Retirement. It will be a long time before I get there. But for some of you this will happen in the near future. How about putting in an announcement letting people know that you are off to new challenges and adventures. Share some stories, thank people that have made a difference in your career, or simply say “So long… suckers!” Drop me a line and I will include your retirement announcement.
I would like to extend a great big THANK YOU to all the people that helped me out with the column this month. I sent out panic emails about 10 days ago, because I had one announcement! Once again people came through and passed on names of people with new jobs etc. For those of you who don’t know, I never print anything without the person’s express permission. People write their own announcements so they are sure nothing is printed that they don’t want printed. When I find out someone has a new job, I contact them and offer them the opportunity to place an announcement. About 75% decide to do so. Pretty good odds, I think!
Tom Byers opened up a new consulting business, TJ Byers Ventures Ltd., after leaving Encal Energy Ltd./Calpine Canada. Tom has over 20 years experience in geophysical field operations. He invites his friends and former colleagues to contact him at 289-6530, Cell 461- 6395 or email He looks forward to offering Seismic Program Management and Bird Dogging at competitive rates to the geophysical community.
Belinda Janse would like to announce that she has joined Husky Energy as a Geophysicist in the Northwest Plains – Northern Alberta Group. Belinda can be reached at or 513- 7509.
David Garner recently moved to Chevron Canada Resources Ltd to work on the Ells River oilsands development as a Senior Advisor, Geological Modeling. He was previously working on the geostatistical characterization of the Surmont oilsands lease for ConocoPhillips.
Dave Wardlaw would like friends and colleagues to know that he has joined Pegasus Oil and Gas as Chief Geophysicist. Dave can now be reached at Pegasus is a junior oil and gas startup that will be exploring in Western Canada.
Stuart Mitchell would like to announce that he is now with ConocoPhillips as a Solutions Analyst with the Technical Information Services group. He can be reached at
Marie Hong has joined Pengrowth as a senior geophysicist. She can be reached at
Veritas Geoservices is pleased to announce that Dan Boudreault, P.Eng. has been promoted to the position of manager of Geomatics Services. Dan has been a Senior Geomatics Engineer with Veritas for the past 10 years, providing geomatics solutions for both domestic and international exploration issues. Dan was also instrumental in the creation of the IHS led Consortium between IHS, GDM Inc. and Veritas to provide a full suite of NAD83 conversion services to the oil and gas industry. Dan’s focus will be to further build the survey audit business, and coordinate the development of innovative technologies that advance our core business. Dan replaces Peter Gammell who is moving on to Jurassic Oil & Gas Ltd. as Vice President, Business Development.
John Rennie, of Kelman Technologies, and his wife Maya are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Lorelei. She was born August 5th, 2006 at the Rockyview Hospital in Calgary. Lorelei is rapidly learning methods of seismic processing as she sits on Dad’s lap in front of the computer while he works from home. She is joining a family with two beagles, so we hope that her first words are Mama or Dada, not “ARWOOOO!”

Marc (Pengrowth Energy Trust) and Toni Rajotte are excited about the new joy in their life. Dominic was born on Sunday September 3rd at 1:11pm. He weighed a healthy 7lbs. 13ozs. Dominic had the royal treatment at Rocky View with 4 nurses and 2 doctors in the room since the cord was wrapped around his neck twice and his heart rate went from 130 down to 50 in mere seconds.
This portion of the Tracing the Industry column is where people share how they became involved in this strange industry. Geophysics and the seismic industry seem to be “accidental” profession. Not many people start out with the goal of becoming a geophysicist or working in seismic. Each month I like to have someone trace their pathway into this business. If you would like to share your story, please let me know! CS
Jennifer Welsh – Mor- West Ventures
My name is Jennifer Welsh and this is my story.
Well the story is an interesting one just like everyone else’s. I fell into the wonderful world of Geophysical Seismic by pure dumb luck.
I was working in a completely different industry and the company was not doing as well as one would hope. So, I started to apply for other types of jobs. Having family in the industry, I was not enthusiastic about entering into the field, in fact, I was purposely avoiding it. (Sorry, Dad) As luck or fate would have it, I was snatched up by a Front- End company. As you can imagine the first couple of months were interesting. You need a Vib crew (what??) and the slashers (hun?) need to be finished by what date??? Well, a couple of companies and years later, I now find myself able to answer these questions and even answer some that weren’t asked. The completed GFR, surface access, making sure that the juggies and J.O.s are in place when and where they are needed, now are questions to which I either have the information or know how to get it.
Since the first and disastrous couple of months, I have learned more and taken courses at industry sponsored events (Doodle Train) and at SAIT, to be able to communicate effectively with Geophysicists, Geologists and Engineers.
I have learned that Christmas occurs at entirely the wrong time of year. I have learned that the most effective way to ensure that you get all of your paperwork on time is to mildly suggest that dynamite is involved and we are not afraid to use it. Well, maybe this isn’t the most ethical way of ensuring receipt of paperwork but it definitely cuts down on your wait time.
