2763 search results for:

Western Canada Natural Gas Supply Update “On the Treadmill”

Caral Crowfoot

…There are numerous factors at play in today’s natural gas marketplace that account for the strong market conditions. The current production levels, demand characteristics and transportation availability are all contributing to the sustained high natural gas prices throughout North America. This article will examine the production characteristics in the Western…

Article | June 2004

Ancient Chinese Drilling

Oliver Kuhn

…Some time ago the RECORDER published an article of mine (December 2000, Odyssey of Oil). That article took a look at some ancient oil industries from around the world, and drew parallels between those ancient industries and our modern oil industry. Readers of that article would have detected in the…

Article | June 2004

Exploration Just Isn’t What It Used to Be

Arthur Milne

…Notions persist that explorationists in the oilpatch are the heirs-apparent of further advancement in their ranks and that exploration activity is the driving force in the industry. These notions, however, are myths – throwbacks to a simpler era. By “explorationist,” include on the one hand geologists and geophysicists, and exclude…

Article | June 2004

The Meaning of Anomaly

Henry Lyatsky

…It began by accident, when I casually asked a class of fourth-year geophysics students to define the term anomaly. The disconcerting, blank silence that ensued was repeated by many subsequent senior classes in the following years, and at various schools. Meanwhile, a client wanted to know about EM anomalies on…

Article | June 2004

David Paterson

An Interview with David Paterson

…[Satinder]: So let me begin by asking you about your educational background and work experience. I was born in Vancouver and lived there right through to graduation from UBC in 1975 with a B.Sc. in Geology & Geophysics. There was though, a 2 year gap in the middle of university…

Interview | June 2004

Executive Message

…Going International There's no disputing the "Canadian" in "CSEG". It's easy to point to many characteristics that make us able to cry out (like the beer commercials) " I Am Canadian". Although we are a Society that is clearly an international affiliate closely linked to the SEG, the CSEG is…

Board Message | June 2004

CAGC Column

…Spring is almost over and Summer upon us. For us, as an Association, some of our busiest months are April, May and June. Many of our conventions we put on and many which we just attend occur during this three month period. I would like to take this opportunity to…

CAGC Column | June 2004

Expert Answers

…Question 1 Has the use of multi-streamers and multi-sources in marine seismic data acquisition led to improved resolution and image quality? Could you furnish examples to illustrate your answer? Answer 1 Before the question is answered, it might be of interest to briefly review how the marine streamer acquisition has…

Expert Answers | June 2004


…EAGE – European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers: EAGE Paris 2004, 66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Paris, France 7 - 10 June 2004. (see website at www.eage.org) Special Executive Session: Geosciences and Engineering and the Future of Energy Resources – Chairmen: Pierre Bauquis, IFP – Olivier Dubrule, President EAGE 2004-2005:…

Geo-Monitor | June 2004

Seismic Gourmet

…GNOCCHI’S (Sublime Italian) If there is one type of food that Calgary does well it is Italian, and when you think Italian you usually think of some of the great restaurants in NE Calgary. However, I’m here to tell you that there is great Italian food in the SW as…

Seismic Gourmet | June 2004

Tracing the Industry

…Whoops… In the May issue of the RECORDER Megan Jubb announced that she had joined the exploration team at Guard Resources. The phone number given was incorrect. Megan’s correct phone number is 218-6614. On the move... Eric Senetza has joined Key Seismic Solutions Ltd. as a Processing Group Leader. Eric…

Tracing the Industry | June 2004


…GEDCO Hosts Client Open House with Special Guest Beckie Scott GEDCO would like to thank everyone who attended their Annual Open House on Tuesday, April 27th at their office. GEDCO had close to 200 people attend and enjoyed great food, beverages and, of course, great company. GEDCO was proud to…

Grapevine | June 2004

Mike Galbraith

An Interview with Mike Galbraith

…[Satinder]: Mike, tell us about your educational background and your work experience? I was born in Scotland and I went to school in a little village near Edinburgh. Later on I went to high school there and then went to the University of Edinburgh from ’63 to ’67. I’d learned…

Interview | May 2004

Exploring the Unknown

John Amatt

…Straight to the Top and Beyond: Nine Keys for Meeting the Challenge of Changing Times In Straight to the Top and Beyond, John Amatt, mountain climber and C.E.O. uses the metaphor of adventure – climbing Mount Everest – to articulate an innovative strategy for addressing the challenges of a rapidly-changing…

Luncheon | May 2004

CSEG National Conventions – Past, Present and Future

Oliver Kuhn

…The first National Convention of the CSEG was held in April, 1973 against a politically volatile backdrop. The year began with oil prices hovering in the $2.50 per barrel range. An Arab oil embargo triggered by the Arab-Israeli war disrupted oil flows and triggered panic buying; later in the year…

Article | May 2004

CSEG Convention Historical Posters

Oliver Kuhn

…In April of 1973, at the first ever CSEG National Convention, Pete Savage was the first author of a technical paper, “Shallow Marine Hovercraft Operations – Mackenzie Delta”. Now, thirty-one years later at the 2004 National Convention, Pete is first author of several posters, ten to be exact! But these…

Article | May 2004

Early days of the CSEG

Helen Isaac

…Ed Fulmer (President in 1967): The CSEG was formed in 1949 by a very mixed bag of people working in Calgary, geophysicists and geologists and some that were just in town briefly, such as contractors. Word came out in June of 1949 that they were hoping to form a society…

Article | May 2004

Pre-stack land surface and interbed demultiple methodology An Example from the Arabian Peninsula

Roald van Borselen, Grog Fookes, Michel Schonewille, Constantine Tsingas, Michael West, Abu Baker Al Jeelani and Mohamad Samir Nahhas

…Abstract This case study shows the application of data-driven multiple removal techniques to a land data set from the Arabian Plate. Strong surface and internal reverberations are removed using a standardised processing flow, while preserving the original geometry for subsequent processing. This paper highlights some of the practical aspects of…

Article | May 2004

Executive Message

…At the March Annual General Meeting, I replaced Penny Colton as the Director of Educational Services. I enjoyed being Penny's apprentice over the past year. Penny has been indefatigable in her efforts to make her portfolio run smoothly. Her attention to detail was admirable. Fortunately the heads of all the…

Board Message | May 2004

Expert Answers

…Questions 1. How much seismic data is being recorded today by using digital geophones. Is there any likelihood of this trend changing? 2. We started recording 3D seismic data using 48/96 channels. What is the maximum number of channels being used for 3D seismic data acquisition today. Is this cost…

Expert Answers | May 2004