivers in wellbores. The primary objectives of the survey are to provide a high-resolution reservoir characterization of McMurray formation to identify thin shale laminations (potentially…

Article | May 2002

Tracing the Industry

…David D'Amico has recently moved from Range Petroleum Corporation to Talisman Energy Inc., Western Exploration, Northern Basin Team. He can be reached at (403) 237-1628 and his email isddamico@talisman-energy.com. Arcis Corporation welcomes Mr. Sarno Cilensek as a supervisor in the processing division. Sarno has a B.Sc. degree in Geophysics and…

Tracing the Industry | May 2002

Imaging Through Gas Clouds: A Case History from the Gulf Of Mexico

Steve Knapp, Nigel Payne and Tony Johns

…Summary Results from the world’s largest 3D four component OBC seismic survey will be presented. Located in the West Cameron area, offshore Gulf of Mexico, the survey operation totaled over 1000 square kilometers and covered more than 46 OCS blocks. The area contains numerous gas invaded zones and shallow gas…

Luncheon | April 2002

Memoirs of Successful Geophysicists – Ernie Pallister

…Fifty-five years ago the Leduc oilfield set off the oil boom in Alberta. Fifty–four years ago I graduated in physics from the University of Alberta. My timing was wonderful — the first of innumerable fortunate events that were to follow. In this memoir I concentrate on a few learning experiences…

Memoirs | April 2002

Memoirs of Successful Geophysicists – R.H. Carlyle

…After over four years in radar with the Royal Canadian Air Force and obtaining a degree in Engineering, Physics, and post graduate training in semi-conductors at the University of British Columbia, I was hired by Gulf Research and Development Company (G.R.D.C.). My assignment was to report to Seismic Party 30…

Memoirs | April 2002

Memoirs of Successful Geophysicists – Greg Davidson

…I have always enjoyed the technical side of geophysics, the science and the technology. But technology never seems to take me all the way. Any discovery that I have participated in has demanded that I abandon the safety of the ‘firm ground’ of science, and venture out on to the…

Memoirs | April 2002

Memoirs of Successful Geophysicists – Brian Russell

…I must admit that I had mixed feelings when asked to write an article for a compendium entitled “Lives of Successful Geophysicists”. For one thing, I can see all my friends saying: “Who the heck does he think he is!” Secondly, virtually every geophysicist I know is successful, so why…

Memoirs | April 2002

Memoirs of Successful Geophysicists – Larry Lines

Wendy Lines

…Every geophysicist has a story to tell about the many twists and turns in their career development. This is a brief reflection on the paths taken by Larry Lines, Chair in Exploration Geophysics, during his career. The Family Farm – A Beginning in Earth Sciences Larry’s earliest years in earth…

Memoirs | April 2002

“You need to be well rounded in the fundamentals”

An Interview with Bee Bednar

…[Satinder]: Bee, tell us about your educational background and professional experience. It’s pretty strange — a bachelor’s degree in music, and a Master’s and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Texas. I graduated in 1968 and I did classified anti-submarine warfare research. You could not publish or even…

Interview | April 2002

Executive Message

…Your Society Today The Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists ( CSEG ) is undergoing rapid change and growth. The society has undertaken several tasks and initiatives that have fostered this evolutionary process. The CSEG bylaws were revised and implemented a couple of years ago with the approval of the Society…

Board Message | April 2002


…Eclipse Seismic Processors Inc. and Norex Exploration Inc. Announce Merger Eclipse Seismic Processors Inc. and Norex Exploration Inc. wish to announce the merger of the two companies. The merger was affected by a reverse take over by Norex Exploration of Reliance Energy Inc. Reliance is a public company trading on…

Grapevine | April 2002

Tracing the Industry

…Randy Cameron, formally from BP, has joined the Veritas data processing center. He can now be reached at (403) 205-6288, or via e-mail Randy_Cameron@Veritasdgc.com. Kelman Technologies Inc. (KTI) is pleased to announce that Dave Levesque has joined the seismic processing division as a senior processor. Dave has over 17 years…

Tracing the Industry | April 2002

The Role of Visualization in Resource Exploration and Development

Geoffrey A. Dorn

…The rapidly expanding application of visualization technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way companies conduct business in the oil and gas industry. Visualization technology has been used for years in exploration and development. Visualization is simply the graphical presentation of data in an intuitive fashion to reveal information.…

Luncheon | March 2002

Using Advanced Seismic Imaging Tools to See the Invisible Beneath Foothills Structures

Samuel H. Gray, Scott Cheadle, Rob Vestrum, Jon Gittins, Tianfei Zhu, Hans Nanan

…Introduction: the imaging problems Oil and gas exploration in the Foothills of Western Canada is a mammoth industrial endeavor. Members of major Canadian and international oil and gas companies rub shoulders with their counterparts in smaller companies and with individuals and companies who develop exploration prospects, acquire and process geological…

Article | March 2002

Where’s the Reef

J. Helen Isaac and Larry R. Lines

…Abstract Pre-stack time and depth migrations of synthetic seismic data demonstrate that time migration does not always position images accurately, even when the exact velocity field is used, whereas prestack depth migration locates images correctly and focuses them better. Method In recent years the advantages of pre-stack depth migration have…

Article | March 2002

Image Mispositioning in Foothills Seismic Data Due to a Dipping Transversely Isotropic Overburden: Implications from Physical Seismic Modelling Studies

J. Helen Isaac and Don C. Lawton

…Abstract Significant errors occur in the position of a target imaged beneath a dipping transversely isotropic (TTI) overburden if the effects of anisotropy are not included during data processing. Using 2-D and 3-D seismic data acquired over scaled physical models, we demonstrate that the imaged position of a target is…

Article | March 2002

John Logel (2002)

An Interview with John Logel

…[Satinder]: John, tell us about your educational background and work experience. I am a farm boy from Iowa. I went to school at the University of Iowa and I have a B.Sc. degree in Geology. After my graduation I was given a government grant to stay there and pursue a…

Interview | March 2002

Executive Message

…March, 2002 will end a 3 year stint, from Vice President to President to Past President.. .if I'd only known the effort & time needed way back when Nancy Shaw asked me to run.... Actually, although the workload has been significant, and we've gone through a couple of difficult times,…

Board Message | March 2002


…Veritas Announces Schedule for Winter / Spring 2002 Technical Luncheon Series Veritas DGC Inc. announced the winter/spring schedule for its seventh technical luncheon series. This series of technical luncheon presentations is a convenient forum for industry professionals to gain exposure to new and innovative technologies in seismic processing research, data…

Grapevine | March 2002

Tracing the Industry

…Beric Evans has moved from Burlington Resources Canada Ltd., to Meota Resources Corp. as Chief Geophysicist and can be reached at 781-2408. OutSource Seismic Consultants Inc. is pleased to announce that John Mercier has joined our company as a project supervisor. John brings with him 30 years of experience in…

Tracing the Industry | March 2002