2763 search results for:

Offshore BC – Current Status

Bill Phelan

…British Columbia remains committed to the responsible development of the Province’s offshore oil and gas resources. The Geological Survey of Canada estimates the Queen Charlotte Basin (the largest and most commercially prospective of four basins off the west coast of British Columbia) could contain 25.9 trillion cubic feet of natural…

Focus Article | March 2007

Summary of a recent study of seismic airgun survey noise propagation in Queen Charlotte Basin

Alexander MacGillivray

…In recent years there has been renewed interest in offshore oil and gas exploration and development in British Columbia. Particular attention has focused on the Queen Charlotte Basin (QCB) where the largest hydrocarbon deposits are believed to be located. Potential oil and gas exploration in this area will expose marine…

Focus Article | March 2007

The Pacific Coast Integrated Management Area: Moving Towards Modern Ocean Management

Joy Hillier and Dale Gueret

…The Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA) is one of five pilot Integrated Management Planning initiatives being led by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Canada.1 Based primarily on ecological characteristics including oceanic currents, physiographic considerations, the PNCIMA extends from the Canada-Alaska border in the north to…

Focus Article | March 2007

Benefiting from 3-D AVO by using adaptive supergathers

Yong Xu and Satinder Chopra

…Introduction 3-D surface seismic data has many useful features that include fine sampling, better resolution, better and accurate visualization and volume interpretation of structural and stratigraphic features. All these help in providing a vivid picture of the geologic features in the subsurface. These characteristic qualities of 3D seismic data, coupled…

Article | March 2007

Long–spreadlength approximations to NMO function for a multi-layered subsurface

Emil Blias

…Introduction Conventional approximations of the NMO function assume a modest offset/depth ratio. Similarly conventional velocity analysis uses a hyperbolic approximation for the reflection traveltimes: Here t0 is a zero-offset time, x is an offset and VRMS is NMO velocity. It is worth mentioning that velocity analysis does not give us…

Article | March 2007

2006 Honorary Membership Recipient: Perry Kotkas

Citation by Geoffrey Wilcox

…Whether working in geophysical exploration, the service sector, or as a volunteer, Perry Kotkas, P.Geoph. has always conducted himself with thoughtful dedication, insight and a most friendly demeanor. Perry’s leadership, generosity and engaging spirit with individuals of all ages make him a most deserving recipient of the 2006 Honourary Membership…

Citation | March 2007

Lee Hunt

An Interview with Lee Hunt

…Lee, let’s begin by asking you, the first question that I usually ask, tell us about your educational background and your work experience? I already knew I wanted to be a geophysicist in High School, so I knew I had to enroll into a physics program. In point of fact,…

Interview | March 2007

Executive Message

…My first year on the CSEG executive has flown by, and I have enjoyed working with everyone involved. Thank you to Eric Mikkelborg, for being an excellent and prudent Director of Finance and a pleasure to work with. Congratulations to Larry Herd, newly elected incoming Assistant Director of Finance; I…

Board Message | March 2007

CAGC Column

…The climate conversation continues and has tremendous risk for the Oil Industry. It is worthwhile to gauge this by looking at pieces from the news on the ongoing developments concerning politicians, climate change and the Oil Industry. Sources include the Daily Oil Bulletin and The Economist from various articles that…

CAGC Column | March 2007

Expert Answers

…Question Does Parabolic Radon transform multiple removal hurt amplitudes for AVO analysis? Answer 1 It sounds a simple question but the answer is never a simple yes or no. This underlies most of the questions we face in seismic data processing activities. Do we ever see a process, method or…

Expert Answers | March 2007

Seismic Gourmet

…Most likely you've already heard of Capo Restaurant even though it's only been around for a year now. For new restaurants it was rated the best in Calgary by The Globe and Mail and Where Magazine, and second in Canada by Enroute. Chef and Owner Giuseppe Di Gennaro is meticulous…

Seismic Gourmet | March 2007

Tracing the Industry

…ON THE MOVE... Kevin Frankiw is pleased and excited to announce that he has moved to Penn West Energy Trust and will be working out of the Swan Hills group. Kevin thoroughly enjoyed his time at Kelman and wishes them all the best. Kevin can now be reached by e-mail…

Tracing the Industry | March 2007


…Friends of Science The Friends of Science is holding a very special Luncheon Event with guest speaker R. Tim Patterson, PhD, Professor and Director Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience Centre “The Sun as the Primary Driver of Climate Change?” Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 11:30 am Metropolitan Conference Centre 333, 4th Avenue SW…

Grapevine | March 2007

U.K. North Sea Case Study: Seismic Interpretation Workflow for Field Development Studies and Enhanced Exploration Prospect Risking

Rainer Tonn and Kester Waters

…The UKCS Central Graben plays host to some of the most prolific of the Palaeocene and Eocene North Sea turbidite systems. The interval can be broadly sub-divided into three main fan building episodes, namely Andrew/Lista, Forties/Sele and the younger Tay Fan system. This study focuses on the middle to upper…

Luncheon | February 2007

Curvature and Iconic Coherence – Attributes adding value to 3D seismic data interpretation

Satinder Chopra

…Horizon-based curvature attributes have been used in seismic data interpretation for predicting fractures ever since the correlation of curvature values to fractures measured on an outcrop was demonstrated. Different measures of curvature (Gaussian, strike, dip, etc…) have been shown by different workers to be highly correlated with fractures. However, all…

Luncheon | February 2007

Imaging near-surface permafrost structure and characteristics with Ground-Penetrating Radar

Brian Moorman, Stephen Robinson, Margo Burgess

…Abstract Three important parameters that need to be quantified for many permafrost studies are the location of ice in the ground, the position of thermal interfaces, and spatial variations of the water content in the active layer. The data from over 100 investigations in permafrost regions demonstrate that ground-penetrating radar…

Article | February 2007

Defusing Africa’s Killer Lakes

Kevin Krajick

…In a remote region of Cameroon, an international team of scientists takes extraordinary steps to prevent the recurrence of a deadly natural disaster. On the night of the Apocalypse Ephriam Che was in his mud-brick house on a cliff above Nyos, a crater lake in the volcanic highlands of northwest…

Article | February 2007

John Varsek

An Interview with John Varsek

…John, tell us about your education, qualifications and work experience. I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Geophysics from the University of British Columbia in ‘79, though I entered the program through a most unexpected turn of events. I had finished first year and was contemplating forestry or pharmacology. That summer,…

Interview | February 2007

Presidential Column

…One CSEG committee that most people are unaware of, but that plays an important role in the society’s functions, is the Presidents Advisory Council, or PAC. This body is made up of the last 11 years’ CSEG Presidents, meets on a regular basis, and as you might have guessed, acts…

Presidential Column | February 2007

Executive Message

…As Assistant Director of Education this past year, I have seen first-hand the excellent work done by Jon Downton on behalf of the members on the education front. It’s a big job coordinating the continuing education, scholarship, convention technical, luncheon and outreach committees as well as the DISC. Thanks Jon…

Board Message | February 2007