2763 search results for:

“Eat, live, and breathe Geophysics…”

An Interview with John Castagna

…[Satinder]: John tell us something about your background, what all you did, where you have worked and what you are doing now? I did my Ph.D. at the University of Texas with Milo Backus and from there went straight to Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). I was with them for about…

Interview | February 2002

The Prairie Meteorite Search

Alan Hildebrand, Dan Lockwood and Andrew Bird

…Meteorites have been accumulating on the Canadian land mass since the end of the last glaciation, approximately 10,000 years ago. The current rate of fall for meteorites >100 g mass (surviving to the ground) is ~27 per year per 106 km2. With a 10,000 year integration time, and presuming that…

Luncheon | February 2002

Tectonic Evolution of the East Coast of Canada

Keith Louden

…Introduction The East Coast of Canada is generally divided into three regions: the Nova Scotian margin in the south, the Newfoundland margin in the centre and east, and the Labrador margin in the north (Figure 1). These margins formed during the past 200 million years as the supercontinent of Pangea…

Article | February 2002

Tectonic Evolution of the Canadian Beaufort Sea – Mackenzie Delta Region: A Brief Review

Larry S. Lane

…Abstract The Canadian Beaufort Sea continental margin is probably the best known segment of the Arctic Ocean margin, based on the interpretation of multiple datasets defining the deep crustal architecture, regional structural trends and the temporal-spatial tectonic evolution. Of 53 oil and/or gas discoveries, most are trapped in structures formed…

Article | February 2002

Executive Message

…Over the years I have volunteered on many industry-related committees. Having done that you get to see how many organizations are structured and how their business is conducted. This year I am serving as the Assistant Director of Finance for the CSEG. The 'new look' of the executive this year…

Board Message | February 2002


…Excalibur-Gemini Group Announces Expansion of Information Management Services FOIPP, Freedom of Information Privacy Protection Legislation will be effective for private and public companies on January 01, 2004. Information collected and used by companies will have to comply with FOIPP legislation or companies and senior management will be personally liable for…

Grapevine | February 2002

Tracing the Industry

…The Excalibur-Gemini Group welcomes Ron Burland to our survey processing team. Ron has 14 years experience working throughout Western Canada in the seismic industry. The majority of his experience comes from working with conventional survey where he has been the senior surveyor responsible for crews in the field. He places…

Tracing the Industry | February 2002

On Seismic Waves in Linearly Elastic, Anisotropic and Nonuniform Continua

Michael A. Slawinski

…Introduction Most sedimentary rocks are anisotropic. Most sedimentary basins are nonuniform. Consequently, exploration seismologists benefit from knowledge of these properties. This knowledge provides us with rock-physics information and also enables us to account for the effects of anisotropy and nonuniformity on seismic imaging. Anisotropy and nonuniformity are conveniently studied in…

Article | January 2002

“I have never been one who likes to look at straight railroad tracks….”

An Interview with Lori Jones

…Photos courtesy: Al Bradshaw [Oliver]: Let’s start with your educational background Lori. I know you were born in Toronto; did you end up going to U of T? Actually no, I went to York University. I have an honours Earth Science Degree. [Oliver]: You don’t run across too many geophysics…

Interview | January 2002

Executive Message

…If I am writing this message then it must be a New Year. As I now approach the end of my first year of a two-year commitment to the CSEG Executive Committee I must reflect on the motive that would lead one to make such a commitment. My personal motive…

Board Message | January 2002


…Doodlebug 50th Anniversary Luncheon In September of 2002 the Doodlebug will celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The committee has planned some special projects to commemorate this. Brian Brennan, a professional writer, has been hired to record the rich history of the Doodlebug, and a professional video will also be produced to…

Grapevine | January 2002

Tracing the Industry

…Here are the latest changes in our industry: Precision Seismic Processing is pleased to announce the addition of Doug Gillrie to their processing division in the capacity of Sales Manager. Doug would like his many friends in the industry to know they can contact him at 514-6283. Atul Nautiyal has…

Tracing the Industry | January 2002

“All we can do is give them the skill to keep learning.”

An Interview with Doug Schmitt

…[Oliver]: I understand you’re a native of Milk River. Could you tell us about your experiences growing up in Southern Alberta? Well, I grew up on a farm near Writing-on-Stone Park. That’s actually where we take the University of Alberta summer field school now. I know the people there, so…

Interview | December 2001

Discovery of Ring Faults Associated with Salt Withdrawal Basins

Steven J. Maione

…The Jurassic Louann salt has played a dominant role in influencing the structural and depositional history of the East Texas Basin. Petroleum traps within the basin exhibit structural and stratigraphic elements influenced by salt tectonics, particularly during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Petroleum reservoirs in East Texas Basin include the…

Luncheon | December 2001

Integrating Coherence Cube Imaging and Seismic Attributes

Satinder Chopra

…Coherence Cube™ Imaging1 Coherence Cube imaging essentially generates a cube of coherence coefficients (from the input 3D seismic data volume) that portrays faults and other stratigraphic anomalies clearly on time or horizon slices. These images show up distinctly, depicting buried deltas, river channels, reefs etc. Traditional seismic time slices are…

Article | December 2001

Coals and their confounding effects

Mike Perz

…Pending Introduction If someone were to compile a list of “usual suspects” most often blamed for processing artifacts observed on Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) seismic sections, high amplitude coal reflectors would be found somewhere near the top (right alongside other well-known culprits such as ground roll, anisotropy, inadequate spatial…

Article | December 2001

Examining Due Diligence & Liabilities — CAGC Symposium

John Bertsch

…“Where exactly does the buck stop?” and, “Although the job was done in good faith, was it done in blind ignorance?” These questions were recently posed to those attending the Fifth Annual Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractor’s (CAGC ) Oil & Gas Symposium, held in Calgary on August 21-22, 2001.…

Article | December 2001

CSEG MLA: Procedure and Questions

…On October 25, 2001 the MLA Committee presented the Master License Agreement to interested members of the CSEG. The legal document was presented and interpreted for attendees of the forum. A plethora of examples of the MLA in action were given, and numerous questions from the audience were also addressed.…

Article | December 2001

Safety and Due Diligence — A Geophysicist’s Perspective

Randy Walker and Ross Brown

…What do you, as a staff geophysicist, need to know and do about safety on the geophysical programs you are undertaking? What are your responsibilities or more importantly, where might you be found liable if something goes wrong during the completion of what often is extensive, costly and inherently hazardous…

Article | December 2001

Executive Message

…When I became a member of the Executive earlier this year I was amazed at how many different activities our Society is involved in the list is quite impressive. Of course, none of this would be possible without the valuable contribution of our members (particularly our many devoted volunteers) and…

Board Message | December 2001