
The CSEG Internet Services
Howard G. Hepburn
Project Planning and Management for Magnetic Gravity Surveys
Erwin Ebner
The first two articles of this series on potential field (PF) geophysics dealt with recent technological improvements in gravity and magnetics survey systems. This article addresses issues from a project management perspective where questions such as Why are we doing this? What are we going to get out of it?…

Using Geostatistics to Aid in Reservoir Characterization
Sheldon B. Gorell
Proper characterization of reservoir heterogeneities is a well recognized requirement to predict reservoir performance accurately. Given the large investment requirements, long development schedules, and the often uncertain economic outlook, sound decision making requires reasonable estimates of how much, and when, oil will be produced. It is no longer sufficient to…

Field Comparison Between 16 and 24 Bit Data Acquisition Systems
John H.J. Paquette and Tony Sartorelli
A test survey was recently conducted to compare the relative performance of three types of seismographs. The equipment used was a DFS/v (Texas Instruments), an I/O System Two (Input/Output, Inc.), and a Bison 24000 (Bison Instruments, Inc.).
The New Wave
Dr. Thomas L. Davis
Increased efficiency of finding and developing hydrocarbon resources while reducing the environmental impact through geophysical technology is critical to the future of the petroleum industry. This technology must remotely determine rock-fluid property characteristics, their geometry, and changes over time. In reviewing advancements in exploration seismology, three component 3-D seismology stands…

3-D, 3-C Seismic Characterization of the Nisku Carbonate Reservoir, Joffre Field, South-Central Alberta
John Arestad, Bruce Mattocks, Thomas Davis and Robert Benson
The Reservoir Characterization Project (RCP) at the Colorado School of Mines has pioneered research into 3-D, 3-C (multicomponent) reflection seismology for nearly a decade utilizing both P-wave and S-wave sources. Multicomponent seismic surveys provide significantly more information about petroleum reservoirs than compressional wave surveys.
Using Amber to Probe the Past: from DNA to Dinosaurs
Ever since Pliny the Elder concluded that amber originated from the resin of extinct trees, humans have been fascinated with the presence of life forms in this magical material. What we do know about the formation of amber will be discussed, along with the characteristics of the enclosed fossils.
Satellite Navigation: Present Capabilities and Future Trends
Elizabeth Cannon
he use of satellites for positioning and navigation has become an important tool for scientists and engineers concerned with locating and monitoring various features and phenomenon. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a twenty-four satellite system which provides global, all-weather, twenty-four hour a day navigation capability. The elements of the…

Recent Advances in Gravity Acquisition and Instrumentation – Part II
Very high quality gravity surveys have been carried out for nearly half a century now. I have personally seen small gravity survey results from the late 1940's which rival present day quality. The main reason for this lies in the care with which these surveys were acquired. It took considerable…

A New Prospective on Pre-stack Migration Using Equivalent Offset and Common Scatter Point (CSP) Gathers
Dr. M. Elizabeth Cannon
A new process allows prestack migration to be simplified into the three steps of trace gathering, normal moveout, and stacking. This new method has many advantages that range from reduced processing times to more accurate velocity analysis.
An Overview of Digital Optical Disks
Graham Irving
With the explosion of CD Audio and CD-ROM discs today, most people are aware of optical disks and very likely use some form of optical disk technology, whether it be a home CD Audio player or a 2 Terabyte optical disk jukebox. Optical disks are currently making a significant impact…

Data Archival, Storage, and Distribution for the 1990’s and Beyond
Garth Paterson
This article is being written in response to a growing need for data managers and explorationists to gain information regarding the storage of digital seismic field and stack data on optical disk. There are two distinct areas involved in this storage, one is the long-term archive of the data, the…

Swan Hills Unit #1: Adding Value with Seismic Through Reservoir Delineation and Characterization
Doug Uffen and Rick A. Wallace
The Swan Hills Unit #1 lies approximately 200 kilometres northwest of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada along the trend of several long-standing producing fields from the Swan Hills formation. Home Oil is the operator of Swan Hills Unit #1 with approximately 18% working interest. The field was discovered in 1957, two months…

Seismic Parameter Design: in a Nutshell
A. Easton Wren
The diverse range of modern seismic activities precludes the possibility of a "jack-of-all-trades" geophysicist. Bridging the practical and technical gaps between acquisition and processing with modelling and interpretation is more elusive than ever, even with powerful multi-purpose work stations. Competence in one area of activity may simply be the conditioner…

CSEG/CSPG ‘94 Exploration Update
Neil Rutherford
The opening session of the joint CSEG/CSPG Exploration Update convention held in Calgary in May consisted of three panel sessions. Prominent speakers from a variety of Calgary based companies were invited to present their views on three separate subjects. The session attracted about 1000 convention registrants eager to hear the…

CGU Annual Meeting
J.B. Merriam
The Canadian Geophysical Union met in Banff, Alberta for its twentieth annual meeting May 14 to 18, 1994. One hundred and seventy six papers were presented in twenty one sessions. There were several new sessions this year including porous media-rock physics, marine geophysics, and global change.
Lithoprobe Crustal Seismic Profiles in Central Alberta: New Reflections on the Evolution of the Albe
Gerald M. Ross, David W. Eaton, Bernd Milkereit, and Ernest R. Kanasewich
The crystalline basement beneath WCSB (Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin) is composed of crustal domains delineated on the basis of aeromagnetic signatures and U-Pb zircon geochronology of drill core recovered by the petroleum industry. Using analogies from the Canadian Shield, the mosaic of crustal domains is inferred to have formed during…

A Recommended Approach for Storing Field Data on CD-ROM
Lain Eng
CD-ROM technology is poised to become the worldwide medium of choice for information distribution and storage. CD-ROMs will become the floppy disks of the future. CD recorders (CD-Rs) will be as common place as an office photocopier.
1995 Election of Officers Candidates
1995 CSEG Executive election candidates including their bios.