2763 search results for:

SeisCap Duo. Seismic Record Encapsulation.

Eric Keyser

…Background Ever since the 1960’s seismic data has been stored on magnetic tape. During the 1990’s there was recognition that tape would not last forever and data needed to be preserved in a manner that was independent of physical media. In some cases the original physical media devices that the…

Article | December 2006

Peter Gretener

An Interview with Peter Gretener

…Peter, to start, why don’t you tell us about your educational background? In 1949 I obtained an M.Sc. in petrology from the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, because I was born in Switzerland you know, and in 1953 I got a Ph.D. in geophysics, gravity actually, from the same…

Interview | December 2006

Presidential Column

…In mid-November I represented the CSEG at the semi-annual Canadian Geoscience Council (CGC) meetings, held this time in Québec City, so my comments this month will relate to the CGC. The CGC has tried to be an effective umbrella organization for the earth sciences at the national level, but in…

Presidential Column | December 2006

CAGC Column

…The Energy Industry peaked in early 2006 and the typical spring fallback in prices became a slow slide as hurricane season never materialized in the USA and global strife remained at a minimum. Most recently the Federal Conservatives have announced stringent changes to the income trust market. This has recently…

CAGC Column | December 2006

Executive Message

…Well, it’s hard to believe that two years have come and gone since I started with the CSEG Executive Committee. This past year has been very enjoyable with the new people on board and the progress that we have all made. The focus on the website continues towards on-line capability.…

Board Message | December 2006

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Larry Smith and Len McBeth are very pleased to announce the official opening of their new company MAXAM Seismic Explosives, Inc. Two Branches in Alberta will service the needs of clients throughout Western Canada. Greg Kathol in Stoney Plain and Larry Fritz in Grande Prairie provide MAXAM…

Tracing the Industry | December 2006


…16th Calgary Mining Forum The 16th Calgary Mining Forum, “Building the Future” will be held this year March 20-23, 2007 at the Ramada Hotel, Downtown Calgary. Featuring presentations by mineral exploration companies, mining service companies, and provincial and federal geological surveys. Topics will include minerals exploration projects, exploration methods, current…

Grapevine | December 2006

Multicomponent Case Study: One Company’s Experience in Eastern Alberta

Paul Anderson and Ron Larson

…Introduction and Background In 2004, Apache embarked on an investigation of multicomponent technology. One of the projects undertaken was a target of upper-Mannville channel sands, specifically the Rex member. Some of this work was presented by Monk et al. in the May 2006 RECORDER, however additional efforts have been put…

Luncheon | November 2006

My take on the interaction of Engineers and Geophysicists

Brad Culver

…You know, I have always enjoyed my career path. One of my simplest pleasures has been derived from the fact that few individuals know what we geophysicists do, even fewer know how to pronounce it. That has always made my job mysterious. I get called a geologist most of the…

Focus Article | November 2006

Seismic Skeletonization: A Useful Tool for Geophysical Data Analysis

K. Vasudevan, F. A. Cook, and D. W. Eaton

…1. Introduction Automated event picking of reflection seismic and georadar data allows an interpreter to analyse coherent events using a variety of statistical tools. The success of such tools in exploration is well-documented (Taner et al., 1979; Robertson and Fisher, 1988; Barnes, 1993; Chen and Sidney, 1997; Marfurt et al.,…

Article | November 2006

Numerical Solutions of Seismic Scattering in Heterogeneous Media

Jun-Wei Huang, Thomas Bohlen and Bernd Milkereit

…Abstract Analytical solutions of seismic wave propagation are available in restricted cases such as homogenous or layered homogenous models, or targets with regular shape or smooth property variations. As seismologists try to quantify the Earth with high resolution, these models are oversimplified and only valid for particular purposes. Heterogeneities commonly…

Article | November 2006

Philippe Doyen

An Interview with Philippe Doyen

…Please tell us about your educational background and your work experience? I first got a Mining Engineering degree from the University of Louvain in Belgium. I always liked mathematics, physics and rocks, so studying geophysics was a natural step for me to combine the things I enjoy. Opportunities for graduate…

Interview | November 2006

Susan Eaton

An Interview with Susan Eaton

…Let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. I moved from Halifax to Calgary in May 1980, to join Esso Resources Canada Ltd., just days after graduating from Dalhousie University with a B.Sc. Honours degree in Geology and Biology. I spent three great years at…

Interview | November 2006

Presidential Column

…In early October I attended the SEG annual convention in New Orleans. In addition to the usual activities such as attending technical talks and checking out what was new on the exhibit floor, in my capacity as CSEG President I also attended the annual SEG Council Meeting, essentially its AGM.…

Presidential Column | November 2006

CAGC Column

…The topic of the day these days seems to be climate change. There is no doubt this debate and subsequent changes in the marketplace will fundamentally change Canada and Canadians as a whole. The call for change is becoming stronger and the media loves a story that has an element…

CAGC Column | November 2006

Executive Message

…Greetings, I hope everyone has had a pleasant summer/fall and now we all look forward to another busy winter. As Finance Director, I have come to the conclusion that I am to concern my self with two things: money coming in and going out. It sounds simplistic and it is,…

Board Message | November 2006

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Tom Byers opened up a new consulting business, TJ Byers Ventures Ltd., after leaving Encal Energy Ltd./Calpine Canada. Tom has over 20 years experience in geophysical field operations. He invites his friends and former colleagues to contact him at 289-6530, Cell 461- 6395 or email tjbyers@telus.net He…

Tracing the Industry | November 2006


…WiSE (Women in Seismic Golf Tournament) Joanne Poloway, the Event Chair would like to update everyone on the 6th Annual Women in Seismic Golf tournament held on August 14th of this year at the Fox Hollow Golf Course. It was another sellout with 144 golfers (all ladies!) and 26 Hole…

Grapevine | November 2006

White Rose seismic with well data constraints—less art and more science: A case history

Ayiaz Kaderali

…The White Rose Oil Field is located offshore in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, 350km East of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Husky is the operator with a 72.5 percent working interest in the field. The field was discovered in 1984, and consists of both oil and gas pools. The…

Luncheon | October 2006

New seismic and other geophysical equipment at the University of Calgary

Don Lawton and Malcolm Bertram

…Introduction The Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Calgary has recently purchased leading-edge seismic and other geophysical equipment for research programs and for the education and training of undergraduate and graduate students. Purchase of this equipment was made possible through a grant of $1.2 million from the…

Article | October 2006