Juggling paperwork, maps, phone calls and e-mails are now something that comes easily. So I decided recently to venture out on my own. Well not really on my own but with a business partner and we decided to start up our very own Front-End company. We are involved in permitting, approvals, sending out bid requests, reclamation work, water well testing and the list goes on. My business partner and I are marketing and making harassing phone calls to any and all that we can think of. Our company, Mor- West Ventures is open for business and we are always willing to accept work. So if you are looking to try something new and exciting we would be thrilled to talk to you.
Geophysics and Seismic are the most interesting career that I think any one could fall into or even purposely go into. I am so excited to have the opportunity to tell my brief and haphazard story.
Many people in our geophysical community give unselfishly of their time and resources in volunteer work outside the geophysical community. The RECORDER committee would like to give our members an opportunity to share their experiences and details of the charity that they support. This month I thought I would share an experience that I had recently at a charity event and educate the RECORDER readers on the work that they do. CS
Calgary Seniors’ Resources Society – Carmen Swalwell
On Sunday, October 8th my mother invited me to a high tea that was being held to support a senior’s charitable organization. I didn’t really pay any attention to what the charity did, I like high tea and it was would be a nice outing with my mother. I didn’t even know where we were going.
The day of the tea I found out it was being held at the Calgary Golf and Country Club. I had never been there and thought this would be great. Off we went.
When we got to the tea, a gentleman walked up to my mother and I and introduced himself. It was the Honourable Peter Lougheed! The former Premier of Alberta! He is someone that I have always admired and always wanted to meet. In a job interview many years ago, I was asked who would I most like to have lunch with. I choose Mr. Lougheed. So I was thrilled to meet him. And completely tongue-tied. I know the people that know me are having a real hard time imaging that! Fortunately my mother was a little more self assured in this situation and chatted with him.
The Master of Ceremonies for the tea was Darrel Janz and he introduced Mr. Lougheed. Mr. Lougheed spoke about the challenges facing some of the seniors in our community. I was completely impressed with their work and will be volunteering with this organization in the future. For those of you like me, who have never heard of this charity, read on and considering supporting the charity yourself either with your time or your resources. They have this tea every year, Who knows, you may meet the Honourable Peter Lougheed yourself! (can anyone tell me if it is okay to ask him for his autograph? Or a picture?)
Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society (CSRS) is a registered non-profit charity that has been active in Calgary for over 30 years supporting the needs of seniors. Today CSRS is the largest senior outreach agency of its kind in Calgary and its services have expanded to include much of central and southern Alberta. The mission of CSRS is to “enhance the quality of life and human dignity of seniors by supporting their independence through home services and community based programs.” CSRS programs and services are offered free of charge to all seniors, their families and their care- givers however our primary focus is on the low-income, isolated and at-risk seniors in our communities.
Last year CSRS provided services, support, programming and education to over 11,000 individuals. A core group of over 200 volunteers provided over 14,500 hours of dedicated volunteer service and in particular, escorted transportation volunteer drivers drove our clients almost 72,000 kms to medical appointments and other essential appointments.
Seniors are the fastest growing segment of our population and in Calgary, 24% of seniors are estimated to be at moderate to high risk of isolation and there f o re greater risk of depression, malnutrition, injury, fraud and abuse. Additionally, the seniors population is expected to double in the next 10 years leaving organizations such as CSRS to fill the void. Without increased funding from the government, corporate support (which is currently almost non existent) and increased support from private individuals, CSRS simply will not be able to continue to meet the growing demand and seniors will fall through the cracks.
Case Example: A few years ago an elderly gentleman in a Calgary community passed away in his home. Because he was isolated and had no support network of friends or family to check-in on him, his death went un-noticed. Eventually neighbours complained to Calgary by-law officers about the state of the yard, the news papers that had piled up etc. and upon entry into the home, by-law officers discovered that the elderly gentleman had been deceased for about three months. Unfortunately this situation illustrates that Calgary isn’t the small-town that it used to be and sadly it’s seniors who are the most over looked as a result.
People assume that seniors have pensions, savings and family that will take care of them. Many seniors however don’t have family or have family that live in other cities or provinces and can’t act as a support in a real or significant way. Many people assume that the government programs take c a re of seniors but often seniors aren’t aware of what’s available to them or don’t know who to access those supports or services. The result is simple. Countless seniors are living below the LICO (Low Income Cut Off) and without the support that they need to live with dignity and independence.
CSRS is constantly looking for volunteers to help with its programs. Volunteering as little as one hour can make a huge difference in the life of a senior. Programs such as friendly visiting or telephone reassurance allow seniors to have contact with someone on a regular basis and ensures that their basic needs are met. Other programs (listed on our website, also make a very real difference in the lives of seniors and allow them truly live and participate in our communities.
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