2763 search results for:


…Veritas DGC Inc. and Seitel Houston, Texas – July 24, 2006 – Veritas DGC Inc. (NYSE: VTS; Veritas) and Seitel, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: SELA) announced today that they have formed an alliance to reprocess and license Seitel’s non-exclusive seismic data in the Gulf of Mexico shelf region. The Seitel…

Grapevine | September 2006

The effects of interbed multiples and attenuation (Q) on the mapping of conventional and unconventional reservoirs

John Logel

…Summary Seismic Attributes have been one of the primary identification/ evaluation methods throughout the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and stratigraphic column, first on 2D data and now predominantly on 3D seismic. Seismic data have limitations and ambiguities that have been stretched and in some cases blatantly abused. Seismic data were…

Luncheon | June 2006

Estimating Intrinsic Layer Anisotropy ηlayer From Surface Seismic

K. Stinson, E. Crase, Wai-kin Chan, S. Levy

…Abstract The anisotropic parameters (Vnmo , ηeffective) are now routinely and robustly estimated from anisotropic prestack time migration velocity analysis. The availability of these parameters opens the possibility for determination of parameters potentially valuable for interpretation, such as layered intrinsic anisotropic layer ηlayer. In this work, we demonstrate the value…

Focus Article | June 2006

Automatic high-density constrained velocity picking

Emil Blias

…Introduction Velocity analysis is one of the main steps in seismic processing. A velocity model, beyond its initial purpose to obtain a seismic stack, is used for time and depth imaging, AVO analysis and inversion, pore pressure prediction and so on. In conventional processing, it is a high cost procedure…

Focus Article | June 2006

Can hydrocarbon saturation be estimated using density contrast parameter?

Nurul Kabir, Richard Crider, Rosemarie Ramkhelawan and Charlie Baynes

…Summary The density contrast parameter may reveal important and crucial information about the presence and saturation of hydrocarbon. In this paper, we demonstrate the relation between density contrast and gas saturation and a methodology for extracting this parameter from seismic data. We used both the linear and nonlinear formulation of…

Article | June 2006

Awards for the 2006 CSPG/CSEG/CWLS Joint Convention

…Best Geological Paper: Gareth Jones and Yitian Xiao: Predicting Dolomite Geobodies: Exploitable Insights from Reactive Transport Models Best Geological Poster: Warren Walsh, Cassandra Lee, Ben Kerr and Joseph Korol: Quantifying shale gas potential of the Triassic Montney and Doig formations, northeastern British Columbia. Best Geophysical Paper: Rob Pinnegar: Time- Frequency…

Article | June 2006

Enders Robinson

An Interview with Enders Robinson

…[Satinder]: I wanted to begin by having you speak a little about your educational background and about your career, which has been long and varied, and tell us what you are doing now. I was born and raised in Massachusetts and went to MIT in 1946, where I majored in…

Interview | June 2006

Presidential Column

…My column this month is devoted to the Canadian Geoscience Council (CGC). It’s a big topic, and I have found it hard to distill down to essential points; it’s also by nature a somewhat boring topic, but I’ve done my best to make it readable. In brief point form, here…

Presidential Column | June 2006

CAGC Column

…The seismic contractors continue to consolidate. Today there are 14 Land seismic companies in Canada, with further rumours of that number dropping. This is a long way from the days of fifty contractors some twenty plus years ago but it even represents a consolidation over the past decade from the…

CAGC Column | June 2006

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... James Fox has joined Tusk Energy Corporation. He is very excited about the new opportunities that this position will have. This position was discovered through the Junior Geophysicist Forum, which took place in November of last year. He would like to thank all of his colleagues and…

Tracing the Industry | June 2006


…Lunchbox Geophysics FREE informal lunch time talks – all you have to do is register and bring your own lunch. Here’s a list of upcoming talks: “Super Duper High Resolution Radon Multiple Attenuation” Mark Ng from GeoX Tuesday, September 12, 12:00 Noon Where: Aquitaine Auditorium, +15 level of 540 -…

Grapevine | June 2006

An East-Central Alberta Multi-Component Seismic Case History

Dave Monk, Ron Larson and Paul Anderson

…How does a large independent oil company leap into technology and methodology that are relatively new to the industry, and certainly new to the company in question? Having never worked with multi-component seismic acquisition and processing, Apache Corp. decided in 2004 that the time was right for the company to…

Focus Article | May 2006

Practical Interpretation of Multi-Component Seismic Data

Murray Roth

…Introduction Nine months ago, you finalized design for a new multicomponent seismic survey on your company’s key land asset. Seismic modeling of expected P and mode-converted PS seismic response for your reservoir zone convinced you of the potential value for this survey. While minor fluid and lithology changes translate into…

Focus Article | May 2006

Converted-wave seismology for coal exploration

Natasha Hendrick

…Abstract Despite the success of multi-component seismology and associated converted-wave (PS-wave) imaging methods in the petroleum industry, there has been relatively little effort devoted to shallow, high-resolution converted-wave imaging in the coal sector. By analogy to petroleum-scale applications, converted-wave seismic imaging in the coal environment offers interesting possibilities for independent…

Focus Article | May 2006

Global implications of Arctic climate processes and feedbacks – GLIMPSE

Martin Stendel

…The Arctic exhibits substantial natural variability and climate change simulations suggest that it is a region of the world where climate change as a result of increased greenhouse gas concentrations is likely to be largest. The impacts of this warming, including the melting of sea and inland ice and changes…

Article | May 2006

Anomalous stacking velocities–critique, analysis, explanations and new insights

Emil Blias

…Summary A depth velocity model determination is one of the most important problems in seismic processing and interpretation. A velocity model, beyond its initial purpose to obtain a seismic stack, is used for depth conversion and migration, AVO analysis and inversion, pore pressure prediction and so on. Before a well…

Article | May 2006

Low temperatures in the Arctic stratosphere have led to severe ozone loss during the spring of 2005

SCOUT project office

…25 April 2005. The chemical balance in the stratosphere has changed significantly due to the presence of PSC clouds, altering the breakdown products from man-made CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) so that rapid chemical ozone destruction can occur in the presence of sunlight. The cold conditions affected the distribution of nitrogen oxides, allowing…

Article | May 2006

Presidential Column

…This month I’ll drop the sanctimonious tone of last month’s column, and tackle a relatively safe topic. It has been my observation that the CSEG has not been very good at documenting and archiving its affairs. Some societies can go overboard in that respect, but believe me, the CSEG runs…

Presidential Column | May 2006

CAGC Column

…It is May – a little bit of spring cleaning. The winter has been busy and now is the time to deal with a few loose threads and look forward to the coming year. This is a new year and for once my members look busy into the summer and…

CAGC Column | May 2006

Seismic Gourmet

…Belgo Brasserie French and Belgian influenced cuisine It’s times like this that it becomes hard to believe that I have had the honor and pleasure of writing this for two years now. However as all good things must come to an end so must my tenure as the seismic gourmet.…

Seismic Gourmet | May 2006