2763 search results for:

Heloise Lynn

An Interview with Heloise Lynn

…Let me begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. My educational background is a Bachelor’s in Geology/Math from Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, 1975; my Master in Exploration Geophysics is from Stanford University (Dec., 1977), and my PhD in Reflection Seismology, Geophysics, from Stanford University was…

Interview | January 2005

Fracture Detection using 3D Azimuthal AVO

David Gray and Dragana Todorovic-Marinic

…Summary The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of how well AVAZ (Amplitude Versus Angle and aZimuth) extractions from P-wave seismic data compare to more widely accepted measurements of fracture density and fracture strike. Such measurements come from core data, structural interpretations, and curvature, Formation Micro-Imager (FMI)…

Luncheon | December 2004

Distance Education

Krista Poscente

…Distance education has a long history of providing educational opportunities for individuals who are unable or unwilling to attend traditional institutions. Our understanding of distance education is often defined by the associated mode of delivery. Correspondence is distance education delivered via the postal system. Internet course delivery has yielded new…

Focus Article | December 2004

What Does Continuing Education Mean?

Penny Colton

…The RECORDER asked me to write up some answers to the following questions: What is the role of Continuing Education in my organization (which I've taken to mean both CSEG and APEGGA). What does CE mean to me? How does one obtain CPD hours or continuing training? What is its…

Focus Article | December 2004

2004 Election of Officers Candidates

…Sandy Lucas for Assistant Director of Communications Sandy was born in Toronto and raised in Brampton, Ontario. She has always had a desire to be near the mountains and make a career in sales and marketing for herself. So she finally made the move out to Calgary 11 years ago;…

Article | December 2004

The Space Environment and its impact on human activity

Panagiotis K. Marhavilas

…Summary The origins and fate of life on Earth are intimately connected to the way the Earth responds to the Sun’s variations. We live in the extended atmosphere of an active star where the solar activity and the space magnetic storms affect in various ways human life. Solar conditions are…

Article | December 2004

The Calgary Mineral Exploration Group

Paul Hawkins, Henry Lyatsky

…As the Alberta economy develops new industries and the required infrastructure, its need for diverse natural resources grows. Fortunately, there is much more to Alberta’s natural endowment than oil, gas and coal. We have long had, and have today, a vibrant mineral-exploration industry. Calgary has an annual mining conference, every…

Article | December 2004

Geoscience: Student-Industry Mixers and the SEG/EAGE Short Course 2004

Penny Colton

…2004 CSEG/SEG DISC Course and APPEGA Geoscience Mixers - attended by U of A and U of C students and those in industry. Dr. Paul Weimer of the U of Colorado presented the 2004 SEG/EAGE Distinguished Instructor Short Course (DISC), entitled Petroleum Systems of Deep-Water Settings, in Calgary on Wednesday,…

Article | December 2004

Zee Wang

An Interview with Zee Wang

…Before we start, I’d like to thank you, Satinder, for inviting me to this interview. Here I am representing myself, not my employer ChevronTexaco, so all the opinions and answers in this interview are mine only, not ChevronTexaco’s. Could you start by telling us about your educational background? Let me…

Interview | December 2004

Executive Message

…The CSEG is like an onion. Each time I peel away at the layers of committees and subcommittees, I find more layers of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers. I still do not have a full grasp of the various activities that fall under Educational Services, but I do know that the volunteers…

Board Message | December 2004

CAGC Column

…Well, with the turn of December, winter is here in Canada. High commodity prices continue to drive activity in the marketplace. The Associations re p resenting the big rig drillers are calling for over 24,000 wells this coming year – another record. In fact they recently announced a 10 to…

CAGC Column | December 2004

Seismic Gourmet

…Vintage Chophouse Tavern Have you ever had one of those days where all you can think of is how much you’d like a great steak for dinner? Now I know we can all go home and brag about what a fantastic steak we do on the barbeque, but what about…

Seismic Gourmet | December 2004

Tracing the Industry

…On the move... Precision Seismic Processing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Geophysical Services Incorporated is pleased to announce that Carmen Swalwell has joined their team as Marketing Manager. Carmen is joining Allan Feir and Don Daub in the processing division and will be responsible for the marketing of all processing…

Tracing the Industry | December 2004


…Divestco Completes Westcan Oil Maps Acquisition Divestco Inc. has completed the acquisition of Westcan Oilmaps (1993) Ltd. Westcan has been a supplier of regional sub-surface geological maps for the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin over the last 30 years. Divestco said its clients have requested that it develop a proprietary geological…

Grapevine | December 2004

Oil Sands and Geophysics

Douglas Schmitt

…Introduction It is well known that the production of conventional light from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin is declining rapidly. Heavy oils, here taken in the broad sense to include both heavy oil and bitumen, are replacing much of this lost production and their combined production already exceeds that of…

Luncheon | November 2004

Peter Duncan

An Interview with Peter Duncan

…Peter, let’s begin by asking you about your educational qualification and work experience. All right. I come from the East Coast of Canada. I did my undergraduate degree in geology and physics at the University of New Brunswick. In the summer of 1970 I worked as a junior geologist on…

Interview | November 2004

Exploration Challenges and Opportunities

Paul Durling and Tom Martel

…Introduction Corridor Resources is a junior E&P company based in Halifax that focuses its exploration efforts in and around the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The Gulf occupies an area roughly one-half the size of Alberta and is surrounded by 5 Canadian provinces. Two sedimentary basins underlie the Gulf (Fig. 1):…

Focus Article | November 2004

3D ground penetrating radar surveys on a frozen river lagoon

Monica Moldoveanu-Constantinescu and Robert Stewart

…Abstract This paper describes ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys that were conducted to characterize the ice and shallow subsurface of a frozen lagoon at Bowness Park, Calgary. We used Sensors and Software Inc.’s 250 MHz NOGGIN and Smart Cart system as well as a Pulse EKKO 4 system with 100 MHz…

Focus Article | November 2004

The surface microseismic monitoring system on Turtle Mountain, Alberta

Robert Stewart, Henry Bland, Jeff Thurston, and Kevin Hall

…Introduction Considerable attention has been directed toward seismic activity in the Crowsnest Pass area of southern Alberta on account of the calamitous Frank Slide in 1903 and numerous rockfalls on Turtle Mountain since then. The mountain is comprised of an unstable anticlinal structure (Jones, 1993; AGS, 2003) with a number…

Focus Article | November 2004

3C-3D seismic micro-survey at a Maya plaza ruin in Belize, Central America

Nicholas Kaprowski and Robert Stewart

…Summary Using seismic methods to image the very shallow subsurface is not yet common. The Applied Geophysics Group at the University of Calgary is involved in developing shallow seismic techniques and identifying their potential value in various disciplines, such as archaeology. To this end, we have conducted a number of…

Focus Article | November 2004