2763 search results for:

Seismic Gourmet

…JABULAN (A Place To Rejoice) If you knew any Zulu of which I now know one word, you would know that ‘Jabulani’ means to rejoice, and that’s exactly what you will be doing during and after dinner at this South African gem. In keeping with the theme of trying to…

Seismic Gourmet | May 2004


…From AAPG Explorer April 2004: Salary Survey (See; http://www.aapg.org/explorer/salarysurvey.cfm) The EXPLORER survey is based in U.S. dollars on employed, salaried geoscientists and does not include any additional benefits, such as consulting fees, retainers, overrides, automobiles or other perquisites. The geologists contacted may work on non-U.S. ventures but are based in…

Geo-Monitor | May 2004

Tracing the Industry

…On the move... Intercontinental Seismic Surveys is pleased to announce that Diane Dawson has been appointed President. Gloria Stenhouse will continue with Intercontinental as a Data Consultant. ISS specializes in “Brokering”, “Data Management”, and “Participation Surveys”. ISS currently owns a small data base that consist of seven (7) surveys and…

Tracing the Industry | May 2004


…2004 CSEG Exhibits Committee Hosts Forum On Wednesday, February 25, 2004 the 2004 CSEG Exhibit Committee held a Public Forum for the purpose of designing the Exhibit Floor for the convention in May. All companies that were accepted to exhibit at the convention w e re invited to attend the…

Grapevine | May 2004

Earth Model Complexity and Risk Description in Resource Exploration and Development

William L. Abriel

…During the past 10 years, seismic imaging and analysis has expanded its role from structural exploration to reservoir description and property analysis. As experiences have developed, the description of the earth required to image and analyze the reservoirs has in many cases required significantly more complexity than anticipated. It is…

Luncheon | April 2004

A comparison of two different approaches to 3D seismic survey design

Gijs J.O. Vermeer

…Summary This paper compares conventional 3D seismic survey design with the 3D symmetric sampling approach. Conventional survey design focuses on midpoint gathers, whereas the 3D symmetric sampling approach focuses on shot and receiver gathers. The differences are illustrated by the way in which obstacles are tackled: skidding and off setting…

Article | April 2004

Kohat Plateau with Reference to Himalayan Tectonic General Study

Wasim Paracha

…Abstract The study area (72°N, 33°50’E and 72°30’N, 33°25’E) needs more investigation over the Recent to Eocene time span with regard to the structural changes occurring within different parts of the region. The author tried to study the general geological and geophysical results of the Indo-Eurasian collision (with stable Asia…

Article | April 2004

Oil Company Key Facts

Christopher Pettit

…Founded in 1971, Samson Investment Company is a privately-held independent exploration and production company. Based on worldwide gas production, Samson is in the top 20 of the independent exploration & production companies based in the United States. Worldwide operations originate from the Company’s headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and include key…

Article | April 2004

Neil Rutherford

An Interview with Neil Rutherford

…[Satinder]: Neil, let’s begin by asking about your educational background and work experience. I grew up in a small community just across the Saskatchewan border south of Lloydminster. There were two towns about eight or ten miles apart called Neilburg and Marsden. My Dad farms about halfway between these, about…

Interview | April 2004

Executive Message

…Later this month at the annual general meeting, my term as Vice President will come to an end and I will become the new President. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate President Bill Goodway and his entire CSEG executive for a job well done over…

Board Message | April 2004

Expert Answers

…Questions 1. The bin size, fold coverage or offset distribution may not be sufficient to determine whether a given geometry for a 3D survey would produce an optimum image quality in terms of resolution, reduced noise levels and accuracy in amplitude levels. In your expert opinion, how do you recommend…

Expert Answers | April 2004

Tracing the Industry

…New job announcements... Don Macneil has accepted the position of Sales Representative with Sercel Canada Ltd. He will be responsible for sales and leasing of equipment and software for Sercel's 408 System and specialty cables. He can be reached at (403) 295-9788 or by e-mail at do n.macneil@sercelus.com. Robert Chelak…

Tracing the Industry | April 2004


…ACE Explosives Will Host Hospitality Suite Ace Explosives is hosting a hospitality suite after the CSEG Convention on May 11th, 2004 from 6:00pm until 9:00pm. The Suite is located at the Convention Centre, Glen room #205, plus 15 level. The event will be co-hosted by UEB, their detonator manufacturer from…

Grapevine | April 2004

Cathy Martin

An Interview with Cathy Martin

…[Oliver]: Cathy, could you tell us a little bit about your background – personal and educational? [Satinder]: (laughter). That’s good – you know me too well – that’s my question! I studied math and physics at the University of Waterloo and taught high school for two years before moving west…

Interview | March 2004

Uncertainty in AVO – How can we measure it?

Dan Hampson, Brian Russell, Maurizio Cardamone

…Overview AVO analysis has become a basic and accepted tool for both exploration and production. In this regard, it has come a long way from the early days when acceptance of the method oscillated wildly between excessive expectations and total rejection. Probably the biggest change that has come about is…

Luncheon | March 2004

Focus Intro: Stratigraphy-Plays, Software, Processing

Oliver Kuhn

…The last decade or two has seen seismic interpretation become less qualitative and more quantitative. Geophysicists now commonly work closely in teams with geologists and engineers, who think of the subsurface in terms of lithology and real rock properties. Numerous new techniques and methodologies have evolved to help move geophysicists…

Focus Article | March 2004

Seismic Waveform Classification: Techniques and Benefits

Eric Andersen & John Boyd

…Seismic waveform shape and character can define facies and reservoir parameters with far greater detail than traditional time and amplitude mapping. Modern techniques using waveform classification make it possible to define and map subtle changes in seismic response and to match them to subsurface information. Waveform classification can also be…

Focus Article | March 2004

Accurate stratigraphic prediction from seismic

Matt Hall & Eric Trouillot

…Introduction Interpretation of subsurface geology is greatly enhanced by 3-D seismic data, and this accounts for its ubiquity in today’s search for hydrocarbons. Seismic interpretation has two fundamental disciplines at its core: seismic geomorphology and seismic stratigraphy. Plan views allow the interpreter to apply principles of geomorphology, based on analogies…

Focus Article | March 2004

3D Modeling of Stratigraphic Heterogeneity in Channelized Reservoirs: Methods and Applications in Seismic Attribute Facies Classification

Renjun Wen

…Abstract This paper describes a new method of stratigraphic heterogeneity modeling in channelized reservoirs. A 3D model of a channelized reservoir is simulated by migrating and stacking multiple channels in a background facies, whereby reservoir flow units are represented based on geological rules rather than statistical distributions. Spatial distributions of…

Focus Article | March 2004

The Changing Face of The Canadian Oilpatch

Wilf Gobert

…Oilpatch Bull Market Moves Into 6th Year During the 1980s and 1990s, the duration of bull markets in energy equities (an uptrend in the energy index of 25% or more) lasted 18 to 20 months on average before world oil price volatility caused a bear market, which typically lasted 12…

Article | March 2004