2763 search results for:

Tracing the Industry

…Whoops… The correct cell phone number for Kelly Zamisski of Sourcex Geophysical Corporation is 828-3077. On the move... Rachel Newrick is from New Zealand where she completed a B.Sc. in Geology and B.Sc. Honors in Geophysics. She recently obtained a Ph.D. in Exploration Geophysics from the University of Calgary, where…

Tracing the Industry | October 2004


…WiSE Golf Tournament a Big Success The 4th Annual WiSE (Women in Seismic) Golf Tournament, which was held on Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 at Lakeside Greens Golf & Country Club, was a huge success this year with a turnout of 128 players. The tournament, which was previously known as the…

Grapevine | October 2004

Steve Jensen

An Interview with Steve Jensen

…[Satinder]: Steve, tell us about your educational background and work experience? I began as a physicist. I got a Bachelor’s degree at University of Denver and then I went to University of Wyoming for my Ph.D. work. At that time my intention was to be a solid state physicist. But…

Interview | September 2004

Executive Message

…Those of you who attended our Annual Meeting on March 22 will know that 2003 was a very profitable year for the CSEG. Our outgoing Director of Finance, Doug Bogstie, reported a surplus of revenues over expenditures of $266,000 versus a budgeted surplus of $15,500. These very favorable results were…

Board Message | September 2004

Expert Answers

…Question Is there anything left to be done in AVO? Answer 1 From initial concept and commercial application of AVO the most significant enabling technological breakthroughs have been (1) increased understanding of how to qualitatively interpret and use AVO information, (2) quantitative inversion for rock parameters, and (3) pre-stack noise…

Expert Answers | September 2004


…July 2004, AAPG Explorer (see www.aapg.org): Annual Survey –Environment Dominates Geo-Schools: A strong emphasis in environmental geology and a “significant increase” in the number of international graduate geoscience students at North American institutions are revealed in the latest AAPG Status of Academic Geoscience Departments report. The survey was limited to…

Geo-Monitor | September 2004

Cretaceous (Brookian) Deep-Water Deposits of the Alaskan North Slope: Evidence from 3D Seismic Data

Henry Posamentier

…The Brookian section (Middle Cretaceous) of the north slope of Alaska is characterized by high-relief clinoforms prograding towards the northeast into a deep foreland basin. The paleo-water depth ranges from sea level at the topset beds to approximately 800 m at the basin floor. The shelf-edge staging area, where the…

Luncheon | September 2004

Visualizing the Future: The Upstream Industry Unleashed by Technology

Tony Wood

…1. Introduction The upstream oil and gas industry has long advocated and depended upon advanced technologies as a major contributor to its success. Whether it be 3D seismic processing made possible by fast and reliable high performance computing and storage capabilities or the ubiquity of PCs, servers, PDAs and mobile…

Focus Article | September 2004

Seismic Gourmet

…Sugo (Caffe Italia) It seems to me that the last time we met I was expounding about the great Italian food that can be found in SW Calgary. Well it’s the start of a new season for the RECORDER and it’s going to be Italian again, but this time I’d…

Seismic Gourmet | September 2004

Extending the Collaborative Visualization Environment to Remote Operations Centers: Media Fusion, Sensor Networks, Real Time Data and Balanced Infrastructure

Bill Bartling, David Hughes and Dr. Eric Frost

…Introduction Collaborative Visualization Environments (CVE’s) have been proven to be highly effective over the past 10 years, bringing decision teams together around their data to both save money and enhance results. This has been especially prevalent in the geophysical exploration and interactive drill-path planning work processes. These environments were first…

Focus Article | September 2004

Sun Technology Advancements Benefit Oil and Gas Exploration

Nick Weston

…A streamlined exploration process is paramount to the success of any oil and gas company, and high performance compute infrastructure is the key to speeding up exploration. Fast CPUs, large memory footprints, speedy access to memory, precision graphics and technology to optimize compute resource utilization all contribute to faster compute…

Focus Article | September 2004

Book Review

…Geomechanics in Reservoir Simulation, edited by Pascal Longuemare, ISBN 2-7108-0833-1, Editions Technip, Paris, 2002, 192 pp US $70. The “Geomechanics in Reservoir Simulation” text published by Editions TECHNIP in 2002 represents a collection of 14 selected papers from the IFP symposium on geomechanics held in Rueil-Malmaison, France, over December 5-7,…

Book Review | September 2004

Tracing the Industry

…On the move... BlueGrouse Seismic Solutions Ltd. is pleased to announce that Pat Stier has joined our marketing team. Pat brings 20 years of experience from the geophysical brokerage industry. Please contact Pat at (403) 264-4224, cell phone 540-1845 or email pat@bluegrouse.ca. Darrel Jackson is pleased to announce that he…

Tracing the Industry | September 2004

Are You Managing Your IT Solutions or Is IT Still Managing You?

J. Douglas Uffen

…What Geo-Science Data Architecture Can Do For You! Preface Informational technology (IT) in the last couple of decades has considerably changed our lives and how we interact with the world. The IT revolution has forced each of us to learn new skills in the workplace as we attempt to keep…

Article | September 2004

SEGY Floating Point Confusion

Dennis Meisinger

…Let us be straight with one another. Well, perhaps more to the point, let us be sinusoidal with one another. Communication is key in every industry. The words and images that are being used in this article are an attempt at modeling my thoughts in order to transmit them to…

Article | September 2004

Application of Multiple Regression and Artificial Neural Network Techniques to Predict Shear Wave Velocity from Wireline Log Data for a Carbonate Reservoir, South-West Iran

H. Eskandari, M.R. Rezaee, and M. Mohammadnia

…Abstract Estimation of shear wave velocity (Vs) using log data is an important approach in the seismic exploration and characterization of a hydrocarbon reservoir. So far all the available empirical models for Vs prediction are mathematical models that incorporate only one or two petrophysical parameters and they lack the generalization…

Article | September 2004


…LunchBox Geophysics Back by Popular Demand! LunchBox Geophysics are back again with 2 sessions in September and October. These are informal free sessions where attendees bring their own lunch. State and capabilities of land instrumentation in the industry today. Nigel Thorburn (Sercel Inc.) and Howard Watt (Veritas DGC Land Inc.)…

Grapevine | September 2004

Multicomponent seismic applications in coalbed methane development

Sarah E. Trend and Don C. Lawton

…Increasing interest and activity in coalbed methane production in Western Canada has led to an urgent need for effective and efficient technologies for coal evaluation. Surface seismic methods are effective in delineating lateral coal zone continuity and areal extent, and for mapping faults, channel-cuts and small-scale structures that may hinder…

Luncheon | June 2004

The workers industry needs, when and where it needs them

Cheryl Knight

…Attracting the right people to the right locations is difficult for the upstream petroleum industry, which will need to find personnel for more than 7,000 new Canadian jobs over the next decade. To ensure the industry has the workers it needs, when and where it needs them, the Petroleum Human…

Focus Article | June 2004

Demographics and a Changing Marketplace – How do I stay as employed as I want to?

David Nordin

…Introduction “Being employed is one thing; being fully employed and engaged is somewhat more difficult to achieve.” This paper combines the thoughts derived from conversations with somewhere between 1000 and 1500 people with ideas from David Foot and Daniel Stoffman’s book “Boom, Bust and Echo” to provide an explanation of…

Focus Article | June 2004