The diverse range of modern seismic activities precludes the possibility of a "jack-of-all-trades" geophysicist. Bridging the practical and technical gaps between acquisition and processing with modelling and interpretation is more elusive than ever, even with powerful multi-purpose work stations. Competence in one area of activity may simply be the conditioner for total inexperience in another. Today's interpreter can hardly be expected to manage acquisition and processing operations and rarely does.
Fundamentally, we aspire to seismic data which presents an unambiguous high fidelity image of the geological objective. A section with such fidelity that a geologist interpreting the data would experience little difficulty.
This paper presents a novel method of analysing acquisition and processing parameters which goes beyond the work of Anstey, Ongkiehong, this author over the last few years and, more recently, the Best Paper Award presentation of Varsek and Morris (1993).
If seismic parameter design is predicated on the geological objective in terms of resolution and signal-to-noise requirements, a procedure of optimising field geometry (group interval, array length and offset) may be easily implemented. This is based on a unique and simple method of graphically analysing the effect of the acquisition parameters on signal and noise, and leads to a predetermined procedure for processing enhancement.

About the Author(s)
A. Easton Wren is well-known in Canada and recognized internationally as an innovative geophysicist who is a leader in the application of new seismic techniques and who has an aptitude for conveying concepts in a lively manner through courses and documentary TV programs. Dr. Wren is current in state-of-the-art seismic methods, has lectured at U.S. and Canadian universities, and has presented industry-oriented courses to a wide variety of audiences.
Dr. Wren received his B.Sc. (Hons) in Geology in 1960 and his Ph.D. in Geophysics in 1968 from the University of Glasgow in Scotland. His professional experience includes positions with Ray Geophysical Company in Libya, the United Nations in Uganda, Amoco Canada and PanCanadian Petroleum in Calgary. In 1978 he founded Petrel Consultants and was President and General Manager of the company until 1986. Since that time he has been an Independent Consultant, a Visiting Professor at The University of Calgary and a Research Advisor to Petronas Research Scientific Services in Malaysia. In 1990 he founded Hydrocarbon Explorer, a training and technology transfer enterprise.
Dr. Wren was elected President of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists for 1981, received the Society's Best Paper award in 1974, the Meritorious Service Award in 1977 and Honourary Membership in 1988. He is the author of several published papers on seismic processing and interpretation, is a past editor of the Journal of the C.S.E.G. and was General Chairman of the joint C.S.E.G.-C.S.P.G. Convention, Exploration Update in 1979.
He has been involved in the development and presentation of training courses in the exploration industry and is a Teaching Associate with Petrel Robertson Ltd. and GeoQuest International of Houston. In 1987 he was Distinguished Lecturer of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAP.G.).
He is an active member of S.E.G., C.S.E.G., A.P.E.G.G.A. and the Geological Society of Glasgow. He has also been a Visiting Professor to the University of Kansas and was the host of CFAC-TV Calgary's "Science Spectrum" documentary program.
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