2763 search results for:

Geophysical Inversion Workshop and Summer School: A Big Success

Peter Cary

…The 2nd Geophysical Inversion Workshop and Seismic Imaging Summer School took place in August this past summer on the University of Calgary campus. This extremely successful meeting was enjoyed by about 80 attendees at the workshop and about 50 registrants in the summer school. Dr. Gary Margrave, the main organizer…

Article | October 2006

Non-first-break technology to remove effects of shallow velocity anomalies

Emil Blias

…As was analytically shown in the first paper (Blias, 2006a) shallow velocity anomalies can cause large lateral variations in stacking velocities. Non-removed shallow velocity anomalies (SVAs) can reduce the quality of the post-stack image and create time distortions in seismic horizons. A conventional approach to deal with SVAs utilizes first…

Article | October 2006

2006 Honorary Address, October 24th: Hurricanes: Impacting Alberta

…This year’s honorary address finds us at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium on the evening of Tuesday, October 24th, 2006. Every year this integral part of the society’s Outreach program strives to bring interesting and topical science into our community, while educating the general public on the roles of our…

Article | October 2006

Oz Yilmaz (2006)

An Interview with Oz Yilmaz

…Oz, let’s begin by asking you about your early education and your work experience? I received my Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Geology with Geophysics Option from University of Missouri-Rolla in 1970. During my undergraduate years I realized that I am more interested in the engineering and mathematical aspects of…

Interview | October 2006

Jeffrey Yarus

An Interview with Jeffrey Yarus

…Jeffrey let me start by asking you about your educational qualifications and your work experience. I began my college career at the College of Wooster in Ohio, outside of Cleveland, where I was born. I majored in geology; that was from 1969 to 1973. During that time I also spent…

Interview | October 2006

Presidential Column

…Recent events have signaled the end of an era in the Canadian seismic industry. First, in May of this year, Geo-X Systems Ltd. sold its processing division to Divestco Inc. Then in early September came the announcement that CGG would be purchasing Veritas DGC. To many, these two companies represented…

Presidential Column | October 2006

CAGC Column

…And now for something a bit different….Over the years I have jokingly referred to my friends in the Oil Companies as “Big Oil” as method for differentiation between what we do as a Seismic Association in our advocacy role and what they do with the newfound power of Oil. Nowadays…

CAGC Column | October 2006

Expert Answers

…Question 1 Inelastic attenuation in seismic data is frequency dependent (higher frequencies getting preferentially absorbed) and increases with traveltime, altering both the amplitude and phase of the data. While processing for AVO analysis, attempts are made to remove the effect of the many factors that influence AVO response, so that…

Expert Answers | October 2006

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Terra-Sine Resources is pleased to announce Rhonda Watts, formerly with Conquest Seismic Services Ltd., has joined our staff as a “Geophysical Operations Technician”. Rhonda brings eight years of seismic experience, which will compliment our organization to the benefit of our clients. Rhonda can be reached by phone…

Tracing the Industry | October 2006


…Veritas DGC Inc. and Seitel Compagnie Générale de Géophysique (“CGG”, ISIN: 0000120164 – NYSE: GGY) and Veritas DGC Inc. (“Veritas”, NYSE: VTS) announced today that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement whereby CGG will acquire Veritas in a part cash, part stock transaction. CGG will offer Veritas stockholders,…

Grapevine | October 2006

An example of a fully integrated Reservoir Characterization project utilizing well data, fluid substitutions, elastic modeling, production history, seismic and AVO attributes

Brian Schulte

…AVO has played a significant role in exploration over the last 20 years. However, the use of amplitudes as a direct hydrocarbon indicator is still not as reliable as desired. On the other hand experience demonstrates some of the issues needed to be addressed exist within the seismic data itself.…

Luncheon | September 2006

The Future of Interpretation Software

Doug Paul

…Introduction The Canadian oil and gas industry has changed significantly over the last ten years. Soaring hydrocarbon prices combined with the emergence of trusts and small exploration companies have changed the landscape of the energy sector. As the petroleum industry becomes even more competitive, a premium is placed on the…

Focus Article | September 2006

Preliminary Seismic Interpretation and Maps for the Paleogene-Neogene (Tertiary) Succession, Orphan Basin

Renee Burton-Ferguson, Michael Enachescu, Rick Hiscott

…Introduction The Orphan Basin, located offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, is one of the largest under-explored basins along the eastern Canadian Margin. With large 3D seismic surveys executed in 2004-2005 and a deepwater well planned for 2006, the basin has become the new focus area for hydrocarbon exploration in Atlantic Canada.…

Article | September 2006

Time-Frequency Polarization Analysis and Filtering

Rob Pinnegar

…Introduction Most of the “traditional” methods of polarization analysis and polarization filtering operate entirely in the time domain, or entirely in the frequency (or Fourier) domain. Unfortunately, both approaches have major limitations. Time-domain methods often have difficulty dealing with overlapping events that have different frequencies; and frequency-domain methods can run…

Article | September 2006

Curvature attribute applications to 3D surface seismic data

Satinder Chopra and Kurt Marfurt

…Summary Identifying subtle faults at or below the limits of seismic resolution and predicting fractures associated with folds and flexures is one of the major objectives of careful seismic interpretation. With the common use of 3D seismic in the late 1980s, 1st derivative based horizon dip magnitude and dip azimuth…

Article | September 2006

Alan Huffman

An Interview with Alan Huffman

…Alan, let’s begin by asking you about your educational background and your work experience. Well I started developing an interest in geology long before college as a young kid, when I learned rock and mineral collecting from one of my uncles who was an avid collector. My high school, the…

Interview | September 2006

Dave Monk

An Interview with Dave Monk

…Dave, let’s begin by talking to you about your educational qualifications and your work experience. Well, I went to the University in England of course, and took a degree in Physics, and enjoyed academic life so much that I took a Ph.D. So I actually stayed in Nottingham University and…

Interview | September 2006

Presidential Column

…I’m writing this column mid-summer, and it seems an appropriate time to give an update on the CSEG’s activities so far this year. Let’s start with the convention. In many ways this year was a test, to see if the two societies (CSEG and CSPG) could host a joint convention…

Presidential Column | September 2006

CAGC Column

…The summer will be over by the time this prints and it is back to business in September. September is a busy month for our Association with our Annual Geophysical Seminar held in Red Deer (Sept 20-21). This event is a 2 day seminar dealing with all current issues relating…

CAGC Column | September 2006

Tracing the Industry

…GIVING BACK... Many people in our geophysical community give unselfishly of their time and resources in volunteer work outside the geophysical community. The RECORDER committee would like to give our members an opportunity to share their experiences and details of the charity that they support. If you would like to…

Tracing the Industry | September 2006